Her Thirties Part 57 The Stalker Strikes

in #writing6 years ago (edited)


When I couldn’t reach Marilyn by phone I got worried and drove straight to her store. I rang the bell and like the noon phone calls, there was no answer—just an incessant ringing.

I tried the door. It was open. My blood froze.

“Marilyn?” I called up the stairs.

It was then I noticed the distinct odor of natural gas. I took the stairs two at a time, but when I hit the landing the stench of the fumes was over-powering. I went straight to the front windows and opened each one fully.

I then checked the stove and saw one of the burners had been left on and the gas was hissing as menacing as a snake. I shut the jet and opened more windows.

Then I checked the bedroom. The door was closed. I banged on it, waited a second or two, and then barged in.

Marilyn was asleep on the bed, the box of decongestant capsules on the night table beside her.

I ran to her and shook her, trying to rouse her. At first, there was no response—and then, a slight moan.

I scooped her up in my arms and carried her downstairs and outside. The cold air seemed to revive her.

“What happened?” She was very disoriented and slurring her words as if drunk. I dialed 911 on my cell and stated the emergency.

“You left the gas on—the apartment was full of fumes,” I explained.

She tried to protest, but I insisted she take deep breaths and try to clear her lungs. The paramedics arrived within minutes and administered oxygen, checking her for CO2 poisoning.

“We’ll have to take her in to be checked by an Emergency Doctor,” the one paramedic said.

Marilyn again, tried to protest, but I over-ruled and followed the ambulance in my car.

At the hospital, she was closely monitored and her blood gasses checked, but within an hour, the emergency room doctor signed her out.

When we were finally back in the car and on the way back to the shop, she tried to tell me the story.

“I went to bed for a nap just before noon. I took one of the capsules you gave me and fell asleep—that’s all I remember.”

“Did you have the stove on—to make a hot lemon drink, maybe?”

She shook her head adamantly.

“No. I didn’t use the stove at all today. I know it was off when I woke up. I’m positive I didn’t touch it.”

“Could Ella have come up and turned it on—maybe to make you lunch and then, got called away and forgot?”

“No. I saw Ella at ten and told her I was going to have a nap and not to worry about lunch for me.”

I felt that same sense of foreboding inside. I pushed it aside and reassured her, telling her everything was fine—but I knew in my gut it wasn’t.

When we arrived at the shop, Abe’s car and a marked patrol car were sitting out front.

“Word travels fast,” I told her.

Abe greeted us as we got out of the car. He looked at Marilyn and was relieved to hear she was okay.

“How did you find out?” I asked him.

“I instructed Emergency Services to notify me if there were any calls from this address—just precautionary,” he reassured us.

I clapped him on the back. “Thanks, Abe.”

He cast a worried look at Marilyn.

“You sure you’re okay, Marilyn?”

“Just a little shaky.”

“Well, it’s all aired out upstairs—Scott will help you up and get you settled.”

She nodded and leaned on me as we headed to the door.

“Drop back down when you get a minute,” he called after me.

Ten minutes later I returned. Abe was kneeling, examining the front door lock.

“See these marks, here?” He pointed his small penlight flashlight at the keyhole. Several fresh scratches were plainly visible.

I nodded mutely.

“The lock was picked.”

“Great,” I said glumly.

“Judging by the sign on the door, the perp most likely did it just after Ella closed up for the day—probably just after three.”

“He must have known Marilyn was alone in the apartment,” I offered.

His eyes narrowed. “I’m sure he knew she was alone. He must have been watching the shop, saw the sign and waited for his chance.”

“Why didn’t he just kill her?”

“Naw—that’d be way too obvious. He wanted it to look like an accident. Probably got in, found her asleep and saw his chance.”

“You’re right,” I said. “She was asleep. I looked at the box of decongestant capsules—she took the night time capsule by mistake. It would have made her drowsy.”

“She wouldn’t have heard the hiss of the gas jet with her bedroom door closed—but it also saved her life—that, and the fact her window was open for ventilation.”

“She may have learned that as a kid in health class—good old-fashioned advice—always crack open your window a few inches.”

Abe’s face grew very dark. “This is really serious, Scott. This guy wants her dead for sure and will stop at nothing. I’m going to put a 24-hour watch on her. The Sarge wanted a credible threat—Well, now he’s got one.”

To be continued...

© 2018, John J Geddes. All rights reserved


Part 1 - 49

Part 49

Part 50

Part 51

Part 52

Part 53

Part 54

Part 55

Part 56


If I get that man who wants to hurt Marilyn, I'll give him an uppercut. 👊

yeah, me too - she's had a rough ride :)

I think poor, Scott, is being played. I do not trust Marilyn. Keep writing this; I am still with you:)

thanks, Pryde :)

The security should look in it, footprint or handprint on objects can probably lead them to something. Please they should be on watch, I think someone is trying to hurt her but for what reason could that be. Am very relieved that she is fine because things would have been ugly for Scott right now.
I hope she is safe, God should protect her from evil.

Great content sir.
My last episode on celebrating my 2 weeks on Steemit is out.
Kindly check it out, thanks for your support from day 1

thanks, Tomiwa

Those stories look very interesting to read! it will take me a long time to read them all, but I will start reading from the first one, I just spoiled myself reading this one, haha.

Wow...all your words and stories are superb..keep up the writing @johnjgeddes

Very good brother @johnjgeddes
You have support by mr @done

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