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in #writing7 years ago

Thank you for all the useful information, my friend! Right?? I can't help but sulk whenever I'm left with the breast. I find it funny that it's so dry and doesn't have fat, as opposed to its human equivalent. And now I'm sounding like a cannibal :/

Is pickles the food most adults regret throwing away when they were younger? It's ironic since the pickling process takes time, so to did our appreciation for it! Soldiers? I can't say I'm familiar with the term being used for food. Here, we have toast fingers but they're dipped in liquid butter and then rolled in sugar. We call it tostado :D

Oooohhh I wonder what it is about the curing process that changes the property. Ha! Take that pork lovers! I used to eat pork a lot when I was younger, but I got migraines after eating it, so I stopped entirely. Now I have a bullet whenever people ridicule me for it. Thanks for providing that info, my friend! I'll look for that study later.

What is it about cauliflower that you hate? I think that's one of the first vegetables I ate without complaints, mainly because it didn't have a strong taste.

Yeah not Paleo or keto but ... cheat day? :/ Hahaha!! Thanks for the reminder and for sharing your thoughts, buddy! :D


Tostado sound very naughty but nice. These are probably originally English soldiers.

I don't know why I hate cauli - my body just rejects it in a way it doesn't with anything else. Oh, except avocado. The only way I can eat that is mashed up with soft boiled eggs, butter and salt.

Neither of these are the original article I read, but they refer to it

AH! Wait, did you mean you dip the "soldiers" in the egg?? We do that here you, but we're not particular if the bread is toasted or not, and we dip it on a sunny side up egg. Personally, I prefer pan de sal (LINK) as the bread. Not very Paleo, I know haha!

Thanks for the links! They won't even know what hit them :D

That's too bad about cauli, but it is what it is. I'm glad you found that out early on instead of in the middle of a social function or whatever. I used to be that way about avocado as well. But, I've grown used to it. I don't know when exactly, but maybe when I ate guacamole more frequently.

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