Dusty and the Seven Shudder Sisters - Part 4

in #writing6 years ago

This is the seventh in Dusty's stories - as you may have noticed, I came up with a numerical theme for the stories and this is number 7.

What else but the Seven Deadly Sins - and the opposing Seven Heavenly Graces - for this story.

As before, I hope you enjoy the story.

pictures from Google free to use search

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Dusty turned to look at the old woman again; she leaned heavily on her stick as she waited at the counter to be served.

The serving girl offered to bring the cup of tea over to her table if she’d like to sit down and the old woman paid for her tea, nodded to the girl in gratitude and then made her way over to a vacant seat.

“I just knew she’d sit on the table next to ours,” Ange whispered.

Dusty just smiled and shook her head at Ange’s superstition. She couldn’t very well tell Ange what she knew about the old women, not while one of them was sitting at the side of them, so she thought about what had happened at the park.

It was almost as though the Shudder Sisters knew she was going to be there, it was no coincidence of course – but why?

When the girl took the cup of tea over to the table, the Shudder Sister pressed a few coins into the girl’s hand.

Dusty watched and she saw the change in the girl’s eyes take place.

They seemed to glaze over for less than a moment and then a hardened look came to them. The girl’s face seemed harsh and severe all of a sudden.

Dusty thought that it was the touch of the old woman’s hand that had caused it.

The girl looked at the collection of coins in her hand and Dusty knew something was going to happen.

“Is that it? Twelve measly pence?” The girl turned on her heel and stormed back to the counter.

Most of the people in the cafe, waiting to be served or sitting at the tables were aghast at the rudeness of the girl and as a regular at the cafe; Dusty knew it was out of character for her to behave like that to a customer, especially such an old lady.

Dusty had known the girl to refuse any tips from older customers and in fact she was more likely to hand out a freebie, paid for out of her own pocket.

All eyes were on the girl – all except Dusty.

She was watching the old woman. Dusty saw a sly grin slide across the old woman’s face, then as suddenly as it appeared, it was gone because she seemed to sense Dusty watching.

The girl disappeared from view into the kitchen and then the audience’s focus turned to the Shudder Sister.

As if on cue, she said a very quiet and hurt “oh,” dabbed her eyes with a lacy handkerchief and pushed the tea away.

She stood up in her frail, shaky manner, picked up her stick and made her way out.

As soon as the door closed behind her, the burble of gossip began again. Dusty watched the Shudder Sister through the window, she seemed to have forgotten it was glass rather than wall and Dusty saw the frailness leave her and her grin reappear.

Across the road, another scene was playing out.

Another Shudder Sister had caught hold of a young woman’s hand as she passed. The glazed look descended through the woman’s eyes and she turned to follow the old woman.

“Oh great,” Dusty muttered.

“What? What happened?” Ange was as bemused at the girl’s reaction to the paltry tip as she was at the old woman being so upset.

The serving girl appeared out of the kitchen, her face was a mask of harsh determination and she went outside, looked both ways and followed the Shudder Sister.

“Oh that’s not good,” Dusty said and got up to follow.

“What should I do?” Ange asked the departing Dusty.

“Go home, go straight home and do NOT let anyone touch you!” Then Dusty had another thought. “No, go to my grandparents’ house and tell them that the Norns are here and to keep away from town, at least for a while. I’ll sort this, Ange, just stay away. Don’t let me down.”

Ange knew what Dusty was referring to and she nodded. “I won’t let you down, I promise.”

Dusty didn’t look back, she followed the girl at a run.


These old sisters are certainly up to no good. Dusty always seems to attract unwanted attention!

although I have not read all your stories, but I think that it is Dusty one of your favorite characters. I see that Dusty can be in different roles, but he never changes his principles. I like the fact that the stories in the main role of Dusty always have legs. The history of Dusty can develop for a long time.
Today's chapter is not active - but it means only one thing - we are waiting for interesting events as soon as possible. In your stories you can expect almost anything. They can not be predicted.
I liked it, thank you

I'm intersting with this story I like it thank you

What did you find most interesting about the story?

I liked the story plot and reminded me of this story in an animation in which I had missed a young boy named Fulla and the Seven Dwarfs in this part I remembered when the old woman was given an apple a poisoned to Fulla I see a great similarity between the story and animation Fulla

upvote and resteemited

Well its nice fiction and steeming good article @michelle.gent. the story seem turn to wonder.
Upvote and fellow of your blogs
All the best

The story is turning very interesting. Dusty is very kind at heart she know the feelings of others. Suspense is at the peak about what really Shudder Sisters are? I enjoyed reading it. Thank you.

Post your good friend

Wow...wonderful story.....i like this writing ..i wait your next post....best of luck......

Tell me what you liked about the story.

nice one..... your writing skill was very different.......... thanks for shear this amazing post..... :)

Thats one interesting chapter in the series,mystery of shudders still holds the story to keep one in awe,eager to know what Dusty gonna face in coming future.

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