The Most Bizarre, Surprising, and Disgusting Superpowers In The Animal Kingdom. ( Part - 3)

in #writing8 years ago

11. Water Bear( Tardigrade )

Water Bear (Tardigrades) Those adorable, indestructible, tiny teddy bears of the animal world can survive the complete vacuum and deadly radiation of space, go without eating for as long as a decade, and just shrug off temperatures ranging from -200 to 300 degrees Celsius they might just be tough enough to shut up the first colony on Mars. That grow up to 1 millimeter long and have eight legs. some speculate that there are around 900 known species. They typically live near water and damp moss or lichens, but can be found almost everywhere on Earth. Some theorize they might have arrive from space, of course, this is just a theory. They can survive dry periods by curling into little balls they can hang around like that for a hundred years, before casually regenerating. Water bears have survived a scorching 300 degrees. Some species are carnivorous. Some might even eat other tardigrades. They can withstand 1,000 times the lethal human dose of x-ray radiation. In 2007, Tardigrades hitched a ride on a space shuttle and live outside the spacecraft in an vacuum of space for 10 days. Many survived. All of which means it's probably impossible to kill a Water bear or Tardigrade.

12. Salmon ( Salmo salar )

Without using google maps, or GPS, just there mere fishy brains, adult salmon are able to swim thousands of miles across oceans and up rushing Rapids, to return the same mountain streams they were hatched in years before. they can actually be guided home by Earth's magnetic field. Exactly How? is still a mystery but they are imprinted from birth with a compass bearing pointed right back home.

13. Deinococcus radiodurans (Deinococcus radiodurans)

Dinocaucus radiodurans. It's a bacteria that can withstand a radiation dose two thousand times higher than what would kill a human. It's thanks to the antioxidant properties of the element manganese. It can handle doses of radiation that would kill virtually anything else on this planet. A human will die after absorbing 10 grays of radiation But Dinocaucus radiodurans has ben doses with up to 15,000 Grays, and come through without being eliminate. Its ability to withstand radiation and repair it's own DNA is being researched for use in medicine as well as use as a computer storage medium.

14. Sea cucumber (Holothuroidea)

You think doing a little bit of yoga makes you flexible? A sea cucumbers body is made of a special kind of collagen, that it can essentially liquefy on command in order to squeeze yourself into tight spaces. Unlike land cucumbers sea cucumbers breathe through their anuses. Sea cucumbers have a cloaca. Think of it as a multifunction orifice for breathing, pooping, mating and any other orifice related needs you might have. In any case, the many uses of the cloaca did not escape the Pearl fish, which is formed a coordinated relationship with the sea cucumber. It hides inside the sea cucumbers butt. Where it feeds and gains security. The sea cucumber, meanwhile, has a fish in its butt. The sea cucumber has a remarkable defensive adaptation. When attacked, it violently contracts its muscles and eject its internal respiratory organs out of its anus in a process known as evisceration. The predator becomes confused. Further down in the depths, the little understood see Pig uses hydraulic pumps that inflate its legs full of water as it marches on the ocean floor in search of detritus and whale carcasses to eat. Because it is so mushy mushy the sea pig is a host of parasites like small snails and crustaceans which burrowing into it and feed on its insides. Fortunately, the sea pig doesn't really have a brain. So it probably doesn't care.

15. Hyena (Hyaenidae)

Hyenas have stomachs of Steel, which makes sense for something eats rotting carcasses like they're made of ice cream sundaes. And their stomach acids so strong that they can even eat anthrax-infected purposes because we laugh about it when they're done. Hyenas heart comprises 10% of its body weight powering to speeds up to 50 km per hour over 3 kilometer while chasing prey.
The Most Bizarre, Surprising, and Disgusting Superpowers In The Animal Kingdom. ( Part - 2)

The Most Bizarre, Surprising, and Disgusting Superpowers In The Animal Kingdom. ( Part - 1)
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A very interesting post worthy of $'s! Best of luck with it :)

Amazing post! Never heard of sea cucumbers anus, anyway hyenas are more fascinating then I thought and those water bears always reminding me of vacuum cleaners bags maybe its just me, upvoted!

year water bears are awesome they are survival race on this planet and sea cucumber have some weird arrangements.

The first looks more like a vacuum cleaner bag.

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Some real strange animals on planet earth :)

Great article..Nice writing

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