30 Days, 30 Posts Challenge - A New Year's Resolution

I got this idea from another user, and I thought it might be a good way to draw in a larger audience to my preexisting articles. Articles that I have put a lot of thought and research into writing. Now that the holiday season is over with, I feel I can properly commit to this challenge.
I'd also like to quickly add that the series of articles I was doing before this will be resumed once this challenge is over. They require a great deal of fact-checking and deliberation. It takes me a while to put all of the pieces together in a coherent format. I am referring to the Part 2 of two articles in particular: Part 1: Lyra the Harp and Aries the Rambling Emperor.
This particular series of articles, however, will be tailored to the layman. I have a glass vase full of ideas that I can draw from should I run out of topics to discuss. These topics of discussion are diverse and relatively broad: From dating to secrets to siblings to the seasons of the year and even weight loss, which I am an expert on! I didn't want to exclude any facet of life, so all areas are open to exploration.
I'm making this my New Year's Resolution. I want to make regular posting and interacting on Steemit a habit. Longer articles require more time in between posting for the inspiration to regenerate. So I aim to make this series of articles short and sweet to avoid burning myself out. They'll range from 350-500 words per article, with 350 words being the minimum. Because I intend to post daily, I don't want to go over 500 words. Quality and value are always the goal here. With this article being sort of a prologue, it doesn't actually count. I will officially start the challenge tomorrow.
And with that, I will draw a topic from the glass vase now so that I have an idea of what I will be writing about tomorrow. Drawing forth tomorrow's topic gives me a little time to take into consideration what I will write about. And the topic for tomorrow is Gratitude. Gratitude...not only a great way to kick off the challenge, but a great way to kick-start the New Year.
have gratitude for everything in life,,@heathersilvey
Indeed. The "good" and the "bad". Because they're all equal opportunities to mature and to expand.