Introducing the Shapeshifter, a Patchwork Girl


Hello, Steemit! My name is Heather Silvey. I AM...a 30 year old woman located in the heart of the United States. During this frame of reference, one could say that I am a bit of a cliché. But only on the surface. I am, quite literally, living in my Mother's basement. I am a Caregiver without a client, a writer who hasn't finished editing her book, and a deep thinker with a hidden reservoir of unexpressed talent. To summarize: I am a multipotentialite in the process of bringing the uncreated into the light.

At 25 years old, weighing nearly 400 pounds, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I had a borderline tumor the size of a bowling ball that had consumed my left ovary. A borderline tumor is one that starts out as benign but becomes malignant as it grows in size. Fortunately, for me, the cancer hadn't spread. But the tumor, as well as my left ovary and appendix, had to be removed.

After having grown out of a troubled childhood and a teenaged wasteland, I'd developed quite a few unhealthy habits. With low self-esteem and low self-worth, my poor lifestyle (paired with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) had brought on this monster tumor. Following its surgical removal, I experienced the most dreaded complication: Wound dehiscence. The wound hadn't healed and completely opened up upon the removal of the staples. This left me utterly exposed with my entrails threatening to spill out.

Not only did my wound not heal, but it was full of necrotic tissue and sutures that needed to be removed. It had to happen on the spot, fully conscious, while I was able to feel everything. As a child, I recall discussing with friends our worst, mortal fears: Being buried alive, burning to death, dying alone, or waking up during surgery. And there I was, experiencing surgery while wide awake with only morphine to dull the pain.

After a lengthy emergency bedside operation, I was stuffed full of gauze and forced to lay on my back with a gaping hole in my gut. A hole that was the size of the tumor itself. Eventually I was placed on a wound vacuum. This required me to visit a wound clinic three times a week for debridement and dressing changes. Thrice weekly, I would endure the tearing out of sponges that had suctioned up against and grown into my flesh, as well as the continual removal of dead tissue. Slow to heal, pig skin grafts were later incorporated.

This process took approximately 9 months before the opening finally closed up. During those wretched months of excruciating pain, I had vowed to change my lifestyle. I made a promise to myself to get my health back on track and lose the weight just as soon as the wound closed. And I did just that.


I began my lifestyle change in April of 2013. I lost over 100 pounds in just under 6 months. In 13 months, I lost more than my entire self in weight -- over 160 pounds. I kept track of my caloric intake. I worked out everyday for at least 30 minutes. I made wise food choices. And I took it one day at a time. These new habits became, and remain, second nature.

In August of 2014, I started re-experiencing some familiar symptoms: Chronic fevers, fatigue, and digestion difficulties. Coinciding with these symptoms, high strangeness stirred back to life. No stranger to high strangeness, I knew something major was about to shift.

Before I continue, one might wonder: "What is high strangeness?" High strangeness is a term employed to classify unusual activity within the realm of the paranormal, metaphysical, extraterrestrial, and/or multidimensional. While I won't divulge too much in this introduction, it's important that I familiarize potential followers with what will often be the source of future topics of discussion.

Although the awareness was slowly creeping into the "back of my head", I didn't know then that some of the symptoms I was experiencing were indicative of kundalini arousal. Much was rising to the surface to be released as I became an increasingly unobstructed and equilibrated channel. But before it could get better, it got worse.

On March 13th, 2015 (Friday the 13th), I had a bowel obstruction that perforated, resulting in a Near Death Experience. I was later told that during the bowel resection I had died or was very close to death. One surgeon enthusiastically told me that it was miraculous because the moment that they resected the bowel, I sprang right back to life. But I lost two feet of my small intestine.

Once again, I experienced complications following the surgery. I had an internal abscess and was placed on a Jackson-Pratt drain tube for a few weeks. Though not nearly as severe as having an open wound, it felt a lot like déjà vu. The unfolding spiral, the cyclic nature of reality was only just beginning to unveiling itself to me in my life's story.


After that, everything dramatically changed for me once again. Another kind of transformation started to take place, one much less visible yet still physically extreme. Even more drastic than my weight loss, and it's ongoing. This should become obvious in articles to come, though these topics of discussion won't be exclusively personal. Those that have had these experiences of awakening will understand that this involves the unified whole of humanity, creation, and our respective place and purpose.

That being said, these health challenges aren't over yet. My anatomy is still a great mystery to doctors. An example being that they found that my intestines run backwards, contrary to the majority of human an-atom-ies. And on September 23rd, 2017, I was back in the emergency room with what the doctors believed to be an ovarian torsion caused by hemorrhagic cysts. My stomach was distended and my remaining ovary was the size of a tennis ball.

I couldn't sit upright. I had to splint with a pillow with my face in my lap. The pain was relentless and I couldn't stop vomiting. This scenario completely paralleled my bowel obstruction. I was in the same emergency room bed that I had been in when they found my tumor in 2012 and when I was admitted with the bowel obstruction in 2015. Mirroring both cases, I was transported to a larger hospital via ambulance.

Unable to precisely pinpoint what'd taken place, it resolved itself. After two days in the hospital, I was allowed to return home. About a month later, it happened again. Both times around the New Moon, both times requiring an ambulance transfer, and both times resolving on its own. Suspecting that it might have to do with ovulation, they implanted a NEXPLANON ® device into my left arm to suppress ovulation.

So now I wait and see what occurs around the New Moon on the 18th. Hopefully it passes by uneventful despite the recurrent abdominal pains I continue to experience. Regardless of what unfolds, I know that any obstacles I encounter will be met and overcome. This including the great illusion of death, which is really just the mask of liberation as transformation.

Some of my passions include: Writing, reading, the occult/esoteric studies, Qabalah, Tarot, alchemy, philosophy, photography, Photoshop, Zentangles, channeling, jogging, dancing, and psychology.

Why I've joined Steemit: To learn about cryptocurrency, to increase my network of connections, to share and cultivate my gifts, to trigger consciousness expansion, to help others in any way that I can, to profit from content creating, and to work out solutions.


Welcome! Looking forward to your posts!
I wish you the best! Hope you gonna have fun with our community and see you soon.

Thank you!

Hey @heathersilvey! Welcome to Steemit community! That's a very touching introduction post. We're glad that you overcame those many obstacles in your life and wish you loads of luck in future! Have fun and steem on!

Thank you very much. I'll definitely keep on chugging along.


Ah, wow! Thanks for sharing your remarkable journey. :)
Hope to see more from you on Steemit!

Thank you. I have a feeling I'll be lurking around here for some time. :)

Excellent! Good luck!!

You are great and brave girl ! Welcome to the community !! Stay steeming my friend !!

Thank you. Will do!

Welcome my friend !


Hey , how are you ?
welcome to steemit @heathersilvey
following you now.
follow me back pls.

Welcome to steemit :)

So awesome!! Welcome to Steemit and thank you for sharing! How did everything go with the full moon!?

You're welcome and thank YOU. As it has been, my cycle synced up with the Full Moon and I started experiencing sharp abdominal pain with it -- which could just be because it's "that time of the moon-th". However, I have to be careful bending over, twisting my torso, and sleeping on the left side. It feels like there's a mass or some sort of swelling in there. I have to sleep on that right side where I feel the mass, otherwise I start getting stabbing sensations. It's during/around the New Moon that I start ovulating and have been ending up back in the ER as a result. Hopefully that won't be the case. I have a check-up in a little less than a month, so am hoping I won't need to go in before then. Quite the elaboration to your question, but thank you for inquiring about my health.

welcome to steemit!
Nice to know your inspirational stories!

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