Unexpected, part II. A short story of fiction.

in #writing6 years ago (edited)


As I walked through the pines, my heart was overtaken by a peaceful clarity. The birds sung, the nature was beautiful, and I had left chaos behind me. It was static and exciting.

Part I of the story here

I had time so I went slow, we did not have any more games today and the sun was setting. It was beautiful at this time of the day so I took it all in. A helicopter in the distance buzzed and a final yelp reached my heightened senses before Maximillian was taken down, to the ground. And with that buzz, there was something new. A new kind of static.

I knew immediately what it was. That kind of surge in energy can only be accompanied by my father's angels. I looked to my right where there was a spot light forming. A spot, hanging in the air. And from it, limb by limb, a body emerged. I knew it so well. My favorite angel. The man that was always there to minimize the blows and keep me company in this world that wasn't really home.

''Lucifer, I am happy to see you here" I gave the angel a smile. He returned it and reached out his hand, putting it around my shoulder. I felt his wings, in another dimension, wrapping around me.

''I hear you are wreaking havoc'' it was tease. No seriousness in that voice. After all, he knew me the best.

''That is my way.''

''And I thought you were here to play the game.''

''Is that what you think of me? That I spend my endless days on Earth playing games instead of helping my own creations?'' I cocked my head and we both laughed after a brief moment of silence. Then Lucifer stopped abrubtly.

''But in all seriousness, you do too much. You deserve this to be a vacation''

The sooner I do enough, the sooner we all get to go home. This place is riddled with tainted hearts and dirty consciences. Even the concept of Hell is no longer effective, they don't give a shit about that fairytale anymore. Not that you are any help. You spend more time on Earth than anywhere else. Besides, didn't someone once say, there is no rest for the divine?''

''I can only hold up an illusion for so many millions of years. Plus, it never really worked the way it was supposed to. Consequences were not something that made them want to change organically, they invented forced repenting, whatever that was supposed to fix...'' Lucifer was smiling and why not, it was amusing. How alike and I humans were. We never did anything that was forced on us. ''But you seem to have cracked them this time.''

''Yeah, I realized that they were much more like me. Their hopes need to be crushed and then they rise like a phoenix, out of the ashes.''

''Is that why you hang the Max guy in the air? You know, he will never be able to play anymore.''

That and he was annoying. I didn't secure him either, I don't have your angelic code, I did not mind for him to die and start over. Both options were good enough. Now he is going to have to start all of his life from scratch. He will reach the bottom and realize that there is no one who will carry him, that he has no friends or family that cares because he has been awful all his life, and he will turn his life around. Hopefully. There is that 1% chance that I may be wrong. He might spiral down and become an addict of something. These days there are so many things you can loose yourself in...''

We were now entering my teams campground. People were roasting marshmallows on the bonfire and eying me. I nodded, to signify that it was all okay. There was relief in those eyes.

I had chosen the less tainted people and put them all in my team. Not to worry about another lost soul, not to surround me by that blinding light of narcissism. That was the beautiful part. I knew people, I knew what would make them, what circumstances would affect their character. And everyone here, in my camp, had had their lives affected in a way that made them make the right choices for them.

This was the only place that let me breathe here. Everywhere else, there was darkness. Sometimes you fight fire with fire or the weeds break to surface over and over again. But never, never solve every situation one way. Sometimes you need to use some water, too.

Lucifer brought me out of thought. He pointed to two empty barstools right next to the bartender and we sat down. He ordered a Bloody Marry and I noticed, for the first time, that he was wearing makeup. Incredibly terrible, too. It was smudged all over his face. I kicked myself for being so self-centered when he had arrived.

"'What's up with your face?'' he smiled at me, that sideway smile of his.

'' You said it yourself. People do not find me intimidating anymore. Nobody fears The Lord Of Hell these days. So, I am experimenting.''

''You look ridiculous.'' his smile went down.

''Thanks, I will fire my makeup artist'' his voice was dry but he could not hold it, we both laughed. Just like humans.

I looked at the bartender and he smiled at me. I liked what I saw. He was branded, though. Under his skin, there were golden veins full of pure blood.

''I did not know you brought your employees up here, to my spot.''

''It is a treat for you. He has a huge crush on you, plus he is your type so I thought you might enjoy each others company. You really need to let off some steam.'' Lucifer did not like to talk about setting me up but he did it anyway. ''Also, what is with the women. The child? Why did you do that?''

''Lucy, that one is easy. Those two women have been thinking about only themselves all of their lives but children change you. Unless you turn them into grownup shitheads. That is why I gave them a choice. And they are going to choose the right one. Not without rubbing it in my face, of course. But that is the whole point. You do not change overnight.''

''So you really did come here, to the games, just to work... I was thinking that it is not your kind of crowd. Infested with broken spirits.''

''It is exactly my crowd. I downed my drink and looked at the crowd dancing around the bonfire. I noticed two silhouettes emerge from the trees. Lilith and the captain.

They spotted me immediately even though there were quite many people here. Here we go. I turned back before they reached me and dug my finger into Lucifer's ribs, to get his attention towards my point.

You were wrong! We can make it work! they held their hands joined, in the air. A couple of meters away from me. I waved them off with my hand and drowned a shot that had magically appeared right in front of me. I looked at the bartender and directed his gaze towards my tent. I nodded my goodnight to Lucifer and went into the night, the beauty that we all came from.

Another day of fighting fire with fire. Another night sating my human whims.

I am trying to create a character that is so much superior to humans in their abilities. However, this being is still human. She has wishes and dreams. She is a better version of us. But she has seen it all and she sometimes takes it far. With her abilities, though, she weaves paths that help us achieve our best selves. Even when it does not seem so. Call her destiny if you will. Because she kind of is. The only difference is that in this world you can see her.

Every day our lives throw opportunities at us. I think it is our guiding mechanism. That makes us who we are. And this mechanism tries to create the best versions of us. However, only we ourselves can decide which path to take. These principles are strongly in line with this tv show: The Good Place. I think it is a great watch and I reccomend it.

Also, she looks like an angel but is not. If that was not clear in the story. This is not a Christian story or a religious writing. It is pagan if you want to put a label on it. But still with a diety purpose. As Earth is a place we should look up to and live by. I also use known names because those are easier to relate with. I like to break standards.

She is another being altogether. One of her kind. But she grew up with angels around her. Because she was alone but with others, she aspired to be a creator and she created whole beings in her image. Manufactured them with minds of angels but the soul of hers. She is free will and that is what she wanted to be surrounded with, choices and actions. Angels did not have that, or they did very little. They were the army and the soldiers and she wanted something more like her but could not give her power away as that would have destroyed the universe.

And that is a wrap. I hope you enjoyed my little insight of this character. She is a really big deal in my stories and often visits them. However, you would never tell as I never name her or tell that it is her.


Have the best day, today, tomorrow, and forever!



It was a fun read.
Did you ever read Master and Margarita? You'd enjoy it if you haven't.
science fiction, fantasy, erotica

No, I have not read the book but I will check it out on Amazon. Thanks!

Hey, again! Guess what I got? The book. I have not read it yet as I have to finish up on David Copperfield first but I wanted to say ''thanks'' for the suggestion. :)


Good for you! I think you'll enjoy it immensely.

I hope so, too! :)

@lindahas it's gud to spent time alone thinking about new things and upcoming thing you want to do in future

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Yup he is right take his compliment as your power up for tommorow

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