Dimension V, the gatherer of power and keeper of the library, part III, a short story of fiction

in #writing7 years ago

That night she went down the memory lane again. A different one, though. A memory lane in the land of dreams, that reminded her of a boy and a girl that she had met in a library years ago, but had forgotten all about. The dream started with her delivering some antique examples for reading, and she saw the kids through the window, before stepping in the book place. The boy was so excited, he was leaning over the girls shoulder as she read a fairytale book. The girl was frowning. The library also had a bookstore in the corner and from the outside it looked like there was little space inside.

Here are PartI and Part II of this story!

There were golden letters on the window of the bookstore, but she could not make out the name, I guess, dreams would do that to you, mess with the memory. As the woman looked away from the kids and at the door, she knew how the doorbell would ring, it was one of her favorite melodies, and it almost reminded her of real birds singing. The door frame was one to look out for, if you were not careful, you could trip over it and it would not be a good experience. That is why the place had a sign on the door warning everybody just about that.


-- No, brother, listen, this is all not real, fairy-tales are just that, fairies do not exist and magic is a lie.- the girl and the boy were standing just at the door and were rather loud, the librarian was nowhere to be seen. The woman watched the children for a while, she hadn't seen them in the area before and it seemed rather odd, that they were there alone. The boy was older than the girl, but still, she was the skeptic.

The woman put the books down on the counter and approached the kids. She was used to putting wonder in the little ones hearts, and she saw that the girl really needed it. The boy noticed her first, though, and smiled shyly, while the girl was still looking over the books pages angrily.

-- I am sorry, madam, if we were too loud, we will behave.- he was well mannered and she saw the tiny alarm in his face, even though he smiled to act brave.

-- Can I ask you what the argument is about? I was walking by and heard that you had a misunderstanding.

-- Mom tells us not to talk to strangers, so I must introduce ourselves so we are friends! Elizabeth Zerou, and this is my brother Theodor Zerou. Now would you please tell him that magic is not real?- the sister reached out her tiny arm for a handshake. Clearly her instinct to win was greater than the instinct of self-preservation. Her brother looked at her in horror. The woman laughed and smiled at the two of them. The girl knew that adults did not believe, that much was clear by how they acted. She also had assumed that the only adult in the room would side with her.

-- And what makes you believe that magic is not real?- the woman was amused by the bravery and cunningness of the child, but she saw a strong belief in her eyes, like the child's decision in magic being a fairy-tail was final.

-- My father dresses like Santa Claus in Christmas and mom used to be the tooth fairy, now, when she is sick all the wonders have stopped and there is nothing that helps her get better, and even the doctors do not know what is wrong. I have asked all the fairies and unicorns, but nobody has come. Magic. Is. Not. Real.

The woman thought for a while before answering the little girl, she knew those kids were too little to understand yet, even though the girl had come to realization of some hard truths.

-- The world is not always just good, people get sick, and people are hurting, but only you can decide what comes true, that is what magic is. You have to truly believe and almost nobody does. Your mom can fight it herself if she wants, but sometimes our hearts are too hurt to survive. Little ones, magic is not what makes the world, people are. People are the magic, because they believe. You will understand it when you grow up. I will show you an example of how strongly I believe. Look at the sky. It is the day, because you believe it is time for it, but if I was to favor the night...- momentarily the sky went black, it was night, just for a second. The woman had extended her arm towards the window and was twisting something invisible. When she let it go it was daytime again, like nothing had happened before.

The girl and the boy stood there in awe. They did not understand her words much, but they would remember them all throughout their life, in their own way, especially when their mother would pass. When the woman looked at the kids again, she knew immediately, that there would be a question, she saw it in their eyes.

--Can you help our mom? Can you cure her?- the little boy was full of excitement and the woman frowned. She knew a kids mind, the innocence. She knew he would not understand yet and it would hurt them.

--Unfortunately not, I can not affect what is happening inside a man or a woman, they are the ones who decide for themselves.


She woke up suddenly, the canopy in her bed was swinging in the wind coming from the open window. Her animals were standing in front of the bed and just watching the door, alert and awake.

-- There is somebody downstairs, in the basement, they are walking over everywhere and leaving some sort of packages. It was her owl sitting on the frame of her bed, that warned her. She closed her eyes and then opened them again, she swung her hand in front of her and an image appeared hanging in the air. The crooked police officer, the one that made her heart skip a beat, was using a flashlight and leaving packages of something, between her books and in shelves. Cocaine. Of course, that was his move.

