Dusty's 8th adventure - Part 5

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Read the start of this story Here <-- click
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

No title yet, sorry. Working on this in between Zack's story, Bouncer and a few other projects... as well as the mentorship programme.

As ever, FIRST DRAFT spelling, grammar, punctuation etc will not be changed or altered until I go over it as a whole after the story is finished.

HOWEVER, if there are any plot-holes, things that don't work or even suggestions on something I may use, please feel free to pipe up and let me know.

I don't really want 'good post' comments, but rather genuine replies and advice etc. I always appreciate those.

The fifth part of Dusty's 8th Adventure.

He led the way back up topside and he showed Dusty where she could sleep. The bedroom was lovely, with an en-suite bathroom.

“I usually shower in the morning, but if you prefer a different time, let the dragons know, they’ll soon adapt to your routine,” Drake said.

Dusty realised what he meant and she grinned. “Oh, how perfect,” she said. “Off-grid living at its finest! Dragon-powered central heating.”

Drake smiled but Dusty saw that he became tired quickly once he was away from the heat of the Dragon world. “Do you need anything before you go?” she said. “I can make a drink for you if you like.”

“No need, thank you,” Drake said. “I’ll grab my things and get off. Enjoy yourself, Dusty, but please do not forget to take the stick with you when you visit the dragons. I do appreciate this favour.”

“No problem at all,” Dusty said. “Oh, is there any way I can get in touch with you if I need to ask you anything?”

“Speak to the male phoenix, the one with the brightest plumage,” Drake said. “He’ll know where I am and can bring a message to me. But don’t worry, I’m sure there will be nothing to go wrong.”

Drake grabbed a bag, handed Dusty his stick, so she had two, he placed his cap on his head, winked and went down the spiral stairs inside the pantry.

Dusty followed, curious to see where he went.

Drake stood at the top of the plateau, close to the edge. He took off his cap, waved it at Dusty and hopped over the edge.

Dusty gasped and reached out her hand in a futile attempt to stop him as he fell, but he had gone from sight. She rushed to the edge to look down.

Dusty heard a great, slow ‘whump – whump’ sound, like someone shaking out a giant carpet. A dazzling purple, white and ice-blue dragon flew up, into view; its body larger than a double-decker bus, with Drake sitting astride its neck, close to the shoulders, just in front of the massive wing joints.

One giant flap of its wings every eight or ten seconds took the dragon and its passenger up, up, catching a lift on the thermal up-draughts from the lava rivers. It gained height and speed, and soon it was a speck in the distance.

Silence enveloped the plateau as though every creature had been watching the dragon’s flight.

All at once, Drake’s pets set up a keening sound. Dusty thought the sound was a little sad, as though the dragons realised Drake was ill. Dusty was about to go back up the stairs hewn into the rock when the sound changed.

The keening sound grew lighter, brighter and joyful. The sounds the dragons made were harmonious and heart-achingly beautiful.

The male phoenix came across from the opposite plateau, followed by his mate. The two birds landed just before Dusty and took a deep bow.

Dusty bowed in return and the birds nodded to each other as though agreeing on something they’d discussed previously.

“Nicely done,” a voice to her side said.

Dusty heard a deep, loud rumble of a gigantic purr and she looked down to her left side. A large, sleek black cat sat looking at her.

“Thank you,” she said.

The cat blinked his amber eyes slowly and said, “Meowr!”

“You’re Nightshade, I presume?” Dusty said. “I’m pleased to meet you.” Dusty bent to reach her hand to the large, handsome black cat. He twitched his nose at her fingertips - not even a sniff – and once again, said, “Meowr!”


I agree with Nightshade. Nicely done. More tomorrow?

Is nightshade the overseer? The Phoenix is interesting too. And I definitely want a purple, white and ice-blue dragon for myself! I can imagine flying over the large traffic jams in no time flat...

I'm glad that you returned to Dusty. I liked how Dusty beat this situation

Dusty realised what he meant and she grinned. “Oh, how perfect,” she said. “Off-grid living at its finest! Dragon-powered central heating.”

This chapter turned out to be interesting. Especially the connection with the Phoenix.
Nightshade is a good name for a cat. I also have a black cat. His name is Churchill. This is more likely due to his character and the fact that the word "black" is read in Russian - "Cherniy"
Thank you, I liked it

Another episode of Dusty.
After drake had shown her all she needed to know, he left .
So my question is how will the phoenix knows where he his going to, that drake said anything she need to know, she should ask the phoenix ??

wow.... post is very good👍👍👍

Nice one... The way you write... Ur so great...

well this is really nice thanks for sharing

I do not mind falling sick now if only to join Drake on the neck/shoulders of that dragon. With The respect these creatures now give to Dusty, does it make Dusty any equal to Drake now ?

I have not read the other episodes of this text (I would surely do so after writing this comment) but I am pleased with all you wrote particularly your diction and the imagery. Nice one

This is a nice story.

Can't wait to start from the beginning. Besides, do you have a website where you save all your stories?

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