Day 601: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: tax

in #writing5 years ago (edited)

Tax season was no more enjoyed in Unbeton than anywhere else, but there were helps and entertainments you could get nowhere else.

In the capital city, the center square became the home of big projection screens at the very beginning of tax season, and, for three months, all the ways that Unbeton's tax dollars had been used on behalf of the people paying the taxes were displayed and explained in detail. Different state accountants were assigned every week to give the presentations to the people, and anyone in the nation who had questions was welcome to come and get questions answered. Other tax experts were made available to help the people with their own taxes, as that was part of Unbeton's budget every year. A free lunch was thrown in ... because, after all, the taxes had already paid for it!

The highlight was the week before the tax deadline; another screen was set up, and out came Queen-Steward Justiss to do her taxes in the public square, and personally account for how she and her administration justified the sizable amount of money spent from Unbeton's budget on her. Questions, protests of the monarchy, and all; the queen thoroughly, graciously, and often humorously fielded all of it, to the respect of her people.

“It doesn't make paying those darn taxes any easier,” one said to another, “but at least we know she's not a crook, a con, nor a cheat – and she runs this country well, so we ought to keep our good old royal widow a little comfortable!”

“Yeah,” said another, “and you just know if her people track themselves like this, you KNOW they have the goods on us, so we might as well go on and pay up -- on time, too!”

"I wonder what the tax lunch is this year...?"


Wow @deeanndmathews,

When I read your blog regarding the way your Queen Steward Justiss of Unbeton was conducting the tax head is spinning....because I don't think it is a Monarchy Kingdom because it more of like a Democratic country, but India being a Democratic nation, has almost got converted into a Draconian Monarchy where peoples lives are getting destroyed and devastated.

I bet Unbeton has beaten every other nation in its approach of this TAX SESSION and your Queen Steward JUSTISS has completely JUSTIFIED her role not as a Queen, but as a caring Mother to every citizen of your country Unbeton. You people are very lucky to have this Loving Mother as your Queen.

This is really a nice freewrite where I got to know much about your country Unbeton. Thanks for sharing this invaluable info.

Thank you for reading ... Unbeton is a long-running FICTION that pops us in my freewrites, but I tried to show the best of what a country COULD do, and the respect it would create for leadership. I actually live in the United States, which is having similar problems to India. But I write in the hopes of inspiring leaders everywhere to be transparent and just, even if the leadership is over something small or large. This is the kind of leadership I have experienced in my small community from the elders I grew up with: generous and transparent people who live authentic lives. I do what I can to make sure they grow old with dignity and comfort!

👏👏👏.... Your freewrite was so real that I felt like you are living in a county called Unbeton.

Actually, I tried it in Google, but nothing turned out in that name, but still I proceeded without thinking otherwise because I was so much overwhelmed that I didn't care about it that much.

Such was the impact your fictional freewrite had on my mind!..... Simply awesome, engaging content!

" But I write in the hopes of inspiring leaders everywhere to be transparent and just, even if the leadership is over something small or large. "

I just want to appreciate you from the bottom of my heart for your responsible thoughts. Hats off to you!

Thank you so much for that -- I really appreciate it!

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