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in #writing7 years ago

I might've sneaked more of me in that existential crisis. Might have. Haha! I've been itching to sneak these philosophical questions for quite some time now, and while I've gotten away with a few in the earlier chapters, I knew this was something that was way too deep. This dictates the ending though, so I couldn't go around it. Oops! I'm saying too much again, aren't I?

Yeah, those "digital natives"... I really wish my future children won't be, but I guess it's unavoidable.. There must really be a zeitgeist that's guiding society to evolve this way.

Right?? Talking about destiny. It's such a blurred line, that you can't avoid paradoxes no matter what school of thought you choose. If you believe that you're destined to be something (emphasis on "believe"), then you can't just choose to believe that your choices aren't predetermined. It's either they aren't or they are. If you're free to do anything, but are still headed for this predetermined destination, then what's the point of choosing anything. Oy vey...

You know, as the end is nearing, I've really been thinking about this a lot. Right now, I'm in the camp that I want to keep it Steemit-exclusive to draw readers into the platform. It feels so incomplete when you read the story without the added context. Even if it was just some flavoring, it became quite essential to the experience :(

Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Your insights are always very much highly anticipated and appreciated! :D


Nah you're saying just enough. Mercilessly teasing without giving too much away :)

I don't really see anything wrong with being a digital native, they're slightly more than tools but currently slightly less than partners/collaborators as far as I'm concerned (I use them and I talk to them and I swear they develop personalities after having been exposed to me for long enough, but I don't let them talk back purely because I don't trust Google or Microsoft and I trust Apple only slightly, however having said that my kids talk to Siri and I was quite pleased to hear them being quite polite to her, I have taught them manners well XD).

I understand your logic in wanting to keep it Steemit-exclusive, and if you feel that's the right way to go about things then it's the right way :) I don't think the Silver Lining is essential to the experience, Day in the Clouds would be quite enjoyable even without it and the lack wouldn't detract in any way. What it does is add a massive wealth of information which gives readers a much deeper understanding and insight and thus give a deeper appreciation for what's going on in the story.

Did that make any sense whatsoever? XD

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