Part One: Lyra the Harp

in #philosophy7 years ago


Lyra is the constellation of the 1st Decanate of Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter in Sagittarius. From November 22nd until December 1st. Associated with the tarot Key, Eight of Wands, and the 8th Sephirah (which means emanation) on the Qabalistic Tree of Life (Hod, meaning Glory).

As the 9th sign of the Zodiac, Sagittarius is also associated with the 9th Sephirah, Yesod (meaning Foundation). Jupiter, as ruler of Sagittarius, is associated with the 4th Sephirah, Chesed (meaning Mercy) . Sagittarius is assigned the 14th Key, Temperance (also called Art or Alchemy), which connects Yesod and Tiphareth (meaning Beauty). Jupiter is attributed to the 10th Key, The Wheel of Fortune, connecting Netzach (meaning Victory) and Chesed.

Lyra is the constellation that features a harp (also known as a lyre) and vulture. Visibly noticeable in the sky by one of its stars, Vega. Vega (also called Alpha Lyrae) is the fifth-brightest star in the night sky. Mythology credits Hermes (also known as Mercury) as the inventor of the lyre. The lyre was fashioned out of the shell of a tortoise with seven strings taken from the gut of a cow. These materials are richly symbolic.

Hermes was the son of Zeus and Maia. Maia is one of the seven sisters of the Pleiadian constellation. This constellation belongs to the shoulder of the bull of Taurus. Maia was the daughter of Atlas, who is tasked with upholding the heavens, the Music of the Spheres. Anatomically, the heavens are synonymous with the head. Etymologically, we can relate these two words together when we take a closer look at the word heave.


To heave is to "lift up", "raise", and/or "to grasp" (to have in one's possession). Heave comes from the PIE (Proto-Indo-European) root, *kap-. Cap comes from Latin, caput or the PIE root, *kaput-, which means head. When we look at Atlas, we see that he's lifting up the heavens on his shoulders, raised above his head. Anatomically, we find that the first cervical vertabra of the spine is named after Atlas. Like Atlas, the atlas (C1) supports and upholds the sphere of the skull.


Recall that the strings of the lyre were taken from a cow (in some versions, an ox א), and that they were seven in number. This is a reference to the organizational Law of Seven (Heptaparaparshinokh): To the Seven Sisters (Pleiades), the lunar cycles, the seven days of the week, the seven chakras, the colors of the rainbow, the musical scale (Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti), and so on.

Again, Pleiades comprises the shoulder of the Taurean bull. Taurus is known as the Creatrix of the Zodiac, combining the concepts of the maternal matrix of matter with power, production, and creativity. Taurus is an earth sign and, as such, represents the material (physical) body and the earthly plane of elements.

The atlas vertebra is a part of the neck, and when examining the esoteric anatomy of the Zodiac, we find Taurus located at the throat (the creative larynx). Taurus also concerns the intuitional faculty of inner hearing, also known as clairaudience. Through this center, thought can be vocalized and ideas communicated to others, both within (telepathy) and without. The voice box is an instrument capable of singing and issuing forth commands.

The cow is a symbol of Mother Nature and the bull (or ox) is the spiritual force that animates those elements. Force is clothed in Form and Form is clothed in Force. Form is radiant energy having taken the shape of mental imagery. We can compare this to the (grasping) receptivity of water. Example: We have an empty glass, and water is poured into it. The water takes the shape of the cup (aka a thought-form). The water is neutral and formless until it is impressed upon (fertilized) by a particularly strong thought-form.

Impulse. The strength of a thought-form is measured by the intensity of desire, feeling, or emotion attached to it. The stronger the associated desire or emotion, the more likely it'll manifest as a physical object, incarnating being, or circumstance. The desire or e-motion acts as a propelling, driving force. But remember: The water is neutral and can receive all kinds of impressions. Impressions which crystallize on the physical plane for good or for ill.

Thought, speech, and sound generate or produce waves of disturbance in this water, stirring it into activity. Locomotion and movement is a quality of air. Air also represents thought. In tarot, the suite of sWords is assigned to the element of air (mind) and the suite of cups is assigned to the element of water (imagination).

