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RE: Embracing the Inner Reader

in #writing7 years ago

There's a challenge for you - make it onto my end of year list, indeed. These will become legendary one day so best get on early and make a name for yourself. Lol, went of into fantasy land there.

Being influenced by what I read is a real issue, and certainly can happen. I have noticed it myself, but not to a degree that I think shows more than 'being influenced' by what I read. And to me that is fine. But something to keep an eye on.

To me having so many ideas and styles entering into my writing subconscious is a valuable concept. It helps broaden my know how, and hopefully abilities. I guess it is an osmosis thing.


If A Day in the Clouds didn't even make the cut, then I don't know if I will ever make it haha! It seems I have peaked with that one. All my other work seem trivial haha! I'm calling it right now, I've missed my only shot of ever making the list haha!

Not at all. I see a bright future ahead (well the crystal ball in front of me does - and I tend to agree with it) so there is plenty of scope to jump to the top of the leader-board. Write, write, and write some more. That's my 2018 philosophy, and that gives us all a chance of putting the words in just the right order, and creating our own masterpiece. I'm cheering you on as we move in the year. Resilience being the key word, I believe.

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