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RE: How Much Do You Love Me? New Constrained writing contest #10!

in #writing7 years ago

I was going to add more details to clarify, but in the end, I thought it better to leave it to the reader to put their own spin on it. I was curious to see where people's minds took it.

When I was writing it, I was thinking that one half of the couple died by some sort of sudden means (accident/illness) and the second half of the couple gave up... either by no longer taking care of themselves/being reckless or by suicide attempt.

The conversation took place in sort of an 'in between' world where the soul of the first one was talking the spirit of the second into going back to his still living body to finish out their life the way it was meant to be.


I see! Interesting!
I thought one of them was still alive, because;

Can you go back and take care of our children?

As in, they found a way to communicate with the deceased, whatever that way may be, but were needed back in real life.

I definitely enjoy the idea of openness and allowing the reader to interpret it any way he wants! And seeing your explanation, my thoughts, and @dfrankle's comment... We sure had different views on it. Love it! :D

Yeah, it is interesting. I thought person #2 was probably in a coma or something, so they were kind of stuck between 'following the bright light' or going back to their body and working on living...

I like seeing the different thoughts on it!

Yeah! Exactly! Something like that was in my mind also! ^^

I sure am glad it's fiction though ;P

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