Notes From an Amateur Writer #5 - Music as a Catalyst for Imagination: Jimi Hendrix's Little Wing

in #writing7 years ago (edited)



Having touched on the darker side of the emotional spectrum, as it relates to music, and how it potentially inspires us, I wanted to venture down a different path, musically. To explore a lighter, more gentle, even childlike aspect of the subject matter. I get inspired by music a lot. It can help create worlds in my mind, to assist me in coalescing story lines, or potential ideas into a useful script. Sometimes I just escape, with no thought of why, or where it is going. Does it matter? Like a good book, it is taking me somewhere, and for the time being at least, I am content to go there.

I believe in the power of imagination. To me it is a bridge between worlds. A road that can lead from where we are to where we wish to be. As children we spend inordinate amounts of time dwelling in our own worlds. Worlds born from the imagination. The 'real world' disabuses us of that art and skill.

I remember thinking, once way back in my youth, that 'children are god's that we adults train into being human'. A poetic way of describing what I was witnessing in this world of ours, and from my own life. But children are masters of imagination. A subject that is too taboo for adults. Simply child's play. But why? What will happen if we venture there, and dwell in it's abundant territories?

Will we come face to face with a hidden power that resides within us? Or is that simply the stuff of fairy tales? Who knows, but I am an explorer. A curious wanderer. I grew up in a religion that told me that God is big and I am small. But the same religion's holy book also tells us (if you know where to look, and interpret for yourself) that we are all gods. So I think no one really knows and I will find out for myself. Again these are just questions. Derived from looking into the void and feeling an immense sense of curiosity. Curiosity about stories, fables, myths and legends. And imagination, which seems to dwell at the heart of all of these. And which seems to dwell at the heart of who we are.


Musically Jimi Hendrix's song Little Wing moves me in a positive and powerful way. Lyrically imaginative, child like, dreamy, and wistful. Like a fairy-tale whittled down to approximately 3 minutes. Finished with a guitar solo that doesn't invade the sonic fields; it instead paints a picture of escape and fantasy, and childlike freedom. It helps me lose my mind into a field of imagination where I usually never return from empty handed.

Little Wing

Well, she's walking through the clouds,
With a circus mind that's running wild,
Butterflies and Zebras,
And Moonbeams and fairy tales.
That's all she ever thinks about.
Riding with the wind.

When I'm sad, she comes to me,
With a thousand smiles she gives to me free.
It's alright, she says it's alright,
Take anything you want from me,
Fly on little wing.

Images sourced from

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Notes From an Amateur Writer #1 - The Search For Inspiration
Notes From an Amateur Writer #2 - A Call to Action: Interacting With the World Outside of Me
Notes From an Amateur Writer #3 - Facing the Challenge
Notes From an Amateur Writer #4 - The Soundtrack to Grief and Loss

Bang Bang You're Dead
I Have No Name and I Must Scream


i am a big jimi fan and am now following you

Me too, love all his stuff. Glad to have you on board.

i am a guitarist and play pretty well - you can hear some of my music on my page -David

Thanks for letting me know, I'll take a look/listen.

Nice choice ending it with Hendrix, mate. Really drives the point home!

You know how I feel about a child's imagination. I've written a whole story about it after all haha! It's a great thought you pointed out, talking about how children are god's being shaped as humans. We do lose that childlike wonder as we age, but it's arguably the best part of being a child. That feeling that anything is possible and that we can achieve anything we set our mind to. Universes and universes of wonder are a daily thing. It's always great to escape to much simpler times, and I'm glad to hear that music does that for you :D

Yes you have the pivotal story derived from, and centred on, life from the child's mind. A master class in what I was getting at. Sorry, I should have given credit for the inspiration! But yes you are right, and that is probably why your story resonated with me at a core level. And why I like to write, and am endeavouring to learn to express my creative thoughts and ideas as well as possible.

No apologies necessary, brother :D I would never stake my claim on the topic. We're all disciples of the quill, and the universe is our sandbox. I'm just glad it resonated with you the way it did.

You know, I actually approached another prominent writer here for feedback, but I was turned down saying the story was not his cup of tea haha! I wasn't really prepared for that, but I should've expected that it would be a reaction of at least half the people here. Suffice to say, that was the point when I stopped branching out haha!

Massive upvote here for Little Wing alone. Awesome.

Many thanks for that. They don't get much better than classics like Little Wing.

Nothing tops the original, but I did like this cover from The Brew.

I agree, I always go back to the original. But that is great version. Quality guitar work. Thanks for the link.

Music - Imagination - Dreaming... I think they are all synonyms.

Yes, I think you are right. All different entry points to a particular space. Where ideas come from? Where creativity resides?

Good post well done. I've been working on playing little ring on my guitar for years, I'm getting very close but it's not quite right yet. It's more my own take on Little Wing, now if I could only sing.

I would love to be able to play Little Wing, even something resembling it. I learnt basic guitar many years ago, but haven't played in several years. It's a beautiful song, one to lose yourself in as a guitarist.

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