Coffee by any other name: a contest entry

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Here is my entry for the Contest for Coffee Love, by the fabulous @diebitch.

Coffee by any other name

Coffee by any other name is still coffee.

My word art contains the following words for coffee and some of its many varieties: coffee, java, espresso, mocha, café, perk, ristretto, miel, breve, jamocha, joe, cold press, cuppa, café au lait, bean juice, brew, rocket fuel, macchiato, latte, café serré, caffe crema, galão, lungo, cortado, doppio, affogato, demitasse, Turkish coffee, Café Bombon, Americano, French press, Irish coffee.

Ironically, all I want each morning is a cup of richly-flavored medium roast, with a bit of cream.


Thanks so much for reading my post. This contest inspired a humorous bit that I'm working on about my conversion to coffee drinking. I shall post it as a follow up in the next day or so. (Follow-up edit. Here's the post --
Coffee, how I love thee -- a brief and hopefully humorous life story with some coffee history for those who want to know what life was like before Starbucks.)



well that was enjoyable! hehehehe creative! :)

but i'm here on pirate business - so let me get to it! hehehe

Hi there!!! :) the pirate captain is here! ;)

remember on March 1 when I said I was gonna celebrate my 500th follower with all of the PYPT people who pimped their post that day?

I didn't forget ;) I was just out of the country for some time! hehehe now i'm back and tip! simple
enjoy!!!!!! :)

I had forgotten! Thank you, @dreemsteem!

hehehehe sorry it took so long :) vacation brain ;)

Hi @jayna, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

Join us on Thursdays for Pimp Your Post Thursday at 11am EDT or 7PM EDT in the Steemit Ramble Discord or:

If you’d like to nominate someone’s post just visit the Steemit Ramble Discord

Thank you very much, @shadowspub! I am honored!

A very caffeinated post. I like it.

Ha, nice Shakespeare wink :P

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