Stuck in a limbo

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Pexel never fail to provide me awesome images

Did you have that moment when you're just stuck?When suddenly things you love wasn't appealing anymore? When everything you built started to crumble? Slowly you started questioning the whole point or how the fuck you ended up in here?You sit on a bench and watched the leaves just effortlessly falling down and later you passed through a withered flower in the park you used to go. Everything was just dark, blue and gloomy. You watched the movie, went outside but everything seemed to be pointless. You knew all the talking to get you started and help you move but nothing changed. You still sit in the room with loneliness getting louder and louder each day. It wasn't that you didn't make an effort but it felt nothing. You missed all the thrill from your adventure outside your tiny little box. Then, you started dreaming with the same narrative; running away. It was so fun that you felt like a hero inside your dream and you wished to never wake up. Then you started losing track of the date, time, year. You even started to question if the life you have was your actual reality or was it all a part of some nightmare that you wanted so bad to wake up. Sometimes you wanted some sort of bullet to hit your chest and magically wake up to your real reality but when you opened your eyes in the morning, the first thing that you said was Is this my other dream?

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I think there will be a gap behind the rock and even if it is dark it must be bright. I am sure we will not always be stuck if there is an effort that we do then we will be separated from it. Wake up the lion inside us.

You even started to question if the life you have was your actual reality or was it all a part of some nightmare that you wanted so bad to wake up

Believe me or not, sometimes I think if I am inside a virtual world, badly designed so it can work as a sort of punishment from something I did in the "real reality"? ... Perhaps I have been watching too many Black Mirror episodes...

But that idea is so crazy that I end up thinking I must be crazy myself :D

I feel you on this. It could be true...o.0

@dedicatedguy, we all might be living in matrix, who knows? the reality that I know is terribly designed by god knows who. Sometimes movie and stories serve as prediction and also warning. So, let's assume perhaps we're a little bit crazy.

Have a great day,

Hey @macchiata... I absolutely know this.. I feel with you!

For me the only thing that helps in such situations is a mountain-hike... Maybe you have an escape lane, too? Something what helps you in the past?


The weather is insanely dull but I am forced to enjoy as it is. I can't go out these days as I am in some sort of self-retreat due too much of interaction previously that was draining. I would love to do a mountain-hike and still on my travel list and I do have an escape lane, which is doing creative writing though these days, I don't find my voice in every piece of my writings anymore.

Anyhow, Have a great day
cheers :D

Then keep on writing! Hope you can have a nice day, too 🙃

I am sure you know I completely feel you.
I feel like that maybe way too often.
Every sentence you wrote is like I've written it.... ok, except of the bench - never on the bench leaves watching haha! ;)
But yeah, this whole limbo thing I think it happens to everyone now and then. We are not stuck - we're just standing still for a while, until we begin again ;)))
Upvoted + resteemed!

@meanmommy33, It escalated these days because I missed all of my adventures on the road. in addition to that, I can't be moving and goofing around too much as if I had no responsibilities. Also these days writing, suddenly feels like a chore and I feel like I have to scrape out a part of me even initially I created this place as a way to share my unorthodox views about the world.

Things are super weird and inexplicable. I wish we get out of this weird hole and begin again. Also,I hope to see something fresh in the soon future.

Thank you for your generosity to upvote and resteem this little piece of writing.

Have a great day and much love,

Everyone has responsibilities girl... and if eventually, because of those or other things even writing becomes a chose, then you shouldn't do it...I took a long pause - haven't posted in like 2 weeks. I will now, but yeah - this is supposed to be our 'happy place' - if it's not, then just take a break.
You will get out of the weird hole though - for sure, I don't doubt that for a second! And we need to get into that hole now and then so we can reboot later, and do more, do better ;)
Big kiss ! :*

Oh yes! It’s the same feeling you get when you find a hole in your last pair of socks 🧦. Then you still have to wear them, because there are none left. When you put them on you wonder how come you are in the situation where the only pair of socks you have has a hole in them and why you got in it. Where did you go wrong? Wasn’t it all supposed to work out eventually? Then if you stop for a second you realize that you still owe a sewing kit and mend the holes and go on :)

@fukako, ha-ha I've been promising you a pair of socks and l've actually written you a postcard as well However, I am still stuck inside my room and still hasn't find time to go to the post office. Hold on with your socks that has hole on it, a rescue soon will come.

No worries 😉 I just wanted to make you laugh :)

it's a natural thing to happen....

Very nice lovely view awesome

todos tarde o temprano vivirán un momento como este, la vida y una montaña rusa, subirán y bajarán ... un saludo @giornalista

I like the picture and the story. Next time, im will go to tha lake and want get photo like your post

I don't like feeling stuck.... I love to have goals and follow my goals and reach my dream/destination

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