Writing Fiction a novel - Exclusive for Steemit - Diamonds and Deviants 12

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Diamonds and Deviants

This picture my own - others from Google Free to use images

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11

It carried from her in visible waves, out over the bay, over the ocean toward her homeland.

Pigeons that had been roosting around the edges of the building took flight and flew off. Other birds lower down and further out also took their lead.

Animals fled from the terrifying noise she made.

Even though it was beyond the hearing of humans, she knew that they would feel the change in the air and the most sensitive humans would perhaps faint.

The mongrels and preterdeviants would certainly have heard it and would even now, be running in fear, nothing like the Syren song had been heard by any other being but dragons for hundreds of years.

The area was devoid of all animal life by the time she finished. Car and building alarms were screaming for more than half a mile radius but she had to cut the song as short as possible, she didn’t want any preterdeviants locating her or guessing what she was.

She folded her wings down, absorbed them into her body and shrank herself down to below six foot tall again.

It wasn’t just the dragon scales just under her skin that made her skin impenetrable to vampire teeth and werewolf claws, it was the fact that her dragon mass had to be compressed into the size and shape of a normal human body.

Celtica’s mass in her human form was astronomical, she could never be weighed, the results would not be believed. Even when she used the stairs or an elevator, she had to concentrate so that her true weight didn’t register.

If she allowed her true weight to be known, an elevator would never get off the ground floor (or it would plummet to the ground floor) and stairs would buckle and bend. Luckily, she’d had quite a while in which to perfect the technique.

She dressed again and instead of going back out the usual way and perhaps encountering the security team that would have been sent to check on the screaming alarms, she leaped over the parapet to land at the back of the building.

She smiled as she saw the security van just arriving. The building was first on their list, it paid dividends to be in the same office building as Crystal Securities.

Twice in two days, she’d sang her Syren song and she felt enlivened.

She ran all the way up town to the destination that she’d discovered when she was in her office, making sure that there were no urgent messages for her. Jenny knew her very well by now, she knew that even when she was away from the office on other business, unless she specifically told the PA that she was out of the country, Celtica would be calling into the office at least twice a week.

It took very little effort to find the name that Maclaren had jotted down.

Mistress Demonica ran a very discrete dungeon, but she still had to advertise her trade.

Celtica arrived at what appeared to be a cinema which had undertaken a serious remodelling and change of use.

Where there would usually be posters advertising current and upcoming features, there were now posters of the Mistresses and their slaves (masked of course). In other display cabinets were whips, chains, gags and other paraphernalia pertaining to the dungeons inside.

Celtica strode up to the cashier’s window and stood behind a very sweaty and shifty looking man. He wasn’t dressed in a dirty raincoat, but if he had have been, Celtica wouldn’t have been surprised.

The sweaty man turned to look at Celtica and his mouth dropped open. She heard him whisper, “Mistress,” in a subservient tone and she acted her part. She glared at him and he shrank back.

Celtica laughed and decided to play her part a little more. “On your knees, worm,” she said to the sweaty man. He dropped to his knees immediately, much to the amusement of a couple of passers by.

“Head, floor,” was her next instruction and she grinned when he complied. “You’ll do. Ask for Mistress Celtica when you get in. Insist on no-one else. Do you understand me, worm?”

“Yes Mistress, I understand, Mistress. It will be my honour to serve you, Mistress.” He grovelled at her feet and he reached out a hand to try to touch her boot.

She lifted the toe of her boot and placed it onto his fingers. He tried to pull his hand back but she had him trapped.

“You dare try to touch Mistress Celtica?” she asked.

“No, Mistress, I wouldn’t dare!”

“You will stay like that until the next customer comes along. Only after someone else has gone in to the dungeon will you be permitted to move.”


Although Hazel and Celtica are both powerful and ruthless, and only a complete idiot would cross them, I think Celtica has a little more humour. I'm off to bed now with a smile on my face...

Celtica, like @kiwideb said certainly does have a sense of humor. She may not need a big stick, but I guess she does walk softly. I didn't think of the problems of carrying and scrunching all that mass into a normal sized body would have. The weight would still be there. She must have to be pretty careful also when she jumps from heights to land softly.

Like my werewolves, I try to put science in there. If she's a dragon at 11foot tall, how can she also be human sized? Where does it all go?

I'm pleased you like my explanation :)

I enjoyed reading your post. There is a lot of good stuff.

An account to follow for more interesting stories.
Keep me posted :-)

Part 5 was really great. You wrote it well.

Celtica sounds like my discipline teacher, acts the part too.

Celtica sounds like my discipline teacher, acts the part too.

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