What do you want, little sister? - a short story

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

“She doesn’t love you”, Nikolas roared, “So just leave. Go away.”

Of course Sofia had no say. No one else, besides Nikolas did, never mind that he was actually the youngest of her three brothers.

But Nikolas was Nikolas. He always had his way. And she always had listened to him. Dad of course was no more. His demise when they were still youngsters was still a vacuum in the family. And Mum, dear mum had never really had a voice. That probably is the curse of having three sons, and one daughter.

You effectively have competing men. And when one elects himself to be the man of the house, well, depending on how the rest respond, things easily get messy.

Fortunately, Austin, despite being the first born, was just the humblest of the family. He had no interest in being first born, if anything, he could have sold that birth right any time any day.

And then Jepha. He was the second born. And was the closest thing to a leader in the family. But he was never really home. Always away, always travelling. He was drawn to the worlds beyond. To adventure, and travel.

That left Nikolas and Sofia home. Sofia was the last born, and an only girl. Apparently last borns have to remain home to mind family business, to watch over mum and dad. They don’t have to get married.

Nikolas obviously had the same mindset. But Mum disagreed. There were needs, she would tell her those days when they went to the garden, which only a man could satisfy.

Without dad, Sofia had previously felt the same, felt that she needed to be home to mind mum, to be with Nikolas, her sweet elder brother. They were close. Had grown up together. The bond was deep, stronger than with the rest.

He had been the man in her life, had shown her what to do, how to do. Her view of life was his construction. But that was until Anders came into the picture. And somehow, he had shown her something different. For the first time, Sofia was willing to leave home, and be with someone else.

Of course it broke her heart. Not the least because it would separate her from Nikolas. Nikolas wasn’t having it. And now Sofia had made the mistake of inviting Anders for Easter. She had hoped that getting Nikolas and the family to meet Anders would smoothen things a little. If they got to see him as family, it would make it easy when she would finally leave with him.

That was her mistake. Everyone else was okay with it. Austin was. Jepha was. But Nikolas, would never be. And now he was throwing not just tantrums, but ultimatums. Anders needed to leave the house vicinity and return to his Texas, or else!

Austin tried to intervene, albeit reluctantly, “Niko’, he said, “this is Sofia’s decision to make”

Jepha moved, for the first time to give his opinion, but Nikolas had had enough, and would take no more. He swore, cutting off Jepha, and effectively closing the debate, “for heaven’s sake, this is not a democracy!’

His rage was blowing off, when a sound of sobbing stopped him mid outburst. That sob was the only thing that had ever really mattered to him. It evoked a childhood promise, he had sworn to keep.

“I will move any mountain, just to make sure you never have to cry” he had sworn to Sofia, that day at dad’s death bed. He and Sofia had been the first by dad’s bedside. Austin was still at school, and Jepha was away in California visiting.

The sob melted his heart. He reached out to her. Tears flooding down his eyes, his voice cracked, “What do you want little sister?”

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Oo it's beautiful. Wish I could write wonderful stories like this. This is really the content every reader wishes to read.

Thanks @illusions. I see you are good at writing poems, you could also try writing stories, starting may be first with short ones.

Ah, families... can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. I love these little domestic dramas, the competing voices and hidden power relations. Great write, look forward to your next one!

Hahahah...you got me here

can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em

Such a fine line. It captures the true essence of family, and the little squabbles that characterize siblings.

More should be coming. I try to make out a few days occasionally and write something.

You know, i believe that writing should reflect society, its vice and its virtue.

So i try very hard to make sure that i reflect these in my writings, so to bring some education, and hopefully touch somebody's life, through the experiences of the characters i create.

That's a noble goal, and I think a good way to approach things - the best writing usually has something to say about the world beyond it even if just a passing comment :)

I agree. It is about us and the world after all. Thanks @lazarus-wist

I agree. It is about us and the world after all. And our tale-tales need reflect our days, if not for anything, for posterity's sake. Thanks

@mirrors hey! wow great story its just amazing beautiful story.

Thanks for reading @rydographer. I am very grateful. Catch you always.

Thanks @rydographer. I am grateful.

Losing someone is so hard...But you described it so well and so beautifully. It's really hard sometimes to exist within a family, but I guess it's worth it :) I enjoyed your story!

Anyhow, I'm in charge of delivering today's prompt, so here ya go:


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Thanks @honeydue. I didn't do this particular prompt, but will hopefully do today's. thanks

Just checking up on you as I didn't see you post on asapers for a couple of days...

Also just letting you know that I've finally launched my fiction series and thought you might be interested in checking it out.

True. I have not posted on @asaper's promo channel lately. A little busy here and there, i easily forget to promote my works. Thanks for the reminder.

That fiction is on your blog? Let me quickly look it up.

No problem! And yes, it's on my blog - and I've been posting on asapers. We have a few new bloggers on there now, so it's worth a look when you have a chance.

I will just run there now. Good thing my VP is healthy

I do like your short story, btw. Family relationships are difficult at times - and difficult to write about sometimes too...

Hahahahah...true, especially when you want to keep the writing Short.

Yah... Short can be more difficult than long sometimes! I talked about that a couple days ago when I prattled on about why I choose the novella length for my writing - and why that, alone, causes problems of its own.

True. With short ones, you have so much to put together in only a few sentences.

But yes, long ones too have have their own difficulties. Trust me. We can just say all have difficulties. lol.

Maybe it is better, whenever writing, to not worry too much about the length, and just focus on the story. Thanks @viking-ventures

Yes, I think you're right - that is why I have decided to stick with novellas - and I've just had the most amazing surprise to see how well my Part 2 has done today! Gob-smacked doesn't half cut it! Can't wait to post part 3 tomorrow. :)
I hope you're well - keep posting great stuff!

You got curied. I was, also. a week ago, i think. It is something to be proud of. Means your work is top notch. Congratulations.

I am well, @viking-ventures. Great stuff! I agree. Thanks. Plan to keep doing just that.

Thanks. I hadn't realize I'd been curied until after that one told me as much on my Ask the Author post. :-)

It is such a pleasure to be curied. They pay attention to only fine works. being curied only means that that your work is top drawer. And my opinion? YES! It is. write on.

Indeed @mirrors it is refreshing to read a good author. Fine story.

Thanks for coming along. You have followed me from there! You are a faithful friend. I am very grateful.

I'm not much of a fiction writer. Perhaps one day. Always enjoy reading good stuff. Look forward to more.

Personally, in my writings, i try to bridge fiction and with reality. What do i means?

I think of fiction, only as a means of expressing what happens in real life. Effectively therefore, i write on several aspects of day to day life.

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