Weekend Freewrite -6/8/2019 - Single Prompt: Nose Hair

in #writing5 years ago

This story features police captain Ironwood Hamilton of Tinyville, VA, whose personality is probably best expressed in the freewrite "Nunchucks", and also Thomas Stepforth III, whose skepticism about Captain Hamilton is expressed in the freewrite "Glass Bottle".

Mr. Gordon of Tinyville, VA was a proud man, and fiercely independent, but while his soul was as indomitable as ever, 98 years of time had slowed his footsteps. This led to a problem when crossing Main Street and Market in Tinyville. It was the only busy street in town, and only at this time of day, but he needed to get across, and just could not do it in 35 seconds. So, there he stood, stuck wobbling in the heat, his pride and age combining to root him to the corner.

Summertime -- kids out of school, and some looking for trouble they could get away with. They neither knew nor cared who Mr. Gordon was. It was a mixed crowd of kids, enjoying giving their opinion of things and people in a world in which their parents had to work and didn't have time for them during the day.

"Hey! Look at this old man -- more hair growing out of his nose than on top of his head!"

The laughter and the teasing commenced, cruelly, loudly, as Captain Hamilton walked up Main Street and Mr. Stepforth down the other way.

Mr. Gordon shook his cane angrily.

"All of you should be in the fields -- white and colored -- working! You're of no other use!"

"Oh, pipe down, Old Nose Hair!"

The taunting increased, and those kids were enjoying themselves so much they let Captain Hamilton and Mr. Stepforth walk right up on them.

"So, you all noticed nose hair, but not that Mr. Gordon needed your help?" Captain Hamilton said calmly.

All the kids started, and were instantly terrified, but especially the Black kids.

"The first thing we're going to do is walk with Mr. Gordon across the street. The second thing we're going to do is to the station and wait while I call all your parents at work and tell them why you're at the station."

"You can't do that -- my father is the county judge!" one said.

"Oh, that's going to be an interesting phone call, then," Captain Hamilton said. "I'm not afraid of your father. You are."

Captain Hamilton turned to Mr. Stepforth.

"Would you have time to come along as a citizen witness, Mr. Stepforth?"

The Black kids sighed with relief.

"I'm glad you asked me before I had to insist," Mr. Stepforth said. "I would have."

"I know. Saves you some trouble."

"And you too, Captain."

Mr. Gordon just stared, mouth open, at the equal discourse between Captain Hamilton and Mr. Stepforth. The kids would have teased him for that too, but one stern look from the captain and the citizen witness stopped that. Mr. Gordon, once safely across the street, was still staring as the kids and the two men who had taken charge of them went out of sight.

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