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RE: Two swords, two vultures and an elephant, a short story of fiction

in #writing7 years ago

This is actually one of the rare stories that I have written that did not have any specific meaning under it. Usually I write with a goal to make people think, but this was just a piece in my mind that I wanted to put out on paper as it seemed beautiful. I love writing, because each person takes their own meaning out of stories, everybody has their own interpretation of text.

I do have a view on life that we should care more about our surroundings, so yes, it is low-key entwined in the story.

English is my second language and even though I was raised with it(my mom taught me the language ever since I was a baby, but she only had the language level so high), I have a long way to go. I did not have the chance to perfect it in school as much as I would have wanted as it was a subject, but the vocabulary is an issue. Plus I was never really good in writing in my own language (My grade in school for my language was the lower, even though it was not low) For that reason I love steemit, I improve every day and one day, when I will feel ready, I will finally write my books. I have so many ideas, and dreams in my mind, I have always loved stories, I grew up with books.

There are some weaknesses in my writing that I know may not be extinguished by the help of this platform(my commas are all over the place :D), but I have don everything I can in the last years to improve my language as my end goal is to be an English writer. I considered studying English in University, but I traded that for real life experiences at this moment, I will however have to take courses for some grammatical improvements in the future, that I know. But regarding the vocabulary, I am learning something new every day, and now, when I speak English more than I speak any other language, I have no doubt that I will get there.

I am always looking to improve, without change there is no future and I know I am sometimes wonky with my 1st person to 3rd person switching, I know I will need guidance with that as well. I have a lot to work on, but I am ready to do that as what I am doing here is my passion and I am not willing to let go of that, I have seen so many people not following their dreams that it is ridiculous.

Thank you for the long comment and time that you put into t! I love feedback, of any kind!
Have the best of day!


Thanks for your answer. I love language, especially the English language, but I still make many mistakes. I think some of them, we know better but have drifted into a bad habit or two. This is how I correct myself (first of all, as you probably know, when you are writing, you know what you intended saying, so when you re-read, so as to correct mistakes, you don't read it as you wrote it, but as you wanted or meant to write it.

I have a friend who has a problem with his eyes, especially reading from a screen, so I read to him what I have written, and as I do so, I can 'hear' my mistakes. Try it, if you have a friend who likes your writing and understands English.

Haha, most of the people I speak with speak English, it is my day-to-day language at the moment as I am in a new country and still learning that language.
Yeah, I know, I notice those mistakes later on and then correct them, sometimes they just slip by unnoticed. I have someone who could read my work, I may have to start using them :D

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