Getting To The Root Of The Problem

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

A big obstacle that often gets in the way of trying to solve our own problems in life, is when we become too easily distracted with blaming our problems on others.

Instead of trying to focus and get to the root of our own problems in life, we instead choose to focus on the problems of others, and this can easily prevent us from getting the issue resolved.

If we are upset in life, is it because someone else isn't doing their part to make us happy, or is it because we haven't taken the responsibility yet for our own happiness?

Whenever things don't go right, don't go our way, and problems arise, it can be an easy option to turn to others and blame the results on them.

This doesn't mean that problems cannot be caused by others at times, it just means that it is much easier for us to blame the problem on others than it is for us to take responsibility and move to do something about it.

Taking responsibility is a very difficult thing to do, especially when things go wrong and there has been loss and suffering as a result of those actions.

But when we are eager seek to embrace whatever part of the problem might have been our own, I think that the move to do so can only help us to arrive at a resolution that much faster.

Playing the “blame game” can be entertaining but it is only going to waste time and be a distraction tactic. There won't be meaningful work taking place to change things if the meaningful contribution to the problem hasn't yet been realized and addressed.

Some people have an easy time taking responsibility for things, while others really struggle with addressing their own role in any problems that might exist and I think it's something that gets easier with time, the more that you seek to do it.

It might not feel comfortable at first to face the problem head on, but once we admit any fault of our own that is when we can really start to move forward to make changes. Once we stop dancing around excuses and distracting ourselves by the actions of others, then we can do what we can to try and make the problem better.

Sometimes a root of rejection can play a big part in whether or not we feel comfortable with rushing to take responsibility when things go wrong.

If we have nothing but a path of disappointment and rejection behind us, it might feel overwhelming to be faced with yet one more thing that we might have done wrong, one more way that we might have disappointed someone.

It might be easier for some to manage failure than it is for others but if it isn't easy for us that doesn't mean that we cannot work to get better and improve in that area.

Passing off the blame and trying to justify the problem can keep us from moving forward. And rather than looking at an opportunity to claim responsibility as a negative situation that punishes us, we can look to it as an opportunity for learning and growth. Learning to accept correction in the form of admitting our own responsibility when it comes to problems that arise, isn't an easy feat to accomplish, but it can help us to embrace what's really the truth of the matter.

banner thanks to @son-of-satire

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Yea, that is a human nature to point at something / someone with a finger first, in countries with predominant collectivism tradition it brings people and their development down because no one wants to take an responsibility for something and convince others

Sometimes it's kinda hard to find the root...
Thanks for posting :)


Are you from Beni Mellal?

Well said. Others may have planted the seeds to one's problems but at some point you realize that you can change. You may do some self-analysis or counseling but realizing the origin is an intellectual exercise. If it helps you own the problem that is good. But do not dwell on it. Move forward and take ownership of the problem so it does not remain a roadblock in your life. Only you can change you.

Blaming ourselves for our faults is a life changing lesson,
I started finding my faults and burried my self-obsession,
and then I could find myself liable, even when it was other's fault,
this totally upgraded me and transformed me into an exalt.

I'd like to add though, when it comes to personal issues and mental illness, finding the root cause isn't the cure.

A lot of people think that it's like in books or movies, wherein the main character finds himself or herself through finding the root cause and boom, they experience some cathartic moment and instantly become better.

Nah. It doesn't work like that.

The root cause is just an insight to help you heal better.

You've still got to put in the work to heal yourself and it will take a commitment over the long term.

Good one @doitvoluntarily

Thats also true.

I saw a good movie last night that reminded me of this.

Playing the victim is such an appealing role because it absolves us of responsibility. For some it's easier to play the role of a victim because they've actually be en wronged in the past. The problem is that from the perspective of a victim, there's very little they can do to actually fix their situation. This is he definition of being disempowered, but empower,ent comes from seriously asking the question "What can I do about it?" The situation only changes when taking responsibility even when what happened in the past is out of our hands and sometimes leaves us at a disadvantage.

Very well written @doitvoluntarily. I think a lack of humility is often the cause of the blame game. We are often so quick to think 'l can do no wrong', but it is part of our human nature to make mistakes. Being humble and admitting to them should be as simple as admitting to being a human. And I just realized that the words human and humility share the same root. Too bad they don't always go hand in hand.

that's a great point @jaymorebeet :) thank you for your comment

∞§∞Responsibility is the key to freedom∞§∞

I very much agree with you say Sir @doitvoluntarily, sometimes we focus to other people's problems instead of just to cover the mistake yourself. and we should also be aware that life is not to maintain the lives of others, but we must learn from the mistakes that have been made by others. Thanks for sharing this post to all of us, Sir, very useful.

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