Working to Live or Live to Work?

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

How do you make a living? What kind of work do you do?
Do you like your work?


Do you sit behind a desk or answer the phone all day?
Are you on the road?
Own your own business? A farmer?
Work in a restaurant? Are you a writer, realtor or a librarian?

Whatever your job? What price do you pay for doing it?

In most instances I have felt deeply passionate about whatever job I have at the time.
I tend to pour myself into my work, challenging myself to be the best at what I do. Having been brought up with a strong work ethic it's the one place where my perfectionism really kicks in. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Does my work define who I am?
My boss certainly thinks so!


Well, not from my perspective. Long ago I learned taking the job home with me is both a relationship killer and a waste of both time and energy. It is quite simply a means to an end and a bonus of sorts if you enjoy your work. This of course doesn't necessarily apply to the those who own their business. Owning a business requires time management skills that persistently creep into your personal life.

The challenge is to maintain a balance. Those of us out there trying find that balance know this can be daunting. Single parents raising kids, getting kids ready for school, paying bills, shopping is not for the faint of heart. Something or someone is bound to pay a price.


I've read somewhere most people walk around feeling guilty about something in their lives. Usually, it's involves a loved one or a situation where they felt they should have done more. It's terrible to feel as if you've fallen short.

What toll does your job take on you and your family?

Speaking for myself it comes down to a robotic state of mind which takes a toll on my ability to emotionally connect will others.


Having a physically demanding job complete with time restraints requires me to flip a mental switch turning me into the energizer bunny and then turning it off at the end of my shift. Once home I'm slow to respond to incoming data including conversation. My ability to process stimulation from other sources begins to creep slowly back into my head finally registering anywhere from between 12 to 24 hours after my previous shift. I call this my recharge period if you will.

I have become dependent on my partner, sometimes selfishly. Change is demanding!
A few months ago while reading many great posts on steemit I began to have a different perspective on life.

I like to call it an awaking!


There are so many different stories out there that have persuaded me to engage more fully in my life again. I want to talk to people, to read more, and find out just what makes them tick.

The real question here is how has steemit helped you change your life? In what way?


I would really like some input here, no one likes to feel alone in their thinking.

Best wishes my friends. Happy Steeming! 🐓🐓

All text owned by @mother to chicks


Steemit helped me realize that I don't have to be another cog in the great machine.
I truly do have the freedom to pursue my dreams and do what I love.
Once you realize that there are other ways to live, it's hard to go back.

Call me a slow learner! Or maybe just ready to open my eyes. Once that recognition comes it changes ones perspective forever. Thanks for your comment and taking the time to read my post. 🐓🐓

I've learned to balance my business and my life to a way that works for me. Sure I have to go to bed later and wake up earlier but I don't think I could ever go back to working for someone else so I take this sacrifice with a smile.

Thanks for coming over and you won 7 cents for being the only comment on this topic🤗 LOL
Just sad some days isn't it...
Hope you are doing well, been preoccupied worrying about my peeps in Texas😧

It truly is devastating. The elderly and animals and families that are going through this- smh in sadness. I donated through Amazon but I wish I could be there to help. I'm going to see about fostering dogs during this tragedy. I know they brought about 1000 of these babies in.

@mother2chicks thank you for encouraging us to reflect on how our job fits into our lives and whether we are accomplishing our life's purpose with our work! It seems one of the greatest evils on our planet is good people going to work and doing a job as a means to an end. This process allows everything from tax collectors to prison guards to politicians. If we each refuse to do work that does not feel like complete joy to us, then we create an unstoppable effect where we empower others around us to do the same. The work I do here is out of love and service in sharing this message which I see in what you wrote also!

Thank you jerrybanfield. I know you love what you do here at steemit. It's a great platform to create. Thanks for stopping by. 🐓🐓

Resteemed your article. This article was resteemed because you are part of the New Steemians project. You can learn more about it here:

So nice of you to resteem this gaman. Thank you for reading and stopping by. All the best! 🐓🐓

Man, I get what you mean...

Managing multiple elements in your life, some that require 'supreme logic processing' and others that require 'emotional softness' is hard af.

I've been having similar problems my side of life with this stuff as well, and its been a consistently uphill, but workable struggle.

Still, it takes a toll on my personal relationships nonetheless when I have to sacrifice certain emotional needs of theirs in order to accomplish certain objectives, or on me if I gotta shirk my duties to provide for those needs.

Sometimes, I wish there were two of me. Then I look at my ego and realize just how bad of an idea that is in the long run :P

Duplicity! Wouldn't that be a funny trip? Glad to know I am not alone. Thanks for the reply. Be well. We will get there. 🐓🐓

In my case I'm pretty sure having an exact clone would be a nightmare. Especially when it came to chicks. Then it'd get ugly.

And yeah, you most certainly are not...don't think either of us are, on a planet full of eight billion humans. I think the more pertinent musing one can make there is how many people actually reflect on these things and try to satisfy both equally, and are as sensitive relatively to each.

And I will be. You hang in there too. We'll both be getting where we need to.

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