She had a dry laugh, without humor and turned on her side side again. Let him be, let him try and play her.

The next morning she was dragged out of her bed early, there were police officers with dogs and a search warrant at the door. Her employees just smiled at her when she got up, they knew what was going to go down. She got up and greeted her ''guests'' herself, the police dogs seeing her, started wagging their tails, and Mr. Zerou was leading the man force, he was also the one to talk to her first.

-- We have a search warrant for your house, I believe you dropped a card in my mansion and as luck has it, yours are the only fingerprints on it, plus it has drug substance on it.- he was holding up a plastic bag for the woman to see, it was indeed the same card she had shown him in the function yesterday, the card she had left on his table. The evidence was thin, though and she knew he had called in favors to get the warrant.

-- Sure thing, I was expecting guests anyway, come in and feel at home!- she followed Mr. Zerou, and the men that she knew worked for him. They let the dogs go first, but the animals just stood there, not doing what police dogs are supposed to, so the men started walking around the house by themselves, inch by inch. There were a lot of men as the house was big, but soon enough they got to the basement. There was still that friction in the air between the two of them, but now there was also a feeling of tense bodies as well as Mr. Zerou had thought to have found an enemy to deal with.

He tensed up more when they descended the stairs to the basement, she saw how he was fighting himself to be nonchalant. The men spread out and he thought that there would be evidence soon enough as he had left behind quite a trail, but there were no affirmations. At last he decided to find a package on his own. He took his crooked colleagues into the reading room and went straight to the shelves. To his surprise, the only thing he found was his favorite chocolates stacked in a pile, about the same size as the package he had left.

He took it and looked completely with confusion, weighting the package in his palms. She, on the other hand, was standing in the door and smirking again, at him. He ordered the package to be opened and his colleagues did. Nothing unusual, just chocolate. He looked at another place he had hid his set up drugs, but it was all the same. He grew more frustrated after each package of chocolate, and after a while gave up and looked at the woman, still standing there in the door, still smiling.

--What is this?- he put it in the air and she moved in closer.

-- I remember a time when you had more imagination on your hands, Theodor. What does it look like? It is the favorite chocolate of yours that you left here yesterday night. You know, I must admit, I had forgotten about that encounter we had years ago, with that little boy in the library, so willing to believe in wonders. And here you are, a crooked cop selling drugs to kids.- she smiled bitterly and leaned into him. He felt a familiar scent, just like that day, of a lady that he thought he and his sister had dreamed up in their minds. His brain could not wrap around it, he remembered her, differently and somehow the same.

He sat down on a chair next to a table, and his two colleagues joined him, sitting down on both of his sides. They were confused and one of them decided to eat some of that chocolate. The other policemen were walking around, outside the room, and the four of them were there alone. The woman looked at the man eating chocolate and frowned.

-- You should not eat that much of it, it may not be cocaine anymore, but it has the same effect, I made sure of it. And , no, you won't find any drugs in it.- the man spit out the peace he was chewing as she looked at Mr. Zerou and he back at her. He had always thought of her as a figment of his own imagination, something that made his sister become great and gave him the strength to be powerful as *he believed in himself, just like she had told him to when he had been a child.

--Leave us!- he ordered and she smiled once more. The second the men were out the door he took her in his arms and looked in her eyes with a mindless desperation.

-- There is no use to try and set me up. You will not succeed. Me on the other side, I will make you stop selling on the streets no matter what, I will make you paranoid, and you will probably loose your mind if you won't stop. You will destroy your career by chasing me. But what is done today, is done, I know you will not give up, so I will have you now, while I still can. - she leaned in and kissed him again, one more time, and another. He felt the most beautiful sensation in his body, pulling her closer to him and in a second he realized they were standing in water, or rather in colors, in a painting on one of her walls.

He embraced his trip towards madness and he never stopped trying to win the fight even though odds were not in his favor.

This is the last part of the story and I know it is a little odd, thank for that to my dreams :D


Thank you for reading,
Have a great day, week and life,


Thanks for sending the SKILLcoin! Here comes NINJAWHALE!

Wroong post? :D

Yes That is on me, Sorry about that! Consider it a gift! lol. will hit the correct one now!

Thank you! Somehow not the first time it happens to me :D

But this is the right post.
Nice story. Upvoting

Not really, Part II was the right one, this is part III, I published it after I sent the tokens :D
Thank you! :)

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