Unexpected, part I. A short story of fiction.

in #writing6 years ago (edited)


There were positive vibrations going through all of the crowd. That is what makes you excited, the game, the sense of togetherness. The thrill for the conquest. My team had our own camping spot just like everybody else. We were quite a lot of people, for all the games that would come, not many would participate in two sets of shots. I, myself, would only be part of a couple of them even though I was the captain.

We had a couple of smaller games before the big tournament started. They were not as important as the bigger participations, with the huge audience, but they were still games that would give us points. Small amounts that would bring us towards victory slowly but steadily. Unfortunately, those smaller games were judged by the system and not by the judges. They were the places where most cheating went down. But not on my team, we would play fair and square. To be proud of what we achieve.

That day we had a semi-important play coming up, we played with one of the favorite teams in the league. They had never been caught cheating and there were no rumors. Still, not a lot of people liked them. There was something wrong so I decided to play, to keep an eye out. I took my gun and put on my responsive armor. It would light up and sting like a Bitch if I was hit. And if I did get hit, it would be a point for the opponents and I would be out.

We were only playing in teams of seven right now. Nothing big. Almost practice but with real stakes. I prepared my team and we took our positions. We were also much closer than in the big arena, a mere 200 meters from each other. The rules were simple. You have a minute. The team that scores most kills or destroys all of the enemy team, wins. You do not move out of your area, it is all about ranged skills. You have a cover that shields you. The opposite side has a chance only when you come out to aim or switch up your position. Naturally, the best man is supposed to win.

I was propped on a ruin, behind a huge rock, the countdown was about to go off and our aimer was looking in the distance, trying to distinguish where the enemies were. The second the alarm went off, half of my people came out and shot according to the aimers signs. There was no time to play hide and seek so we did not. The opponents didn't either. Their captain dashed out from behind the wall to try and divert our attention but we had trained for this, I was the only one focusing on her.

I managed to catch her in the leg but was dumbstruck for the tenths of a second. Her interactive armor did not light up. Confused and thinking it was a glitch, I shot again and caught her in the ribs just as she disappeared behind the wall. Nothing again. Maybe it was just her. I turned my gun to where their heaviest attack was coming from. Maximillian, their in-game stealth specialist was uncovering more of his body than he usually did. A bullet flew right past me, I turned as it almost grazed my shoulder. From the corner of my eye, I saw two of my teammates light up red. At the same time.

I gave an order, to take cover, for the rest. They went under to wait the seconds out as I was the only target left. But there were only 2 seconds on the clock now. Maximillian came out of hiding with all of his body and I shot him, right in the chest. Nothing. Again. He smiled, it was a surprised smile but smile nonetheless. The bell rung, the fight was over. One of my people lay on the ground, in the aftershock of the interactive bullet. I just watched the other team. Now I knew why they were disliked.

I jumped down the rocks and pointed for my team to return to our camping ground. They did not need to see this. My steps were heavy on the dirt ground, it was a warm day at a full swing. When I got to the other structure of the defense, where the cheating team had been situated at, they had already left. But there was no doubt that they had seen me. They wanted me to break the rules and enter their camping ground. It would get me expelled from the competition and I guessed that was how they operated.

In two hundred more meters, I started smelling it, the sea. The coastline was just behind some pines, and that was where they had chosen to have their camp. They waited for me there, I heard it and felt the amusement of their team.

''You know, you are disqualified if we turn you in, right? It is a big no-no for you to be here, team red.'' their captain had a smug smile on her face.

''Not if you cheated.'' her smile did not disappear, quite the contrary, it spread wider.

''Huh, I see you are a sore loser. Listen, you better run back and tell your team you are packing to go. We have no tolerance for rule breakers.'' Maximillian was a handsome man with a trash of a heart and mind. I looked at him, with my brow raised.

''I hit you. In the chest. I hit you twice. My teammates hit one other person on your team. None of it registered in the system, you cheated.'' I looked at each of their faces but there was no change. I exhaled and looked at the sky, it was blue and beautiful.

''I am sorry, you must have been confused with all of the dust. Poor girl. Nobody would believe that a human saw that in a dirt day. Plus it is your word against ours.'' now it was getting annoying.

''Okay. I didn't want to do this but my obligation is quite clear here.'' I looked at the sky again.

Maximilian was a simple human. Snotty and entitled, believing that nothing could bring him down. So I would not, I would take him high up. Their smiles wavered when they saw what I was. I had wings and only one known species in the whole wide universe possessed these. I smiled at the captain and then at Max. My hand reached out and grabbed him by his throat, I descended from the ground and flew up. He was trembling in my hands, looking down.