Life and death are two faces of the same coin. Initiation (the ox of Aleph, the unmanifest as the potential and the power to do work) and completion (the earthy bull of Taurus, the manifestation and actualization of that power) are simultaneously conceived. Within generation is the generated. Generation, degeneration, regeneration. Production, product, reproduction. Birth, Life, Death, Rebirth.

Saturn (aka Cronus, Time) consuming his children. Time devouring generations. Also a symbol of regeneration.
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While we will address the Saturn center (Root Chakra) a little later on, I'd like to draw your attention to the scythe being carried by Father Time. Generation leads to corruption which leads either to death and rebirth, or to regeneration. The scythe is a staff and also a crutch. The crutch represents the limitation of manifestation. Matter cripples spirit. Pure potential must collapse to become actualized. Limitlessness must be contained, narrowed down, and therefore limited, in order for anything to exist.

Thus far we've lightly touched upon the topics of music, sound, the voice as an instrument, and communication. The relevance of these connections should become obvious as we consider that the main subject involves a musical instrument.

The elephant and the tortoise are both symbols associated with the Divine Feminine. Elephants are famously known for their superb memories, their ability to hear and communicate at very low frequencies (infrasound), and their long trunks. A keen sense of smell is linked with a keen sense of perception, both of these being traits of the elephant. Elephants are considered to be highly intelligent and able to convey complex patterns of communication, joining the ranks of primates and dolphins.

Elephant clans are matriarchal, with an elder female relative as head matriarch. Their tribe contains several generations of female elephants, with males temporarily joining in to mate. This all-female tribe brings to mind the generational faces of the triple moon goddess: The maiden, the mother, and the crone. Which brings us to our next point: The tortoise.

We've briefly mentioned that the first lyre was said to have been fashioned out of the shell of a tortoise with the strings from the womb of a cow. A lyre is a musical instrument which rhythmically oscillates between sound and silence. Cymatics, which means wave, is the study of the visible effects of sound and vibration on the surface of a plate or membrane. This membrane is covered in a thin layer of liquid or particles. When the membrane vibrates, the surface material forms complex geometrical patterns. These patterns change when the frequency is altered, becoming either less complex or more intricate. One such popular example is a pattern that closely resembles the shell of a tortoise.

Turtles are aquatic creatures and are found to populate bodies of water. The rhythmic ebb and flow of the tides are influenced by the moon, the sun, and the earth. According to science, the moon is said to have the strongest gravitational influence on the tides. This exoteric explanation of high tides and low tides is subject to debate amongst physicists. Any exoteric explanation is incomplete. When one is studying the observable, they're concerning themselves with the end results. Anything that can be tangibly measured or observed is rooted in the intangible.


When we look at this image again, we see that the tortoise and the elephants are the supporting foundation of the earth: Mother Earth. My personal experience with elephant symbolism has always been coupled with perfect recollection, synchronicity, and clarity. Whenever this totem pops up, the floodgates of the subconscious are opened up. The symbol of the elephant is related to the tarot keys of The Hierophant (ruled by Taurus, which exalts the Moon) and the High Priestess (ruled by the Moon). Together, their meanings combine the notions of intuition, memory, the subconscious mind, and spiritual communion.

Both the tortoise and the hare represent two contrasting sides of the Divine Feminine. The tortoise contracts (feminine) while the hare expands (masculine). The tortoise symbolizes sagaciousness, longevity, and patience to even our temper so that we may endure longer journeys. The hare represents the quickening of the tempo, fecundity, and multiplication. The tortoise has an extremely long lifespan whereas the hare's is short-lived. The tortoise, then, could be considered to be the wise crone whereas the hare is the foolish maiden. Ebbing, or waning, is slowing down and coming to a rest. Flowing, or waxing, is promotive. These are the rhythms of life.

