New Story - written exclusively on Steemit - WiP - Bouncer Part 52

in #writing6 years ago (edited)


I'm still figuring out where I'm going with this. I have the skeleton of a story sketched out in my mind, but 'getting there' is the journey at the moment.

Episodes 1-59
50 51


Please note: This is the FIRST DRAFT, no editing, written straight onto paper. I don't know how to highlight that any more than it is. I'll NOT be making any alterations to what's already been written. As a good friend and excellent author has said, First draft is a race to get the story down before it decides to stop telling itself to you. Thanks Glenn. @alienbutt

108 pages, 45,528 words so far.

The cover image needs work (thanks everyone for the feedback, please keep commenting) and I'll get it sorted soon. Things are still hectic with family in hospital etc so stories etc have to come second-place in the priorities race.

Zack took Viktor’s hand without hesitation.

“I see a bright future for you in your security company and I hope that bright future will also extend to my companies,” Viktor said.

“I don’t see why it shouldn’t go hand in hand with your enterprises, Viktor. I enjoy the challenges you put forward, even though some should be discussed first,” Zack said.


He knew he was poking the bear with the last comment and he wanted to see just how apologetic Viktor was.

Viktor scowled at the comment and then grinned. He laughed and slapped Zack across his shoulders.

“Yes, I think I have someone who will finally tell me the truth rather than what they think I want to hear!”

Viktor went to tell Sonja that she would be on his team rather than Zack’s

Zack went to find Taylor. He had an idea that Taylor would be hanging around with Liz for as much time as he could. Taylor was smitten with the new romantic interest and Zack knew what that meant. All his attention would be going in one direction – Liz. It wasn’t good for business if he couldn’t concentrate and Zack hoped the discussion wouldn’t get too heated. Knowing Taylor, it probably would.

Zack went into Liz’s office and wasn’t surprised to see Taylor there. Liz was looking at the CCTV monitors with Taylor leaning forward, one hand on the back of her chair, supporting his weight.

“Come and look at this, Zack,” Taylor said, glancing at his brother.

Zack was surprised. He had expected Taylor to be canoodling with Liz, not working.


“You’re working?” Zack said.

Taylor stood up and away from the chair. “Yeah, why?” he said, then realised what Zack was hinting at. “Oh, you figured that because we’re seeing each other and working together, we’d not be able to concentrate at work?”

Zack nodded. “Something like that,” he said.

“Ah, you’ve misjudged me this time,” Taylor said. “I’m finding it difficult, of course, but I know work has to come first this time. We have a few short weeks left before I have to go back to the city and concentrate on my other career, so I’d really like this to be running smoothly before I go.”

“Well, that’s a surprise, but I’m pleased to see it. Does it mean you’re finally growing up?” Zack said.

“No, not in the slightest,” Taylor said with a grin. “It means I realise I have to work bloody hard for the next few years so that I can settle down into the lifestyle I’d like to become accustomed to before I’m too old to enjoy it.”

“Like me, you mean?” Zack said.

“Yeah,” Taylor said. “I mean, you’ve achieved a lot and all that, but you’re so old!”

“I know, a whole three years older than you,” Zack said.

Liz laughed at their banter. “Yes, boys, very amusing, but if we can get back to work?”

She pointed at the CCTV cameras.

In the far edges of the screens showing the queue, a group of men were making their way forward, pushing people out of the way. They were not showing aggression, it was more like they were asking the people in front if they could go before them. As they got closer to the front of the line, one looked up and spotted the camera. He turned his back to the camera and after a moment, his friends all looked up at the same time.


He became more animated and they all stopped looking in unison. Liz tapped the monitor. “That’s a bunch of trouble,” she said.

“I agree,” Taylor said. “Come on, let’s go and take a closer look.”

“Joe, meet me at the back, bring a couple of Viktor’s boys would you?”

“Sure boss,” Joe’s voice came back through the radio.

Zack and Taylor met Joe and half a dozen suited men. Sonja stood at the back. Zack nodded to her and she nodded back but didn’t smile.

Viktor arrived and saw the group. “Trouble?” he said.

“Not yet, but we think it might kick off, so we’re sticking to the theory that prevention is better than cure,” Zack said.

“You haven’t told me your decision on whether you want Sonja working with you or not,” Viktor said.

Zack realised what he was doing and looked at him as though thinking about it. “Sorry Viktor, the answer is no. I have a strong team of trusted people and I don’t want to jeopardise the trust we have in each other. Sonja is welcome to stick around, of course, but on your team, not mine,” he said.

“Fair enough. You heard him, Sonja, I did my best, but you have to prove yourself, like every other member of his team,” Viktor said to Sonja.

“I accept those terms,” Sonja said. “If you will allow me to accompany you on this project, I would be happy to assist if I can.”

“Joe? What do you say? You’re the Head Doorman,” Zack said.

“She can come along if she wants to,” he said to Zack, then turned and directed his words to Sonja. “But if it kicks off, we’ll be busy. It’s a team when we go out there, so if you want to be involved, you back us up, OK?”

“OK,” she said.

“We’ll be in full view of the public and they’ll have phones to record every move you make. Be polite and respectful at all times until someone swings first,” Joe said. “I’ll duck that first swing and make like it was an accident. After I duck the second swing, we’ll have a measure of their strength, their attitude and the level of aggression. Only after that second swing will any of our team make any counter-moves. Got that?”

He waited for everyone to confirm they understood his instructions.

“Let’s go then,” he said.


Ooh, can hardly wait for the next chapter. I think Sonja will prove her worth soon.

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