On a roll: one client becomes three as my editing service takes off!

in #writing8 years ago



It seems like only yesterday that I was telling you all about how I had gotten my first editing client-

... What? It was yesterday? Shit. I knew that.

Okay, hold on.

Damn, that really messed up my flow. Okay, come on dude. You got this. You got this. Quit talking to yourself, you're making yourself look crazy!

Right, where was I? Oh yes, my newly-launched editing business, exclusive to Steemit!

Yesterday, I had one client. Today I have three. That's right, my business grew by 300 percent overnight, all because I wrote a post a couple of days ago insulting everyone's writing ability. If I was an IPO, I'd be Mark Zuckerberg's dog. Who knew being a dick in a public forum would be so rewarding?


Today saw two, count 'em two new posts going live that I contributed to:

The first, @steemradio's SteemFest is Coming – Choose Your Party Music Now! is a second assignment from my very satisfied, very generous first client ever. Building repeat business is integral for any startup, and the fact that @steemradio likes the job I'm doing on their posts is such an ego-booster. Plus, partnering with them means that I have a hand, even tangentially, in the kind of community-building efforts that are so integral to the platform. I mean, who doesn't love music? Well, deaf people I guess. Okay, so who (besides the deaf) doesn't love music?

The second is from the highly talented @decimus, who asked me to edit his ongoing Star Wars tabletop RPG adventure, Bury Us on Tattooine. Episode Four, Flicker, Flicker, went live today, and there are two more installments on the way from @decimus that I've edited for him as well that are filled with gritty, action-packed moments that seem lifted right out of a Rogue One trailer. Seriously, if you're a big nerd like me and you're obsessed with Star Wars, check out his tabletop fiction - you won't be disappointed.


Of course, that's not all on the agenda. I have another major piece of fiction from a prospective new client that's going to knock your socks off when it goes live. Their writing is so evocative, so poetic and lyrical, that it's going to be something else altogether. Be warned though, it's not going to be for the faint of heart. That's all I can say right now until we're done collaborating on it.

As if that wasn't exciting enough, I have yet another prospective client that I'm in talks with that is likely to send me something soon by the next time they're ready to post. Very excited to work with them, as they have some great ideas about the Steemit platform that they need some help getting across. They're a non-native English speaker as well, which presents its own challenges; thankfully I've got experience in editing and proofing texts from clients that speak English as a second (or sometimes third) language.


Hold on to your butts: there's one more thing, but this one's secret. Can't talk about it. I don't even know why I mentioned it. It's probably because I'm a bit of an asshole. Or I just don't know if anything will come of it. It's more of a long-term thing that really won't develop much until after SteemFest is over and everyone's back home again. Stay tuned for more details as they develop. Or don't. I'm not your momma.

Interested in working together? Leave a message in the comments below, or find me on Steemit.Chat!



Your writing is awesome. Thank you again for your contribution to our project!

Way to go!! When you have the good stuff people will line up for it. Now let's move those goals out a little bit. ; )

Am I the lizard in this scenario? I am, aren't I?


I emailed you yesterday, did you got my mail ?

I did get your email! I emailed you back, did you get it?

No, I didn't, that why I'm asking
I checked spam too, nothing (

Let me check. I'm almost positive I sent it!

I found it! It was in my drafts folder. I just sent it out. Sorry about that @svamiva!

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