When running a marathon, a steady pacing of ourselves is important if we hope to finish. The enthusiasm of the hare should be reserved only for those shorter bursts. This can be viewed from another angle: The hare could represent the higher frequency with its shorter wavelengths and the tortoise could represent the lower (slower) frequency with its longer wavelengths. But, we can also flip that around to say that the tortoise might represent the higher frequency and the hare, the lower. How might that apply? Time seems to slow down or come to a halt when one is vibrating at a higher frequency. The motion is vibrating so fast that all comes to a standstill: All is frozen in motion.

Is it not obvious what the serpent represents?

The tortoise knows there's plenty of time to get things done because there's really no time at all. Aware of its immortality, the tortoise is constantly sloughing off its skin in small increments. The wisdom revealed here is that letting go of the old should be a constant. When we're constantly letting go, we're constantly creating space for the new, which softens the blow of seeming losses. Better to release gradually rather than deal with the consequences of a single, devastating sucker punch. Slow but steady progression is also ideal when approaching long-term goals. Time being an illusion, a long-term goal represents the (inner-to-outer) transformation that takes place as we elevate ourselves to match the frequency of a desired outcome. If such an outcome can be conceived of, then it already exists in probability.

Native American folklore informs us of the Thirteen Moons on the Turtle's Back. When examining the shell of a turtle, 13 large segments are found surrounded by 28 smaller segments along the edges. The 13 segments represent the 13 moons that make up a full lunar year, and the 28 represent the 28 days which make up one full lunar cycle. Additionally, the High Priestess, which is ruled by the Moon, is the 13th Path on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. This is the number of unity and love, although superstition calls it unlucky. But it's true significance, like the non-existent or hidden thirteenth floor, is veiled.

We start our workweek on Monday, following the Holy Sunday. There are four weeks that make up one month, and women have a monthly menstrual cycle. Monday means, "Day of the Moon". Month and mensis have similar etymological origins which can be traced to the Proto-Germanic *menon-, which means moon. A lunar cycle begins with a New Moon. Seven days after the New Moon, it reaches its first quarter phase. Seven days after that, there is a Full Moon. It takes another seven days for the waning moon to reach its last quarter phase. From there, we have the final seven days (four weeks) before circling back around to a New Moon.

When properly in sync with nature's rhythms, the menstrual cycle should align with the lunar cycle. The first day of a period (a word used to mark cycles or measurements of time) signals the beginning of menstruation, where the lining of the uterus is shed. The woman bleeds for a little under a week. About six days after, the lining of the uterus begins to thicken again while a new egg matures. Around day 14, a woman ovulates and an egg is released. The fertility period is typically between day 9 and day 15. From day 16 to day 28, the egg travels to the uterus to dissolve unless it's been fertilized. The lining of the uterus continues to thicken until day 28. After day 28, menstruation should begin again.

The moon, then, is a symbol of fertility, femininity, creativity, cosmic cycles as cycles of time (periodicity and recurrence), and life. During certain phases of the lunar cycle, the moon takes on the shape of a crescent. Crescent comes Latin's crescere, which is etymologically related to the word create (creatus, creare). Crescere means to increase and to grow. To reproduce, to bring forth life, and/or to create is to increase, to add to, or to introduce something new to preexisting conditions. When a woman is impregnated, her belly expands. Contractions mark the end (or completion) of her pregnancy.

This same crescent shape is seen in the blade of Saturn's scythe. The Reaper harvests what has reached ripeness ("ripe old age"), and then turns around to sow the new. Death is a liberator. For every exhale, an inhale. For every expansion, a contraction. This is how the balance is kept. Constant, but eternally recurrent, change to maintain equilibrium. Music, lyre/lyrics, rhythm, balance, harmony, sound, waves, and vibration as the the basis of change, growth, and evolution. The waves in the ocean rise and fall much like the waves of vibration supporting creation.


0mega: From Zero to Hero. Mega means great or large but the O or 0 hints toward no-thing-ness or absence of. The harp resembles the final Greek letter Omega, but turned on its head. The Greek Omega (the end) is the equivalent of the Tau ת in Hebrew. Alpha (the beginning) is synonymous with Hebrew's Aleph א. This beginning (A) and end (Z) is also identical with AZoth.

