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RE: Of Clams

in #writing7 years ago

I dunno what it is about this post, or whether it was just the way you wrote it or whatever, but I found it freakin' hilarious XD

Especially this last part:

ya'll aint seen the clams I've seen.
You haven't.
Pray you never will.


Anyway, that's an interesting dream, and I think whoever came up with the story behind Far Cry 3 woke up with a similar dream before deciding to flesh it out and turn the objects of the story into a revered female tribal leader and an ornate knife as opposed to a clam :P

Just out of curiosity...was MC "Big Momma" about the size of the clam that consumed Captain Gutt in Ice Age: Continental Drift?

Or are we talking Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs-level food enlargement?


Not at all, actually that's a big relief (it was intended to be funny). I thought I was going completely tone-deaf when people seemed to take it seriously lol

Naw, probably just people recovering from hangovers after extensive New Year's bashing. It's the reason I didn't get online yesterday...too much potential for saying something too out of place to someone who didn't have it coming.

They see the post and probably think you were just as hammered, I suppose XD

Well next time you're hung over feel free to come on over, 9 days out of 10 I probably deserve it

I usually don't drink to the point where I can't stand or walk anymore, just enough that I've got a buzz going for a few hours. I'm generally quite clean that way.

Also, why do you say you probably deserve 'it' 9 days out of 10?

Deserve might be the wrong word, more I'm a bit dickish myself and would enjoy swinging back lol

Ah, makes sense XD
Not a pacifist then, eh?

Back when I was an angsty teen I was a "troll" (i hate that word) I guess, so when somebody gives me a valid excuse to unleash all my worst qualities it can be very cathartic

Angsty Adult in politically corrective restraints until it XD

Shit, sorry didn't finish my reply to this

lol @ Far Cry 3, but Pagan Minn is the only excellently acted and bizarrely underused FPS villain that'll be in my dreams (unless FC5's twist is it was the god damned Mother Clam the whole time).

Clams size is hard to remember, partly cause i was on the verge of psychosis and partly because I just don't remember. I'm gonna say like human height?

Pagan Minn is the guy from FC4 right? Have only managed to play FC3 so far...need to buy some new hardware before I play anything above that.

unless FC5's twist is it was the god damned Mother Clam the whole time

The sadist in me suddenly wants you to only ever play FC5 with a VR headset when you run into the Mother Clam XD

Clams size is hard to remember, partly cause i was on the verge of psychosis and partly because I just don't remember. I'm gonna say like human height?

Okay, that sounds about right lol.
Y'know the more you think about it, the faster that clam and its surrounding fiction could turn fifty shades weirder if one isn't careful XD
Some part of me is thinking combination of the Succubus with Lilith and Mundus' spawn from DmC: Devil May Cry...

Far Cry Writer's Table

person: hey guys we miraculously wrote another charismatic intriguing bad guy

person 2: cool man we'll try to find time to squeeze him in when you're not talking to your quest givers who intone every sentence with incredibly unsubtle menace and the homosexual fella who makes you cklothes

person 1: j


I'd say the quest givers in almost any game take up more time from your mission in-game than the actual missions and objectives you're there to accomplish. I remember the one side-quest that I never did manage to nail down was the Riddler's Trophy collection search that would allow you to take him down in Batman Arkham City. Was just too painful to pursue for prolonged periods of time, especially since some of them required you to play as Ms. Kyle to unlock part of the way to them, and then switch back to the Bat to acquire them.

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