The Establishment Part 2 …The Ultimate Secret Conspiracy

in #writing6 years ago


The government killed Tobias Hogan, a renowned archeologist, who was my mentor and the father of my fiancé, Charlotte.

Charlotte met me in the arrivals terminal of the airport and drove me to her father’s ski chalet in Ellicottville, and there, nested amongst snowy pine ridges, she let me click through secret files on her father’s computer.

When she came back an hour later, I was dazed.

“Is this what I think it is?”

She nodded. “You can see why the government would want to hush this up.”

“I can—but kill a man to censor some information? It seems crazy.”

“It does, but what other explanation is there? It’s got to be both NASA and the CIA. They’re terrified about the impact.”

“Okay, this stuff’s disturbing and potentially could destabilize society, but kill a man for it? Why? If it’s the truth, it’ll come out.”

She smiled wryly. “According to Dad, what he discovered is only one of many truths that have yet to come out.”

“I’m going to phone Hugh Macgregor in Glasgow—apparently, he was the one who funnelled the information to your dad—maybe he can verify this.”

“Okay, but use your cell—I’m not sure about this landline.”

Hugh sounded absolutely devastated. “I should have known those bastards would do this—they closed down our dig at Giza.”

“What’s this about Giza?” I had no idea Owen had been doing secret field work in Egypt.

“It was all hush-hush. We were called in to consult by the Germans. One of their teams discovered a door at the end of a narrow 200-foot shaft that cuts across the Queen’s chamber. The door had handles were made of some unknown metal. We were going to run a fiber optic camera under it, but the government shut us down. They used the pretext that nothing of importance would be found—but I know it was because the Americans applied pressure. Bloody hell!”

“What’s that got to do with the aerial photos?”

“Then ye haven’t figured that part out, I take it?”

“Look, Hugh, at first, I thought I was looking at the Giza plateau from a satellite camera with poor resolution. Then, I began scanning though his calculations where he was using fractals to establish these are artificial constructions. When he used the descriptor Cydonia to refer to the region I was confused until I Googled it. That’s when it hit me—he wasn’t talking about pyramids at Giza at all—he was describing pyramids on Mars”

“Ay Richard, ye’ve got it right. The media knows about them, but were told they were natural. But here’s what we know: they have alignments, they're grouped, and they're non-fractal—in other words, they’re not natural features of the landscape.”

“But what’s that got to do with your dig at Giza?”

“Using tetrahedral geometry to compare the pyramids, we discovered a correspondence between Giza and Cydonia that’s so exact, we had to conclude the monuments were erected by the same engineers.”

I breathed in sharply. “You mean extra-terrestrials?”

“Ay, I do mean that. We always had a problem figuring out how the Egyptians could build the structures in the 11th millennium B.C. but now we’ve got our answer.”

“This is a stupendous discovery, Hugh. I can’t imagine why the government would go so far to suppress it.”

“Who knows, Richard? Maybe they’ve been in cahoots with these beings all along. Now wouldn’t that be earth-shattering?”

“It would, if it were true.”

“So, what are ye going to with the results, Richard? It’s Owen’s work—I just sent him the photos, but he put it all together.”

“I think that’s up to Charlotte now. Stay in touch, Hugh and I’ll update you.”

“Take care Richard and give my condolences to Charlotte.”

We spent the rest of the evening mulling over Owen’s computer files and re-reading his calculations, but it was all self-evident. Charlotte wanted her revenge and I didn’t blame her one bit.

Just after ten pm, she placed a call to a friend who worked for Nightly Byline and by midnight a news team was at our door.

I sat back in a chair, watching, feeling detached from everything—and I was. This was Charlotte’s fight.

I watched her sitting erect, straight as an arrow, facing forward as the cameras rolled. I saw the determination in her eyes and her fiercely beautiful face.

Her father would be avenged and tomorrow the world would be a different place.

Owen would be proud.

I know I was.

© 2018, John J Geddes. All rights reserved



Well, if he used his cellphone, they are toast... unless he used the Wire app, or some other reasonable encryption software?

On the edge of my seat here... ;)



ha ha, thanks, my friend :)

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