Dusty's 8th adventure

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

No title yet, sorry. Working on this in between Zack's story, Bouncer and a few other projects... as well as the mentorship programme.

As ever, FIRST DRAFT spelling, grammar, punctuation etc will not be changed or altered until I go over it as a whole after the story is finished.

HOWEVER, if there are any plot-holes, things that don't work or even suggestions on something I may use, please feel free to pipe up and let me know.

I don't really want 'good post' comments, but rather genuine replies and advice etc. I always appreciate those.

Here it is then... the WORLD PREMIERE of Dusty's 8th Adventure.

Even before Dusty went to live with her grandparents, she was always taught to mind her manners – especially with elderly people.

One old man in particular meant she needed a reminder to be polite every time she met him.

‘Curmudgeonly’ was how Dusty’s grandma referred to him. ‘Grumpy but interesting’ – her grandad’s opinion.

Dusty always remembered the old man’s hands in particular and the stick he grasped in one or the other – he didn’t seem to have a preference. He had many walking sticks and all were different. Dusty’s favourite was one made from walnut wood. It had delicate swirls and knots and the length of it was twisted like a spiral, yet it was hefty and strong. He didn’t use that one very often. The other sticks were all equally well-made and Dusty believed the old man made them himself.

Dusty didn’t think he needed a stick to help when he walked, but he kept one with him wherever he went. Each one was twisted, gnarled wood with interesting patterns burned into the surface.

The man’s hands were worn and gnarled too, just like her grandad’s, yet they were different in the fact that they were scarred and burned – probably from decorating the sticks.

Dusty didn’t think about it too much, the old man never really had much time to chat. He was polite with Ben and Colleen, but all-but ignored Dusty. Whenever they met, she stood quiet and patient, waiting for the pleasantries to be over and done with so they could all get back to the important business of their walk.

As Dusty grew older, she’d see the old man from time to time when she wasn’t with her grandparents and she always remembered to be polite.

“Hello Mr Robinson,” she’d say and she’d go along on her way, not worrying whether he replied to her greeting or not. Old people became deaf and didn’t always hear. Their reactions slowed and waiting around for a response that may or may not arrive seemed disrespectful somehow.

One afternoon, Dusty was just leaving the house when she spotted the old man walking down the driveway toward her.

“Hello, Mr Robinson,” she said, leaving the front door open.

“Hello, Dusty,” he said more politely than she ever recalled him speaking to her. “Are you on your way out?”

“Well, yes, I am, but my grandparents are inside. Would you like to go in?”

“Yes, thank you,” he said.

He looked at her and she thought he seemed worried. He frowned and chewed his bottom lip.

“Did you need me too?” she asked, guessing that he might. “I’m not going anywhere specific, I was just calling on a friend.”

His face brightened a little at her words and he looked at her a little more studiously.

“Would you mind doing me that favour?” he said. “I would appreciate it.”

“Come in, I’ll tell my grandparents you’re here,” Dusty said, leading Mr Robinson through the house, into the kitchen.

“Mr Robinson’s here to see you,” Dusty said to her grandparents as they looked at her when she entered the kitchen.

Colleen stood up immediately and went to get a cup for the old man. “Tea?” she asked.

“Yes please, Colleen,” he said and sat opposite Ben at the table.

“What can we do for you, Drake?” Ben asked.

“I have to go away for a short term,” he said, his words faltering. “I need someone to look after my pets.”

Ben nodded. “You want Colleen and me to call in and feed them a couple of times a day?” Ben said. “Like last time?”

Part 2


Hi @michelle.gent
I happily read the beginning of a new story. Firstly, I'm glad that you returned to Dusty. In the future, I would like you to add elements of mysticism and detective. But this is my opinion.
Thank you

In the future, I would like you to add elements of mysticism and detective.

Absolutely anything is possible :)

Great last line ...leaves me wondering of course.
I have not read all the other adventures and hope this is a new twist.
what kind of animals and what do they eat...oh my :)

I have an idea that you're going to like this :)

Ooh, now I'm excitedly wondering what kind of animals too...

Good to see Dusty made a come back. It will be a success as previous stories have got place in heart and mind of readers.
I have a suggestion, I hope you won't mind.
You may save your time and efforts by simply ignoring comments you don't like. In due process of time they will stop commenting on your posts. Only who put some efforts to learn from your stories will be there.

Dusty didn’t think he needed a stick to help when he walked, but he kept one with him wherever he went. Each one was twisted, gnarled wood with interesting patterns burned into the surface.

I think if you add a little description of one or two other sticks, as examples, it would help. Just to make me see them a little better in my head, and differentiate them from the favorite stick. So I can see why it is a little more special beyond the wood it is made of.

Just an observation. :)

good wirting fiction story post thank for shearing

I don't really want 'good post' comments, but rather genuine replies and advice etc. I always appreciate those.

Thanks for great story..i appreciate this writing..all the best....

I don't really want 'good post' comments, but rather genuine replies and advice etc. I always appreciate those.

this great story I appreciate your writing thanks for sharing.

I don't really want 'good post' comments, but rather genuine replies and advice etc. I always appreciate those.

I haven't read other parts of the story but taking a view from this very chapter 8 the story line is centered on dusty and how to be respectful to elderly ones, I think it should have a general lesson which is centered on reward of being respectful because respect is one thing we value so much in Nigeria.

You've not read any other parts of the story because this is the very first part of the story.

the story shows dusty he meets people around him very educated .. the story is well described ..
I would like to see more emotion in history ... although I do not know
if dusty is a child, adolescent or adult? I would have to see the
story from the beginning .. I'll wait for the next chapter
to see what happens with dusty and Mr. robinson

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