Build a reputation while you still can!!! (featuring @jacor as author)

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

Reputation and reward go hand in hand

We as the limited users using STEEMIT (around 30 000 users) can make a real difference by building a reputation while we still can.

Yes it is very difficult to be noticed as new posts speedily disappear of the new post list. I know that most of us feel that our posts are great if somebody will just notice my post:)

But for now my goal is to build a reputation of posting interesting facts, and adding value to the community.

There is no substitute for hard work.

We work hard on building a good reputation while there is still a relatively small user base it will make a huge difference in the long run.

There are a lot of people that have built a reputation online during the past few years.

Although users on Steemit are actually blogging, I do not want to compare Steemit to the traditional blogging, but would like to use Blogger as an example of how building a reputation on Steemit can definitely assist in gaining reward in the long term.

If we look at the current community on Steemit, a total of just over 30 000 accounts and look at the currently trending posts we rarely see more than 500 votes on these posts which indeed pays out amounts not to be frowned upon.

A post with around 500 votes (Including Whales) pays anything around $10 000 - $15 000. I know it is a very rough indication but that is not my point.

If you have around 300 000 users on the system, these same votes should theoretically get more votes, let say 5000 votes. What will happen when we hit 3 000 000 users.

My Point is that we should all stick to or guns, work hard at what we do to become better writers and most importantly support other users in the community to build a following and therefore reputation.


Different content has different audiences. When we grow bigger, if you stick to a specific niche (that you're good at and love) the audience will follow and you will grow a very big fan base that will help get exposure far easier in the future. Even if that niche isn't that big as of writing.

Heidi for example has dominated the travel niche, that's all she posts about.
Cryptooctupus is the data and outreach dude.

And many more I just cant remember ATM, but the basis is the same.

True, but be the first mover in your niche then.

Yeap be first and be good!

Fully agree @repholder I just carry on posting on what I believe in. And can you believe ... my last post was upvoted by a whale 18 hours after I posted it.

Great job, as usual. Very informative. Keep smiling

The golden takeaway to be emphasized in this:

> "There is no substitute for hard work"


@gavvet I upvoted you.
I've noticed a lot of your posts lately have focused on content and quality.
I'm working on a system to bring more authors and content creators on board for exclusive content and I'd like to prove that authoring more than a simple blog post can gain traction too.

Was wondering if you would read this short story I wrote and comment there, upvote and give some general feedback. It's a short story exclusive to steemit, not published anywhere else. If it can get some visibility it will prove to all the content creators that I know that steemit is a better way of doing patronage than Patreon or other subscription models.


@williambanks , you just got an up vote from me for your Mud Blood and Glory. I also followed you and although the button is not working yet, you never know it just might start working soon :) Please have a look at my latest posts as well. The only way we can build a reputation is by building a community, so let's start by following each other, that is if you like my content :)

@williambanks - have you seen this site? it was recently upgraded and now show you who you are following :)

I have been thinking about the same thing. Building a reputation now, while the community is small, while not caring much about fast rewards, will go a LONG way.

Let me give you a short example. Over at YouTube, we see that the top most subscribed channels like Smosh, RayWilliamJohnson, Ryan Higa, Vsauce and many many more have been there since the beginning; before YouTube was even paying anything to anyone! They were just having fun and in the process, were building reputation for themselves. And in 10 years that they have been active, look at them now. They are renowned brands and have a healthy financial situation.

Point being, we are very very lucky to have discovered Steemit in its early days. EXTREMELY lucky. In the coming years, if people work hard AND smart, who knows, we might have our own celebrities! Current users should not be looking at whales and getting disheartened. In fact, one day after 1-2 years, new users will be looking at THEM. So just keep at it, fellow Steemers! :)

Couldn't agree more @sauravrungta

sorry but i disagree @jacor , if you get whales friends you dont need reputation

@bhokor, I agree to a certain extend. I did however make all my business friends through a reputation I build over time. My current contacts then introduced me to a wider audience based on my reputation. Sure you can meet a whale by accident, but in my opinion you will probably meet a whale or two if you build a good reputation, and that is also not guaranteed :)

i think the reward wont go higher, as the money which is paid out daily is the same?

please check my last post regarding multiplying your voting power by 100000%

I will stay on my arguments I love until someone notice me(notice me senpai!) I love to write about computers, and one day I will get rewarded, im sure.

So True @wisehammer , As Guinness says : All Comes to those who wait :)

Are you by chance familiar with Gary Vaynerchuk?
This guy is one badass mo'fo in the business world and he often tells the story about how he started his YouTube channel.

This guy just kept plugging away for literally a couple years before that channel ever took off in any sort of way and his message is simple. Just keep doing it. If you believe in it and you know you can accomplish something big just keep doing it and don't give up just because you haven't seen success right away.

This is how I've felt about pretty much anything I've ever worked on which I was passionate about and I pretty much have the frame of mind now that if I can see it I can reach it.

Anyone reading this should focus on getting their own foothold in this platform and carving out a niche which will belong only to them because it will be based around them- they will be the foundation. When you do that people will follow if they resonate with your message.

@jayjustmay Couldn't agree more. This is going to be hard work for as long as it takes. I must say @piedpiper published a nice story yesterday on how to be truly satisifed about Steemit. Good Listen :)

Awesome, thanks for sharing that with me. I 'm going to check it out...

Just viewed that video and I got to say, hell yeah. That is exactly right and I agree with everything that was said. I hopped on steemit primarily for the fact it's this new and interesting thing so I wanted to be a part of it. So far it's proving to be a pretty cool ride and I'm looking forward to seeing how it develops. I'm all for just sharing what you want and if the rewards follow then great... if they don't, well, I'll keep sharing because that's simply what I wish to do and I encourage anyone else to continue on for as long as it fulfills them ;]

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