The Evolution of man. Chapter 2. Ava's story continues.

in #writing7 years ago (edited)


The Ministry of Love could not have been further from the truth. Her little one would have been better off being born in the Ministry of Labor, Ava thought. The doctor intended to induce labor on her next visit. Her belly was too full. Too heavy. And the male she carried would not keep still. He wriggled and bumped into her unexpectedly, pushing against her with his hands or little feet as if trying to direct her movements. Ava knew he was a healthy specimen. The implant was successful, even the doctor was surprised at how little effort it took for her to conceive.

Before the implant however, there was doubt. Her blood type was wrong they said. Then they said one of her genes was incompatible with the sperm. Then they thought she was too old. One thing after another. Her IQ (too low) her blood cholesterol (too high) her feet (too smelly). She’d all but given up and asked the doctor to just take the damned eggs so she could get back to work.
The doctor smiled. She whispered to Ava, “You don’t understand love, I think you’re perfect for this baby. We’re just making sure we check everything. Director Lilit… we can’t make any mistakes with this pregnancy.’
‘Mistakes?’ Ava’s eyes opened wide.
The doctor smoothed her white coat and pushed her chair back. ‘I wouldn’t worry dear, everything will be fine. Trust me.’
Ava did. That was her first mistake.

‘Will I get a breeder?’ Ava wondered. The doctor looked at her, over moon shaped glasses.
‘A breeder? Why would you want one?’
‘How else am I going to conceive? The enclave wants more males right?’
The doctor laughed. It made the lines around her eyes crinkle.
‘We can’t take the chance to let you have unprotected sex with a man. Breeders are kept for experiments. You know the law.’
Ava sighed. ‘Yeah yeah. We can’t have random genes in our precious enclave. We’ll all die or something.’
‘We won’t die love. We made the world better. This is how it stays that way.’
‘So what’s wrong with plain old sex with a man?’
The doctor’s smile dimmed a little. ‘That’s the past. We don’t do that anymore.’
Ava rolled her eyes. ‘So you have a turkey baster somewhere in the back then?.’
‘Kinda.’ The doctor took her hand.
‘Let’s get you sorted out.’

The implant room was neutral and completely functional. A row of monitors lined the far wall. A simple examination bed stood in the middle of the room, under a circle of concentric lights. Twin stirrups footed the bed. Ava guessed she would have to put her feet in them.
‘Come along love, climb up for me please.’ The doctor’s voice was carefully controlled but Ava could detect an undercurrent. Excitement?
‘This won’t take long.’
Ava hesitated. ‘Will it hurt?’
‘Don’t tell me you’re afraid of a turkey baster? Aren’t you a little old for that?’
Ava climbed up on the bed.
‘Pull your gown up, and put your feet up for me please.’
The stirrups were cold. Ava spread her legs. ‘I don’t…. doctor will you do it?’
‘Do what? Move your arms further out dear, closer to the straps.’
‘The implant.’ Ava turned toward the doctor. ‘What straps?’
The doctor’s pleasant mood frayed a little.
‘Move closer.’ She pointed at two leather belts attached on both sides of the bed.
Ava offered her arm slowly. ‘I’m not sure I want to do this doctor.’
‘Hush child.’ The doctor circled Ava’s left hand with a strap and buckled it. She repeated the procedure on the other side.
Ava’s voice trembled. ‘Can’t I have a breeder instead?’
‘Breeders are for the enclave child.’ The doctor’s voice finally snapped. ‘We pulled you from the street. A homeless creature with no purpose other than to give birth.’
‘I don’t understand doctor. You told me I would be perfect.’
The doctor moved to the stirrups. She pulled two more leather straps from a drawer under the foot of the bed and buckled Ava’s feet to the footholds.
‘Doctor, I’m scared….’ Ava felt her heart hammer in her chest. A tiny pulse started in her throat.
‘There. That ought to hold you.’ The doctor looked her over. Satisfied, she turned and walked towards the door.
‘Doctor?’ Ava called to her retreating back.
The door slowly pulled itself shut. Only the hum of the air conditioning filled the empty room.
Ava never felt more alone.

When the door opened, a small blonde woman walked into the room. Ava couldn’t see her face; she wore a standard doctors’ face mask. Ava could see her eyes though. They were cold and blue like winter ice. Behind her a large man pushed into the room wheeling a complicated machine made up of monitors and blinking lights.
‘This is her Zim.’ The woman said. The big man’s face was unreadable behind his face mask. He was as big as a standing bear and his arms were strongly muscled.
‘Who…who are you?’ Ava asked. Her voice cracked.
‘Zim?’ The tiny woman motioned to the bed.
The man positioned the machine next to Ava.
It was at this point Ava remembered to scream.
She writhed on the bed. ‘Somebody help me! Somebody? Help help.’ She struggled against the straps. The entire bed shook. ‘HELP ME please someone.
Panic rose in her throat making it hard to breathe.
The big man calmly placed one oversized hand across her mouth.
The little woman repositioned the machine. A flexible jointed arm telescoped from the depths of the device. Ava’s eyes doubled in size. She tried to move, to wriggle but she was strapped in securely.
‘Child stop this.’ The tiny woman glared at her above her white and blue face mask. Her eyes were cold and forbidding. If you don’t it will hurt more.
Ava could barely breathe. The giant hand half closed her nostrils as well. Her struggles grew less violent.
‘Suit yourself.’
The woman moved the articulating arm closer to Ava’s sex.
It’s alive Ava thought.
The tip of the extruded arm softened, moved of its own volition. Serpentine, it twisted towards Ava’s vagina. Ava tensed every muscle in her body. Her pelvis heaved upward. Tendons stood out at her neck. She couldn’t bear to imagine that thing in her body.
But she couldn’t stop it.
It found the opening to her womb and wormed into her without hesitation. It was cold. Bitterly and terrifyingly cold as if it was made of ice.
It pushed its way toward her cervix roughly, bruising the tender tissue, sending rills of ice up into her stomach, along her spine.
Mercifully it was over in moments. A sharp vibration, a sudden warmth and it withdrew, scaly, sandpaper rough, tearing the soft flesh as it left her.
The room spun. Ava felt her head grow lighter. The big man moved his hand as he looked at the machine.
‘Did it work director?’ He said.
The tiny woman pulled her mask off. Her face was sharp, high cheekbones and Cupid's bow for lips. She was elvish pretty.
‘Yes Zim, the chimera is in.’
‘Now what?’ He said.
‘We wait.’ She said.
The room spun one too many times. Ava’s eyes closed.
The last thing she heard was laughter. High, musical, and cruel.

Hey guys, thanks for sticking with me. Seems we’re writing a story together. I don’t know what happens next. I’ll find out when I begin writing Chapter 3.
I truly hope you guys are getting into our adventure, Ava is a lovely girl, and she’s about to go down the rabbit hole. Stick with me, together we will finish Ava’s story. Please keep encouraging me. Your energy keeps me going. Please Upvote, follow, and resteem.
Links to all chapters below:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

As always, Hugs

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