
She's getting there ... although it would be a mistake to think that Grandma Selene is there yet ... some other members of the family are really getting on her nerves, and she already is plotting on them as of today's freewrite ... but here's the deal: grandson H.F. Lee is the ONE person in the WHOLE world who proved he wasn't accepting Grandma's mess and COULD deal with her, even at 18. He's now 45 -- Special Forces/JAG medals for DAYS, evidence gathering potential for DAYS-- and could still destroy her entire world in no time flat AND she deserves it. She knows this. Not that she hasn't gotten her weight up for the fight in 27 years ... buying up the city he works in, and such! But, she doesn't want the fight, and so, she wasn't ready for his actual line of "attack" ... the love of God, greater even than his difficulty to forgive, in hopes that she can be redeemed and "get there" for real ... that, she doesn't even understand yet. But, she is learning...

Oh! Bad grandma. hasn't she learned anything in her many years of life? 🤪

The challenge about life is that as you get old, you become more of who you are. Selene Slocum-Lofton is 83. She was born a Madison, of that same family of James Madison who designed a nation which allows us a lot of freedom ... but in which people like you and me had to fight hard against the original system so we can enjoy those freedoms today (and, the battle is not over, as we have learned since the 2016 election). Mrs. Slocum-Lofton is of that "evil genius" class of people -- rich, brilliant, capable of great insight, but more or less indifferent to those not considered worthy to share in the profits, or assigned as chattel, period. Her circle has reinforced this for 400 years -- four entire centuries.

In fairness to Mrs. Slocum-Lofton, in this particular situation: she knows her circle. These are people that have destroyed everything in their path for 400 years. She knows what can happen even to her, now that her circle is turning on her. Her family is worried that she will give her "new man" her money, and her friends are mad that she won't invest her energy in the society games that help to keep consciences dull and silent, but instead is turning philanthropist on them! But Mrs. Slocum-Lofton isn't the type to be scared and wait around for someone else to make a move. Oh, no... in a world of deadly plotters, she's been two steps ahead for too long...

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