💥Dave and Dakota Take on the World💥 | Random Fiction Contest by: @honeydue

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

I was very excited to see a new writing contest hosted by @honeydue using three different prompts! You can find it here!
They are randomly selected by an app. The first two are a relationship...and the third is an event. In this case it was a naive superhero and their bitter sidekick having their first kiss.

I thought...oh my goodness this can't go wrong! haha. Writing it turned out to be so much fun because the possibilities were endless!

Now, I don't know if I nailed the "bitter sidekick" part, but by the end I really enjoyed what I had written!

“Oh my gosh, Dave!” Dakota groaned in frustration, still holding her laser beam at the jewelry store robbers. “Just because this guy looks like your second cousin once removed from your step mom’s side of the family, doesn’t mean you should let them go.”

Dave, standing near the entrance, had swooped in with his enormous strength and picked up the thief as he had tried to escape. They were know interlocked in a massive bear hug while Dave eyeballed him carefully.

“If I look at his jaw line, just like this,” he squinted. “I just know it…you are related to Uncle Billy, aren’t you?”

The man in the black beanie looked confused and angry. “I ain’t related to nobody! You better be puttin’ me down, or you’re gonna be sorry!”

“See Dakota, if he is Uncle Billy’s son…or nephew, he just doesn’t know better. Uncle Billy wasn’t the best at parenting, and life in jail is a hard place. They say they’re about reforming, but that just isn’t the case. One day they go, a few years later they come out, and before I know it, I’ve found them again, usually doing the exact thing I caught them for the first time! But I have this idea…” Dave looked around and found a stool, then sat down, pulling the criminal onto his knee. “I think if I were to really sow into this guy, explain right from wrong…ya know…that sorta thing, he’d really come around! I’d tell him how taking what’s yours isn’t a good way to make friends. I really think I could make a difference.”

The beanie man and Dakota both rolled their eyes. The other three robbers were frozen, full bags in hand, mid-air unable to move.

In the distance, sirens wailed while blue and red strobe lights reflected off the city buildings.

“Listen Dave,” Dakota tried to level with him. “I understand, and maybe one day-” Dave began to interrupt and Dakota restarted. “Maybe tonight we can go over a new plan on how to deal with these kinda guys, but right now just won’t work. The cops are almost here.”

Dave sighed and nodded, then stood back up. He swung the grown man over his shoulder, patted him on the back then tossed him into the energy field with the other men.

The sirens grew louder as the police cars swarmed the store. The officers rushed to the front then swooped in through the double glass doors, but quickly put their weapons away when they saw who had beat them to the scene of the crime.

Dakota carried the men outside and lowered them into the back of the police car, then Dave shut the door gently.

“Thank you again!” the officers called as the two super heroes began their long walk back to their secret lair.

Dakota wished Dave would feel comfortable riding in the super car she had just finished, or better yet, finally get over his fear of heights. She could fly them back right now, but he was too scared, and she couldn’t handle the look on his face if she left him there on the sidewalk, even if he was 7’2 and 380 pounds.

“I hope they’re comfortable in there,” he said sadly. “I hear that the reason there aren’t any cushions in the back is because sometimes…the bad guys have accidents…” he finished in a whisper.

“Listen Dave,” she said ignoring his last comment. “I know saving the world isn’t good enough for you, you want to save the bad guys too, but this is getting ridiculous. Just last week you were so convinced that that man was actually trying to celebrate his birthday by blowing up a building that you let him go!” Dave tried to interrupt again. “I know that no one was in there, but he was nuts, he was an arsonist! Sometimes bad people are just bad, and they need to go to jail because they don’t belong here with the rest of us.

“Now, don’t look at me like that. It’s just the way things are!”

“I can’t believe that way,” he said simply.

“It’s not whether you believe that way or not, it has nothing to do with you.” she argued back.

“If I start to think that all there will ever be are bad people, then I won’t be able to see the good anymore.” He took a deep breath. “Remember when I met you? You were alone on the streets and you had a mighty collection of items that didn’t belong to you.”

Dakota looked down at her feet. “I was different.” she mumbled. “I was just a kid without a family.”

“You were twenty and your family lived a block away.” he laughed. “Still you were trying to make it on your own, but not doing it very well. But I saw the good in you then.” He stopped and pulled her elbow gently to face him. “I’ve always seen the good in you, even when you don’t see the good anyone else.” He caught a lock of stray hair and tucked it behind her ear. “I never want to forget what that feels like.” He bent slowly over then placed his lips gently on hers.

Dakota stood there, frozen as Dave pulled away grinning.

“What was that?” Dakota demanded.

“You didn’t see that coming?” Dave asked confused. “I stopped you by the elbow,” he checked his fingers like a list. “I tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, and I reminisced about our origin story.”

“I’m just your sidekick, Dave, not your girlfriend.” she answered in a flat tone.

“But I bet you want to be more!”


“Come on, just a little?” he nudged her with his elbow.

She looked up at his goofy grin.

“I’ll tell you what,” she said with a smirk. “Ride with me in my super car, and I‘ll think about it.”

“Well, that’s not happening.” he said.

“Fine.” Dakota walked past him and into the street. She whistled a tune three times, and a slick, red car came to a stop in front of her.

“Wait” Dave yelled. “Don’t leave me, please,” he begged.

“Then just get into the car.”

Dave reluctantly slid into the cramped passenger side, but as he adjusted, the seat began to morph to fit his shape.

“You made the seat to fit me?” he asked in surprise.

“Of course I did.” she said with a wink.

“Can I drive?”


Thank you again @honeydue for a fun contest!



Now, that's a good read

it's not a comedy but I couldn't help laughing at some parts. Even the last conversation got me grinning

Good one there

Truly deserving of the win

Lemme see if I can match this in my next entry


Wow, thank you so much! I'm so glad it made you laugh! I was having so much fun writing it...it felt silly and carefree, and I was hoping it would make people smile!

Carefree, I agree

Silly? Nah

I'm mean, this is the stuff comic movies are made up

And yes, it had its desired effect

Steem on

Haha thank you again! Hope you have a great day! I look forward to reading more of your posts! You have gained a follower. 😊

I think I had just as much fun reading this as you did writing it!

Haha that's great to hear!! Thank you for reading it!

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