Together, Even after The End

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

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I realized there's something wrong with this island, I have developed one of those sixth sense. You know the ones where you have the feeling that something bad is going to happen. I had this feeling when I joined up with the crew. When there are no jobs, you just have to find a way to put food on the table. I had that feeling when we boarded the ferry, Senopati Nusantara.

The leader of our crew said that its going to be an easy task. It was easy picking, he says. Nothing is easy and I have a very bad feeling on it. I was right. Stupid Adie, dropping a grenade. Why would you even bring a grenade onto a boat? Well, I hope he's dead now, if I ever meet him, I would stick a grenade up his behind.

Well, at the very least I am a good swimmer and a lucky one at it. It wasn't long before I found the island. I knew there was one nearby, this area is filled with them. While I may be lucky, I can't say the same for the many others who died in that unfortunate incident. I mean, its not my fault. It wasn't me who blew up the Senopati Nusantara, wasn't it? It's just luck, right?

Crap, It's that feeling again. Something is not right. Either its because of the long swim to the island or well, something really is not right. I scanned my surroundings and in the faint moonlight, I saw her. She was standing in the pale moonlight.

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I headed over to her and asked if she was alright. She was shivering, understandably, but she was exotically pretty. Her eyes were blue like the sea and she had blonde hair. Her body was slender like one of those models that you see on the cover of the magazine. She looked oddly familiar, one of the passengers on board the Senopati Nusantara. I helped her further up to shore and tried to start a fire.

We needed to warm ourselves up, if the ocean did not get us, I am not letting the cold do it. As we warmed ourselves up at the fire, she was staring into the light, dazed. The silence was getting a bit awkward. With my very bad English, I tried asking her what her name was. I introduced myself as Azlan and she introduced herself as Amanda. I found out that she was on holiday with her future husband, Rayan. It was not long before she started sobbing, claiming that it was the stupid pirates who caused all this. We were the ones who caused her the love of her life.

I don't blame her really, it was our fault for causing this. In a way, it was our fault for causing the death of her husband to be. I felt a tinge of regret and sadness. Amidst being distracted by her beauty, have I ever told you about that bad feeling that I've been having? That feeling was screaming out to me the whole time. There's no time however to think of such things, I mean, I have a hot girl in front of me now and its just the two of us on the island, who knows? I may even get lucky.

You think so? You think you're going to get lucky after what you have done?

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I was caught off guard. Was Amanda somehow psychic? She was visibly angry now, furious, in fact. I don't get scared, not normally. But Amanda changed from gorgeous to something out of this world, the blood started draining from fer face and it felt like pure evil. My brain was yelling at me to run. I started backing up quickly and things got worse, a strong smell of death wafted through my nose and now I'm terrified. You see, in my culture, they say that when you're walking down a street and you smell something foul, a vengeful spirit is nearby.

I ran from the fire into the woods. The smell dissipated and I thought I was safe, but I was wrong. Seemingly out of nowhere, Amanda appeared in front of me, her long hair covering her face, her face pale and her fingernails wee long and sharp. She lifted a finger and pointed at me, lifting her head, the beautiful eyes were gone and she opened her mouth and screamed in the most gruesome voice possible.

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Every single hair on my body started standing on end. I fell back trying to run away and when I tried to turn the other direction, Amanda's face appeared in front of me. Her lifeless eyes staring at me and she said:

Now, you'll pay.

She dragged me across the jungle floor all the way towards the ocean. As we near the ocean, I saw in the faint moonlight, another figure, it was a man. He walked from the ocean, he was as lifeless as Amanda, pale and he smelled like death. He embraced Amanda and kissed her before pulling me into the ocean too. I tried to grab on to the sands on the beach, but I could not, it was useless. Before we all disappeared beneath the waves, Amanda whispered in my ear, claiming,

We will be together, even after the end.

The names and the story would make more sense if you have read the previous story. I hope you find the story enjoyable.

This story is part of the competition organized by @steemfluencer.

All characters and events here are a work of fiction



Beautiful text

read your article you really write in detail...great article


In a world awesome writing

hai @alvinauh, we have upvoted and followed, please follow back me, thanks :)

Check my profile bro u can see photos i live in Cyprus like your island

Wow, you live in Cyprus, must be beautiful. I'm currently based in Borneo, I reckon Cyprus is as beautiful as Borneo but not as crazy hot as it is here.

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