The Tau (or Omega) is a reference to the Saturn center at the base of the spine, more commonly known as the Root Chakra. Tau corresponds to the final Key in the Major Arcana, The World. This Key connects Malkuth (meaning Kingdom) with Yesod. There, at the base of the spine, is a sleeping giant which awakens when the Higher Self (heaven in the crown) unites with the Lower Nature, or animal soul. Or, rather, the lower concrete mind surrenders to this union with the Higher Self. Spirit (or Aleph) is crucified on the cross of matter. The cross is a symbol of the Tau. The vertical beam is masculine or solar, and it represents spirit. The horizontal beam is feminine or lunar, and it represents earth (matter).

The heart center is the crossroads where the undifferentiated Aleph of Kether (meaning Crown) becomes. Kether's God-name, Eheieh, means "I WILL be", represented by the tarot Key the Ace of Wands. The Will-to-Be is the potential of becoming. And this Will can only be carried out through the Son/Sun (Tiphareth), where being enters the personal field.

Aleph is one of three of the Hebrew mother letters. These three mother letters represent the three primordial elements, the supernal triad (Kether-Chokmah-Binah), and also the three primary colors. These are: Aleph (Root of Air) as yellow, associated with Kether. Shin ש (Root of Fire) as red, associated with Chokmah (meaning Wisdom). Mem מ (Root of Water) as blue, associated with Binah (meaning Understanding). Aleph connects Kether with Chokmah, but also mediates between the fire and the water, the above and the below. When the fires of heaven are combined with the waters of the sub-conscious, a volatile gas or a vapor ascends. This steam is raised to the above (head centers), where it condenses, to rain back down and congeal. Red and blue mix to form purple, the complementary color of Aleph's yellow.

Sublimation is the raising up (uncoiling) of the polarized solar and lunar currents coiled in the Saturn center. This raising up, this exaltation, points toward Libra. Astrologically speaking, Libra exalts Saturn. Justice (or Adjustment) is the tarot Key assigned to Libra. Libra's symbol are the scales of justice: The weighing or measuring of action in order to pass a fair Judgment. Judgment is the tarot Key ruled by Pluto, to which the fiery Shin is ascribed. This Key comes directly before The World. Karma (Saturn): For every action, a reaction. For every effect, a cause. Libra seeks to balance or reconcile the twins (all opposites) to make things EVEn. When the horns of Judgment are sounded (when we are of "sound judgment"), the dead (dormant) are resurrected from their graves. Sublimation brings the unconscious (the Underworld, ruled by Pluto) into the light of awareness.

The Autumn Equinox (which means equal night (and day)) precedes Libra season. During Libra season, the Sun begins to fall (autumn, a tomb) into the darkness of the evening. Astrologically, the exaltation of a planet is positive, indicating that it's influence strengthened in a particular sign. A planet's fall, however, is the opposite. The Sun falls in Libra. Eve was said to have caused the fall by listening to the serpent of temptation (The Devil, ruled by Capricorn, who is also the Christ) and eating the forbidden fruit. She (as the womb/tomb of matter) caused spirit's descent into matter (Saturn). Generation (Scorpio) leads to corruption (malefic Saturn), death, and rebirth (or regeneration). Cronus (Saturn, or space and time) devours his children -- ouroboric feedback loopers. Soylent Green is people!

Putrefaction is represented by both Scorpio and Saturn. The Sun falls in Libra (the kidneys, abdomen) and is exalted in Aries (the head). Aries is the complement of Libra. Saturn is exalted in Libra, but falls in Aries. The Spring Equinox precedes Aries season as we go back into the warmer months where life flourishes. But in the fall, everything dies and goes into hibernation: Saturn the sleeping giant. Green is the color of putrefaction, which happens during the fall and winter season. But this clearing out of the old is necessary to create room for new life. So, this scorpion's tail of death and destruction is just one side of the coin. On the other side is the head (Aries) of the rising Sun, whose resurrection restores the green growth of spring and summer.

Orpheus, the Lyre, and the Nine Muses be continued in Part Two.


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