What Are The Benefits Of Writing In Steemit | Should I Stop Writing

in #writing6 years ago

Writing is a process of creativity in pouring ideas in the form of written language. The results obtained from the creativity of writing in mention also with the term of writing or also essay. Both terms refer to the same result despite the opinion that both terms have different meanings. The term self-writing is often attached to a scientifically creative process of creativity.


While the term concocted is often used to the process of creativity that is non scientific type. The subject matter in writing is also called ideas or thoughts. The idea that became the basis of the development of a writing. And through his writings, the writer can express his ideas, thoughts, feelings, opinions, wills, as well as experiences he has to others.


Writing also has its benefits and uses, in the opinion of Acts (1998: 1) there are at least eight benefits and uses;

√ • First, through writing activities, can recognize the ability and potential of self-owned.

√ • Second, through writing activities, can train in developing ideas.

√ • Thirdly, through writing activities will be able to absorb more, seek, and master information relating to the written topic.

√ • Fourth, through writing activities, can organize ideas systematically and express them explicitly.

√ • Fifth, through writing activities will be able to review and assess their own ideas objectively.

√ • Sixth, through writing activities it is easier to solve problems by analyzing the problems that have been explicit in a more concrete context.

√ • Seventh, through the activities of release, the author is encouraged to continue to learn actively.

√ • Eighth, through planned writing activities get the writer to think and speak in an orderly and orderly manner.


Do you know, writing also has many benefits for brain health. As I quote from the following journal;

  1. Have a calming effect
    Writing can give you a soothing effect because by writing your brain will work well. Take the time to write your hands 20 times each day thinking about something you want to write.

  2. Coordinate the left brain and right brain
    By writing you will get the imaginations that will make the brain faster in thinking because by writing great for your left and right brain they will join and give something that makes your brain more beik in thinking.

  3. Improve cognitive skills
    For children, writing can be a tool in improving cognitive skills. So it's very good if they do homework with handwriting.

  4. Enhance creativity
    If you are saturated try taking this simple tool that is pen and paper then try to play pen on paper.

  5. Increase memory
    someone who writes more carefully with what he has written so as to awaken their memories.

Follow me @munadi17, please upvote, commend and resteem.


I write because I have to and I'm not sure that I can stop now after all these years. It would be great to get paid a decent wage for it though, but not as a job of work but rather as a creative outlet...

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