How I Write My Steemit Posts

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Every Steemian that creates content has their own style, routine, or experiences that they use to produce their content on Steemit.

Some go for text-only or a video or image based style.

Some Steemians write articles days or weeks before they publish them. And some write in the moment.

Some edit while they write, adding images as they go and some create in stages.

Everyone does something different.

So I thought I would share how I write my Steemit posts with the goal of giving additional insight to Steemians.

Maybe a part of my process will inspire them or vice versa. So please share your own styles and processes to writing your Steemit posts in the comments, would love to learn from you.

How I Write My Steemit Posts:


I write in the moment.

Similar to how a rapper freestyles without previous thought, I write my Steemit posts with very little prior thought before I actually sit down to write them.

I never pre-write posts. I may write down the title of a post like: "What is Life?" on my calendar on my desk so I don't forget, but that's about it.

I completely write in the moment. And most times have no idea what I write.

That's the power of the flow.

Once you are in tune the flow is absolutely incredible.

You just write. And write. And write. Whatever your body's frequency level, that is the message you will share.

To raise my vibrations before I write a post, I always smoke marijuana and do some sort of exercise.

Whether that be a 15-30 minute jog or playing with the pup or cats to get the blood pumping, I have noticed it is essential for me to get my blood really moving to stimulate the flow.

And wow once you know how to activate the flow, the things you can share are legendary.

The one thing about flow is you can't switch from macro, big-picture thinking, to micro-thinking like editing and adding images.

Once you switch from macro to micro or vice versa the flow is interrupted. Your brain is not wired to work that way.

It is wired to focus on one or the other at one time.

So I just sit down and write. no editing. no adding images. No code edits. i just make sure I keep the flow going and get all the thoughts that I am channeling into the post.

Whenever I switch to go back and edit a mis-spelled word or search for an image, the flow is immediately interrupted.

As a result, I just go back and edit my mistakes at the end of my writing flow. And holy shit do I have a lot of them to correct. but I didn't disturb my flow, and because of that my writing did not suffer as a result.

Also, I look for images as the very last step in my process of publishing a post. I have found it helps bring everything together in the post when I do it last. And i don't disturb my flow.

Lastly for now, the cool thing about being in the flow is that you are completely in the moment.

Not thinking about the past or future, but truly living in the moment. And holy shit does it feel good and makes you feel alive. Once you do it a few times you will understand more fully.

And another cool thing about writing with flow you necessarily don't remember what you write in your posts. Just like a rapper rarely remembers a random freestyle they rap, I don't always remember what I write in my posts.

Sometimes I will go back and read some posts I wrote that are a few days old and be completely blown away. Damn, Paul you dominated that shit. How the heck did you think of that?

The Universe my friends.

The Universe controls the flow.

What comes out is completely up to you and your vibrations.

So next time you want to write an epic Steemit post:

Activate the flow.

This concludes the first piece of content in a series aimed to bring Steemians the most value in how you write and create your Steemit posts.

I learn by doing and listening.

So why wouldn't I pass on the knowledge obtained through trial-and error and listening?

Hopefully I can save you time and maximize the impact your Steemit posts have.


Thank you as always for your time, support, and attention. It means so much to me :)

Image Sources:




Another inspirational post from @chiefmappster 👏 keep em coming bro 😎

Roger that my dude roger that.

Thanks again for caring, really means the world to me buddy.


Crazy, he can do that all day too!

I flow on the moment too. I don't even know what I'll be writing next 😁

O heck yeah love to hear that buddy o weee :)

Mine are always in the moment however I get my inspiration after I have retired for the night and during meditation.

O heck yeah so you already know the power of the flow :)


Oh yes, and if I attempt without it, I fail miserably. Lol!


Just going with the flow!!


Ayyyyyyyyyy exactly :)

That flow is beautiful my friend o weee


Amazing effort.

love your process my friend. you are so good at it, keep that flow UP.

xo! b.

Ayyyy thank you so much bethie :)

Great post, I like the emphasis on flow. I tend to be very structured, perhaps pedantically so, and write everything out elsewhere. Then I go back and try and find pictures and media that I think fit, and sometimes I spend way too much time doing that. Then I go back and add the hyperlinks (I am a fan of sourcing my arguments) while doing the first edit. Then I do the markdown formatting and edit again. Then I read it out loud to myself and do a final check, then post.... puh, just writing that down makes me tired... :P I really need to work on making my posts a bit shorter to get a much broader readership, but I'm happy with how things are developing so far (partially thanks to you guys at buildawhale!), so just going to keep plugging away. Anyway, thanks for some great food for thought and insight into your process... Cheers - CZ

You're welcome so much :)

And looks like you have a ncie little process going for you, awesome to hear. Yeah that's the one thing I have noticed with writing these life pieces (because I have written many research pieces) is that I don't have to source my own life experences so I can completely eliminate that step.

I remember being in school and that would take so long and frustrate me trying to find all these sources, even if they were my original thoughts, you still always had to have a minimum amount of sources. Not a big fan of arbitrary numbers :)

But heck yeah you are doing great work. Maybe make each post you are doing now into three posts. A Part One, Two , And Three. Because the content and your writing is no doubt top notch. Just a thought.

Thanks again for your time and attention, it means a lot to me :)

Yeah dude right on!! Im the same way for the most part! I have tried different ways of writing posts but when you have the flow going, beings able to maximize its use it huge! I sometimes tho will find pics and from there derive a story and that way ill post and write at the same time, but now I find most times I just giver' till the end then head back up and fix all those mistakes lol

Amen amennnnnn. I am right there with you I will be flowing then for whatever reason see or find an epic picture that just takes the article the a new level.

Hahaha love it buddy love it, keep doing great things.


Hello my friend, food for thought the "flow" method you use! I will have to try not overthinking my posts, could be fun to see what evolves. Hope you are well. God bless🐓🐓

Thank you so much hope you are well as well.

Excited to see what evolves :)

God Bless

You are the bomb my friend. Always going with the flow. Was kind of hoping you might check out the post I resteemed . Thought it was noteworthy. Maybe you can take a look if you have a sec. Your friend 🐓🐓

Thank you so much :)

Roger that on it.

I write every post differently. Sometimes I post right away and sometimes I work on a post for weeks before I post it. It is all about inspiration, but sometimes my inspiration jumps from one thing to another. Sometimes I write half a post and then I'm interrupted and when I have free time again I wanna read others stuff and comment or work on something else. My Optimism posts take the most out of me but they are also the most fun, I get to share ideas that I'm so passionate about but they require a lot of concentration, something I'm not very good at. I do love stream of consciousness writing, you seem to be quite good at it.

I'm really enjoying your posts recently.

Thank you so much my friend I really appreciate that.

Wow I feel like we are very similar. Like you said your optimism posts take a lot of energy our of you but is so fun. I feel that way with some of my writing as well. I have so much energy when I am writing them and then once its published whooshhh energy drained.

But that's interesting that you can do both. Write with flow and then save artiles for the future. I will work on that.

Thanks again for your time and attention, really appreciate you caring.


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