Day 830: 5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: describe what you see at 10 AM

in #writing4 years ago


Neither Captain H.F. Lee nor his grandmother were late sleepers – he was stirring slightly by 4:45am, and that also roused Selene Slocum-Lofton, who had experienced her first complete breakdown in 47 years the previous and had cried herself to sleep in her grandson's arms.

Mrs. Slocum-Lofton's memory of events was not clear … she remembered her grandson giving her a hug and telling her he loved her, and that had overwhelmed her, because she knew how she had hurt him in the past. He had hurt her too … but half of that wasn't real. It wasn't real because she had no business being mad about who he chose to marry … even if she had been Black.

Before all that: she had not been a good grandmother to him. She had doted on his half-sister, Sarah, by her daughter Sarah's first marriage, but she had barely tolerated Hiram Lee and thought nothing of his son until she found out Hiram Lee had convinced her daughter to lock down that Slocum-Lofton trust fund entirely to their son, Henry.

But that wasn't real either … that wasn't poor orphan baby Henry's fault. He was just all that was left of Hiram Lee.

Hiram Lee was dead. Vanessa and Henry Victor Morton Lee were dead. They were dust. None of the reasons for all that bitterness and anger had ever been real, and certainly they were not real any more.

But grandson was real … Henry Fitzhugh Lee was real, and had really forgiven. It was impossible. But there he was, having stayed put all night, keeping her safe. She hadn't fallen on the floor; he had pretty much buried her between his arms and that big chair.

Captain Lee's eyes opened at precisely 5:00am, per normal. He surveyed his surroundings in great surprise – it took a moment to remember what had happened, and where he was, and who this sleepy woman was who was all curled up with him.

“See … I should have known not to get involved with a woman like you … two days, and already ...”

Mrs. Slocum-Lofton cracked up laughing, and Captain Lee gently lifted her up and onto her sofa so she could stretch before getting up … 83 was a little different from 45 in that respect. Not to his surprise, she had a cat's routines … complete stretches, slow and deep and full, before trying to get up.

“So, what does a devout Christian who doesn't go to church do on a Sunday morning?” she asked after he had gotten her instant coffee maker going.

“Come and see, Grandmother.”

The view at 10:00am – on the mountain, way up in the Blue Ridge, for breakfast, grandson and grandmother in their hiking gear. Not that Captain Lee had done his usual hike, given that his companion was 83, but, she had kept up well by the route he chose after parking, and they had securely nestled in a quiet rest area.

Captain Lee wrapped his heavy coat around his grandmother.

“I must leave you for a little while, Grandmother, to do my private worship, but here is a whole pot of coffee, and my coat to keep you warm. You will see me above you presently; if you need something, call out, and I will return.”

“Do what you need to do, Henry. I'll be fine.”

Presently – sooner than she expected – he reappeared, a surprisingly smaller figure in the high distance, and knelt down in prayer while she sipped hot coffee and nestled in his coat, pondering many things in her heart.

Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash


What a loving and caring man Captain Lee is. That is a breathtaking view and a perfect place to pray. I always love the way you end your writings.

Resident cat here, wondering if Captain Lee and his grandmother will be eating brussel sprouts today?

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Oh, you know Captain Lee loves his vegetables ... and yes, the Spirit of God has done a lot of work on him, in 27 years, so that the type of man who spent almost all of his time in that 27 years killing his enemies left and right in the Army and out (right on down to Commissioner Thomas in Black, White, and RED All Over back in July) can actually love the grandmother who made herself his enemy ... he is getting there, in hopes that she will get there too...

He is very nice to a grandma who wasn't so nice - but at least she realizes it now...

She's getting there ... although it would be a mistake to think that Grandma Selene is there yet ... some other members of the family are really getting on her nerves, and she already is plotting on them as of today's freewrite ... but here's the deal: grandson H.F. Lee is the ONE person in the WHOLE world who proved he wasn't accepting Grandma's mess and COULD deal with her, even at 18. He's now 45 -- Special Forces/JAG medals for DAYS, evidence gathering potential for DAYS-- and could still destroy her entire world in no time flat AND she deserves it. She knows this. Not that she hasn't gotten her weight up for the fight in 27 years ... buying up the city he works in, and such! But, she doesn't want the fight, and so, she wasn't ready for his actual line of "attack" ... the love of God, greater even than his difficulty to forgive, in hopes that she can be redeemed and "get there" for real ... that, she doesn't even understand yet. But, she is learning...

Oh! Bad grandma. hasn't she learned anything in her many years of life? 🤪

The challenge about life is that as you get old, you become more of who you are. Selene Slocum-Lofton is 83. She was born a Madison, of that same family of James Madison who designed a nation which allows us a lot of freedom ... but in which people like you and me had to fight hard against the original system so we can enjoy those freedoms today (and, the battle is not over, as we have learned since the 2016 election). Mrs. Slocum-Lofton is of that "evil genius" class of people -- rich, brilliant, capable of great insight, but more or less indifferent to those not considered worthy to share in the profits, or assigned as chattel, period. Her circle has reinforced this for 400 years -- four entire centuries.

In fairness to Mrs. Slocum-Lofton, in this particular situation: she knows her circle. These are people that have destroyed everything in their path for 400 years. She knows what can happen even to her, now that her circle is turning on her. Her family is worried that she will give her "new man" her money, and her friends are mad that she won't invest her energy in the society games that help to keep consciences dull and silent, but instead is turning philanthropist on them! But Mrs. Slocum-Lofton isn't the type to be scared and wait around for someone else to make a move. Oh, no... in a world of deadly plotters, she's been two steps ahead for too long...

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