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RE: Stuck in a limbo

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

You even started to question if the life you have was your actual reality or was it all a part of some nightmare that you wanted so bad to wake up

Believe me or not, sometimes I think if I am inside a virtual world, badly designed so it can work as a sort of punishment from something I did in the "real reality"? ... Perhaps I have been watching too many Black Mirror episodes...

But that idea is so crazy that I end up thinking I must be crazy myself :D


I feel you on this. It could be true...o.0

@dedicatedguy, we all might be living in matrix, who knows? the reality that I know is terribly designed by god knows who. Sometimes movie and stories serve as prediction and also warning. So, let's assume perhaps we're a little bit crazy.

Have a great day,

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