Mirrors’s reflections #1 – Chapter 1: Yellow Horizons

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

I will be doing a serial titled: Mirror’s reflections. My plan is to post at least a chapter every 24 hours, should my other schedules permit. The story will follow from the #freewrite daily prompts, but not always.

Strong rays beamed through the cracks and cleavages of the mud wall. Others fell in from the aperture created by the lopsided thatch roof. But it was the one falling in direct on Sofia’s snoring face, through the mismatched window frame that awoke her.

She rubbed at her eyes, squinting to wad off the ray glint. It took a while before she managed to steady her eyelids, simultaneously yawning as she hurled aside the blanket. The first thing she did was out stretch her leg to push wide open the window, allowing in the full shine of the overhead sun.

Such a bright morning! She spread out her arms, relishing the heat seeping into her warming veins. Sofia might have found cheer in this bright morning, if it wasn’t that her worries and anxieties immediately took over. She had in the previous days just about combed all potential openings, but still a job was not in sight.

And at 25, three years since graduating, time was not on her side. She needed a job to support herself, and yet here she was still waking up in papa’s house.

Speaking of papa, where was he, she wondered, pulling in her nose several times to snoop the air. Weird, she thought. There was not the crisp of cigarette smoke that she had to contend with every morning. This was turning out to be a really strange morning.

Sofia quickly reached for the nearest skirt, waggling her rear to slot into the tight stretch of the cotton. She had pulled over the sweater half way before changing her mind and hurling it back on the heap inside the reed basket. There was no need for that on such a sunny day.

She quickly made for outside, but paused at the threshold when she papa beneath the cassia. He was sited with his back toward her. She remained watching him for a while. Hunched on the wood stump, and staring direct at the eastern horizon, she was not surprised. This had become a kind of his daily pastime.

The absence, however of cigarette smoke at once caught her attention. This was unlike her old man. She was expecting to see a smoke billow dancing off his lips. It did every morning.

Maybe the cigarette was just yet unlit, but it had to be dangling on his lips, she was convinced. She angled her head sideways for a better view, when he stunned her.

Reluctantly pointing at the sun rising off the yellow tinted eastern horizon, he spoke, with unusual calmness.

“I need to appreciate such wonders while I still can!”


Dear friend, you do not appear to be following @wafrica. Follow @wafrica to get a valuable upvote on your quality post!

Following now. Thanks. And one more thing. Thanks for the good work. Any part i can do supporting our African brothers and sister? I will, gladly.

Hello! I find your post valuable for the wafrica community! Thanks for the great post! @wafrica is now following you! ALWAYs follow @wafrica and use the wafrica tag!

You are off to a great start!!! We can imagine the scene well. When you say beneath the cassia - are you talking about the plant? I f yes - I have one in my yard as well :)

The plant, yes. Thanks for the support. And the daily prompts.

How do you come up with them? I am curious. Can someone else make a suggestion? I'd love to.

Sure, you can make a suggestion - there are no guarantees that I will use it.
I use words from freewriter's post, use the dictionary, items I see, words and sentences which stand out to me when I am reading... all kinds of ways.

Fair enough. let me do some writing for now. And suggestions in due time. Thanks.

I like the setting you have created. Very homey and easy to imagine. Thanks for sharing.

The pleasure is mine. I plan to make sure i post a chapter after every 24 hours at least. I am looking forward to your daily company.

Great start, looking forward to more!

And more on the way! Thanks fore the interest. I should be able to post at least a chapter after every 24 hours.

Look at you, @mirrors... Already at a reputation score of 40! I knew you would do good here! Way to go!!!

You keep impressing me with your writings! You know your way with words!

I keep wondering: if I remember correctly, you were from Uganda. Your knowledge of the English language is remarkable. How come? (Forgive me my curiousity, I can’t help it - I was born curious - lol)

At 40, @simplymike. And what a sprint! Your advice was, is invaluable.

You were right. Engagement is the key.

So for now, I'd say: read, comment, reply like there is no tomorrow :0)
It's the best way to get to know some people

That is how you put it in one of our earlier conversations.
And how true!

The support has been simply awesome. I have as many friends as one can wish for in only a matter of days, and yes, my reputation is 40.

And before i forget, yes. I am from Uganda. My English? lol. English is more like my first language. It is the official language for communication and instruction in all and at all levels of education in Uganda.

So throughout my school life, i have not only learnt, but been instructed in English.

But above else, reading has/is my passion. It has greatly improved, especially my writing.

Great to hear that you’re settling in, @mirrors. I don’t think I have seen such a sprint before - lol
Keep up the great work!

Hi! I am from Nigeria. You have really done well considering when you joined, I think I will be taking some tips from you. Well, on English being the official language of communication, it's very much the same here, and I'm sure in many other English-speaking countries. The differences become obvious in our accents when we speak. Writing can be just superb. Good job, girl!

About the English, you put it all so well.. especially onthat art of the accent, you Nigerians have a way with it lol....I am a good fan of Nollywood

And yes, you are right. I have made fairly commendable progress, given how long i have been around.

So much for meeting @simplymike! And for following her advice.

Building connections has been my trump card. It started with @simplymike, (You know of her? Check her out. She is amazing.).

And through her i was led to @newbieresteemday, to @asapers, and then to else....

Now i am here! And it all started with showing keen interest in other people's works, engaging, through value-adding commentary..catching up with everyone in the discord channel...

Talking of the discord channel. Are you there? Just in case you are not, here are links. To @newbieresteem, the link to the disocord channel is https://discord.gg/B8HtKz and to @asapers the link is (i don't seem to be getting it quickly. Let me add it later) and to @greeters the link is https://discord.gg/juJJmn

They are all great places to catch up and make closer acquaintances. You will see how fast, and how easily it will accelerate you steemit journey.

Meet you there.

EDIT -Here is the link to @asapers. I have got it. https://discord.gg/xnAEyGX

Ah, thanks so much! You were quick! I stumbled on @simplymike's blog just about last week and I've been following her since. She's truly good. Also, @newbieresteem and some other discord channels. But I've been really inactive. I think that's what I really need to work on. I'will look up the other links. Thanks!

Pleasure is mine. Discords are especially useful in connecting with others. And allows you get personal. Which how really close relations are made. Eventually these translate to supporting each other.

And then, they also allow you to promote your posts, in deed, under such circumstances as ensure that every individual post at least benefits from members's engagement.

Give them some time.

Youre such a great writer @mirrors! Great post!

And thanks for reading @smylie2005. I hope i can, and will keep you along for the following chapters.

Congratulations you have been upvoted and resteemed as part of #newbieresteemday's top 10 posts for the day! We invite you to use our tag to connect with more of our members. To learn more: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

Another great post! :)

Very nice set-up, and ending, drawing us to the next post, why no smoke, and "while I can". Looking forward to the continuations.

Glad @bashadow. Chapter II indeed alludes to your observations. And answers the 'while i still can' especially. This is a short story of no more than 4000 words. I will be posting chapter after chapter. Thanks for reading.

Great idea to start a series! You set the scene well and brought us into Sofia's world. I like the ending and the decision from her father!

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