I flew slowly, not to break his bones from the impact. I reached a certain height, then stopped. This will do. I closed my eyes while the human beneath me was silent, at a loss for words. In shock. Everything around me switched off. I concentrated, looking for a string. That flow of energy. Then, I molded it to my liking. I created a golden circle and sat Max into it.

''Hold on tight, now. You would not want to fall and die here. The ring wrapped around his body and secured him. He would not fall unless he started sweating too much. Which he could.

I looked down, where they were observing me. There was a smile of amusement on the captain's face but I saw the uncertainty behind it. When I landed, she was the one who talked to me first. Again.

''It is funny and all but you are not really doing anything. It is quite pointless, we will get him down in the next hour with a helicopter and he will be as ready as ever to play in the big arena. Plus, angels can't knowingly kill anybody so I am sure you made him cozy up there.'' it was obviously only about victory for her.

''I would make it faster if I was you. You see, if you knew your team, you would know that Max there is gravely afraid of heights. Every minute he stays there, his mind sinks further away. I would say that by the time you get him down, he will be useless to your team in the big arena. This sport does not need a man whose hands are shaking.'' this time I gave her a smile as her eyes darted up there. He was their best stealth sniper. But he had cheated and karma is an ass.

That is bullshit! her voice was uncertain

Now, hon, you know an angel can't lie, so take my word for it. I turned my back on her and broke off from the little group that had surrounded me. She would need to think for a second.

My wings were still out in the open, hanging behind me. They were the perfect dark shade and I knew how intimidating it was. Looking at complete blackness, a black hole.

I came to another woman that had been in the opposing team. She too had been shot by one of my team members.

''Lilith, I will make this fast. Let me crush your dreams like your team has crashed many others. The son you lost. When he was just a baby. That breakthrough your new detective has, it is bullcrap. He is just milking you dry. You will never find your son. Not with all the help in the world that people are giving you. And I will not tell you where he is because you are not fit to be a mother, such a soul full of selfishness.'' I whispered it in her ear. It did not give me pleasure but it was the truth. I saw every grain of possible outcomes and none lead to her finding her son on her own. It was sadistically funny, too. The whole situation.

I saw her hope shatter behind her eyes. If there was one thing humans knew it was who my people were. We saw the future, the present, and past. We knew the paths that would be taken. We did not lie and we did not kill. That was the angel code. And even though I was something else, I stuck to it most of the times.

I turned back, to the captain of this filthy team. It was not just now, it was in life. This was not just an isolated incident, they were full of proverbial crap. When I reached her, she was not smiling anymore, she was angry, I smelled it on her.

''Stop messing with my team. You have no right!''

Oh, I have every right. You have taken victories from so many that needed them. That money you spend on diamonds, well, it was not meant for those who do not earn it just. And for that, I have a present for you, too.'' now a tingle of fright ''Your son, Lukas. He has the same name as the lost boy of Lilith's. Curious huh? Or don't you think so?''

Her brow furrowed, she had no idea where I was going with this yet.

''You see, you chose to adopt because you can't conceive yourself. But the agency you use, well, let's say, Lukas was not a product of a drug addict mother. He was raised in a happy family until someone snatched him from his crib at night. So cliche. And so sad. Who says faith has no mysterious ways?''

I saw it now, the notion click in her had. She looked from Lilith to me and I nodded, to confirm. I heard her calculating. How old would Lilith's son be? Six. How old was hers? Six.


''Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. After all, you are the one who raised your son. There is no way she can find out. After all, if you would tell her, they would take Lukas away from you. And you live half a country away from Lilith. Your little boy would be lost from you and I doubt Lilith would look the same at you. It is better to just keep that secret, after all, that is in your best interest and you never do anything against it.'' there were so many human emotions there. Raw and poisoned. I smiled at her. Then I turned. My work here was done. The team would not recover and we could now play without cheaters.

I walked slowly, feeling the eyes on me. Hearing Max starting to scream now. His voice was nothing, though. Nothing compared to what the two mothers felt, how their hearts bled.

Part II of the story here

I had this dream. And right now the main character, the angel that is no angel, seems evil and dark. She is the second one and she does hurt people. But I hope you will see a different part of her in the second part of the story. That is, if you stick around!

Stay tuned for Part II tomorrow!


Have the best day, today, tomorrow, and forever!


This is another great post that I found on discord; thanks...

Linda, this is so cool. I didn't know where you were going with the first half of the post, but I so got it.
Can't wait for your second part.
science fiction, fantasy, erotica
I have a new story Infidelity Games, part 1, 2, 3 posted. Part 4 on its way.
Careful, erotically graphic.

Thank you! I kind of wanted to create a slightly controversial character here.

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