The Evolution of man. Chapter 4. Explosions.

in #writing7 years ago (edited)


‘We can’t just blow the place up. Right?’
Bren shook his head. ‘No Turdley, there’s people in there.’
‘Listen fuckface, it’s Bradley. You know it’s Bradley. Enough with the names o.k.?
‘No problem Fugly. Got it.’ Bren peered into the scope.
Bradley sighed. Some days his brother could be a real prick. It was hot up on the rooftop, both of them had pulled their sweat stained jackets open and tried to find shade under the water tanks. No wind stirred the air, perspiration dripped freely down their cheeks, into their eyes, and across their backs.

‘Two nurses coming out.’ Bren said, settling the eyepiece closer to his eyes. ‘Running.’
‘Running?’ Bradley peered over the edge of the building. They had peered down at the Ministry of Love since yesterday. Web-bots threw up the Ministry of Love one too many times. Something was going on in there. Bren could feel it.
The old lady doctor checked in early, stalking on thin black heels that clip clopped on the paving stones. At 10.00 the nurses changed shifts. But that was it. When the young short haired woman limped into the building, there were four, maybe five warm bodies inside, and one the scope couldn’t get an IR signature on. Bren didn’t like that; the enclave were working on mandroid tech but that one nurse…She wasn't a droid but she wasn't entirely human either.

Maybe the scope needed calibrating. She showed up cool as a can of cola in a cooler. He couldn’t put his finger on it, she should have been in the morgue. Yet there she was, walking around, laughing, changing shifts with the others. Bren shook his head. Too much thinking. If a high value target showed up, they would engage, till then, they would keep watch and report.
Bradley sighed. ‘I say fuck it. Let’s just toss a frag in there and blow it. We’ll be home in time for some funnies.’
‘Can’t do it son. Didn’t you see the pregnant woman go in?’
Bradley shrugged. ‘So? One more stiff for the meat truck.’
‘Two.’ Bren corrected.
‘Yeah, shit. Two. Still, so?’
‘Calm your titties Jerkley, plenty of time to turn the music up. I just want to see what’s going on a little bit longer.’
‘How much longer can we stay up here?’ I’m fuckin’ melting.’
‘Uh oh…’
‘What? What is it?’ Bradley said.
‘Look.’ Bren pointed up the street. A black car screeched around the corner tires smoking. The sound carried distantly to them, high pitched, and wailing.
‘What’s up what’s up?’ Bren muttered. Two more cars followed in quick succession. ‘Fuckley, get Jenk on the phone. Something’s going down.’
The three black Cadillacs pulled up to the front of the Ministry of Love. Doors flew open. Men in suits poured out. From the middle car, a huge man dressed in a white Cambric shirt and baggy pants stood up. He was bald and black and built like a brick shithouse. He stepped lightly towards the entrance.
‘Brad, get Jenk now! Zim just got here and I think he’s pissed.

Cold. The sensation was new. His little body trembled. The old woman holding him couldn’t stop staring. He sensed her excitement. He could see nervous energy tracing fiery red patterns across her skin, behind the whites of her eyes and down her arms. The patterns pulsed, red then pale. Then back again. The old woman was wound up and on edge.
She carried him quickly towards the opening where the light was brightest. His eyes could not adjust. Vision washed out in a white explosion. Sounds around him. He didn’t know, couldn’t understand what they were. Noises were louder, less boomy. Less tangible. Speech. Motion. Light and darkness. Everything was different.
Where was she? He couldn’t hear her voice. She that birthed him.
He couldn’t hear her breathe. He discovered he couldn’t feel her at all. Her gentle presence vanished into nothingness. He reached out with his mind. She was always present, his mother. But not now, the sense of her, the knowing of her had disappeared. He couldn’t understand the feeling.
But he would in time. He was alone.

Bren’s cell phone vibrated. Hard, soft Hard Hard soft.
‘Go.’ He answered.
‘Blow it Jenk said, Everyone dies.’ He said some more things. The enclave’s latest experiment. Frankensperm, cobbled from a hundred different men. A female host. A child. A genetically perfect child.
Bren sighed. Playing God was what got got mankind in trouble since Eve.
He pulled back from the edge of the building. ‘Get the grenades duckfarts, time to get ‘er done.’
‘About time.’ Bradley said. He liked blowing things up. He liked that most of all.

Yawwwwn. Man I'm sleepy. I feel like I could sleep for days. How do you like the story? I hope I'm keeping it interesting. I would so love some constructive criticism. Everything I write is from a first person perspective so far. To tell the truth I don't know that I'm doing writing a short story but live and learn right? I always wanted to do this. Steemit finally gave me the push I needed.

As always please UPvote, comment and re-steem. It would really help a lot.
Kindest thanks, Long live STEEMIt!
Links to other chapters below:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5


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