I Don't Want To Write Today But I Write Anyway (A Pretty Big Realization About Myself Through Writing This Post)

in #writing7 years ago

Even though I call myself a writer, sometimes I just do not feel like writing.
Like right now.
Not in the mood.
But I do write.
Because apparently I am in a bit of a shitty mehmeh mood.
And even that needs to be shown to the world.
I may look like I am this happy laughey smiley chick online.
And even though that is true.
There are also days that I am just a bit down, a little restless, a little off.
And that’s totally okay too.

Especially this year, it’s been a bit of a wild ride in terms of emotions, experiences and changes.
And although I know I have to go through that process, it just is a bit mehmeh.

What I do notice is that I need at least one day a week totally for myself.
No appointments (not even just having coffee with a girlfriend)
No things I HAVE to do.
Just nothing!
No musts!

Time to move inwards.
Do whatever the fuck I want to do.

If I don’t have that, my balance goes a little off and I cannot find my centre once again.

And then the passion and zest for life (including writing) just meh, get put to the side.

Found on www.unsplash.com

Even though maybe I call myself a writer but that’s not really what I am.

I am an intuitive writer.

I write from the gut of my instinct with the whisperings of my heart giving guidance as what wants to be said!

People tell me I should write a book.

But seriously my head can’t wrap its head around that

Like me? Write a book?

How the hell would that happen?

I only write what wants to be written in that moment.

I do not edit.

I do not let my words rest a day or two so I can come back to it and edit it.

No I write the damn raw shit that wants to pour out of my fucking bare soul.

And that’s that.

So if I ever were to write a book, it would be a massive ramble of thoughts that want to be expressed in exactly that moment.

And I am not sure that anyone on this planet wants to read that.

But in reality, I actually am writing a book.

A Steemit book.

My pages being the online posts written on the brilliant blockchain.

Which suits me a whole lot more!

Here’s to writing when you don’t want to write.
Here’s to me finally understanding that I am an intuitive writer.
Here’s to books written on the blockchain

Even though I didn't want to write, the realization of being an intuitive writer came through writing this post.

I guess what they say is true.
You just need to write.

BIG love,


Steemit Ashley Kalila.png

Sharing Authentically.png


I find this highly relatable, since I often find myself overpromising about things I can accomplish for the day. However, I easily get paralyzed and discouraged to even start. I guess this can be broken by even just a small push.

So this is what I learned from this article, to do things even we may feel like we can't. In this way, we'll soon realize that we truly can. We just need that one tiny flick of action.


Honestly, I SO did not want to write.
Started a few times but just let it go.
Until I just started writing really from within, and then it's just completely flowed out of me.
This is how it works for me anyhow :)
Good luck in doing the things you want to do at the moments you dont want to do it.
You are a brave soul!

You are so talented 💌
Ⓢ ⓣ ⓔ ⓔ ⓜ Ⓞ ⓝ!

Why thank you dear! :)

(inside joke)
Hoe noemt het als je als schrijver/ster meerdere dagen niet weet wat schrijven?...
Een writers blockchain...

Cheers to taking a weekly break, to intuitive writers & to your Steemit book! :-)

Even though you don't want to write, you wrote big that is to show the passion that runs through the vain. i believe if you want to write a book you can, just a matter of time. when ever you a weak take a break, get a good sleep, walk out and have a good diet. @theheralds

Good idea!

Very true words my dear. Just be yourself. Do whatever feels right to you. So if you feel like you need a break, hey take it dear. Rest. Eat more. Sleep well. Exercise. Yoga. Listen to music. ....

I may look like I am this happy laughey smiley chick online.
And even though that is true.
There are also days that I am just a bit down, a little restless, a little off.
And that’s totally okay too.

Exactly my dear. Life is in circles. Sometimes happy, sometimes sad...but all add up to the experience and quality of life...



Yes :)
Very true.
Sometimes it's time to make, create and start stuff.
And sometimes it's time to go inwards, relax and be extra kind to oneself!

don't force yourself to do things when you have not the mood for it because it will become a drag I swear I have experienced it more than ones, on various things

Somewhere I agree with you and somewhere I don't.
I just notice that sometimes I don't want to write but there is something that does want to be expressed, so then I do write.
But sometimes, none of that is present and I just surrender to not writing. hehe

Good day! I can feel love. I love doing a lot of things for the day but I always end up being so lazy and opt not to be that productive.

Which is totally okay too btw. :)

Oh. Thank you ^^

Good thing you pushed through and wrote just the same. Anytime I get writers block I find out that nature helps me, just by taking a walk by the sea I end up writing n before you know it I have my next post...lol

Yep, nature is our biggest healer in life.

Wow i never heard of intuitive writing until now. Thank you for that my intuitive friend hehe. Anyways i just wanna say thank you also for opening my eyes that even if one is not in the mood to write, you just need to take that first step and just write some shit down and momentum will just do its thing. 😊

Exactly! :)

Just keep writing hehe
I find it difficult too sometimes but you just gotta surrender and be honest to it.

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