Together, Until The Very End

in #writing6 years ago

Amanda woke up teased by the sounds of the teapot whistle. Rayan has just finished preparing a tasty breakfast. She stayed one last minute in the bed trying to imagine their trip today. They were going to a beautiful island of Java. She felt so excited about everything that she couldn’t stay in the bed anymore.

It was her who suggested a ferry trip to the exotic island. They were enjoying their honeymoon in a five star hotel on the beach line.

Amanda is a famous fiction writer residing in her favorite house at Monteray with a view over the bay. One autumn night, one year ago she presented her latest fiction novel at one of the San Hose’s art galleries. And there she met him. He approached her holding a glass of red wine and asked her if she would give an interview for Reed Magazine. That was her future husband Rayan.

About a year later they got married and here they are. They were all over themselves enjoying the beginning of their family life.

Amanda ate the tasty Bubur Ayam and finished her cup of Jasmine tea that she enjoyed so much!

Once she was done with the makeup she took Rayan by hand and quickly escaped from the hotel with broad smiles on their faces.

Ten minutes later they arrived at the port and saw a beautiful white board of their ferry Senopati Nusantara.

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The ship was a large ship, capable of transporting more than 1300 passengers and vehicles throughout the Indonesian islands. After leaving port Amanda and Rayan decided to take walk around, enjoying the beautiful weather. It was reported that there was a possibility of a storm. However, the authorities had cleared them to sail. Amanda thought that it was a good call, she could not wait to visit Java with Rayan. All the stories that she has heard about the scenery, the people, the....

She was shaken from her thoughts when a loud siren started blaring. A local language that she was not familiar with started speaking over the intercom. The local passengers started panicking. Rayan held her hand tight, sensing danger as well. The voice over the intercom then started speaking in English. The voice reported that a pirate attack was imminent. The Navy has been alerted and will send help. However, it may take some time and passengers were advised to take shelter in the decks below.

Rayan took Amanda by her hand, the passengers started to storm the narrow corridors of the ferry, trying to lock themselves behind any door they could find. There was shouting, crying and chaos followed by the loud noise of an automatic weapon.

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It was too late, the pirates have arrived on board the vessel and begun ordering everyone out to the upper decks. The passengers were all ordered to lone up into a single line. The leader of the pirates, dressed in old military fatigues stepped forth. In a thick accent, he spoke...

Ladies and Gentlemen, you all have very very lucky day today. Today, you will give-give to the poor, to do some good-good work for charity. If you refuse, I will kill you.

The pirates then went around collecting valuables. Cell phones, jewelry, wallets and anything that they could find and sell. Amanda was trembling. She tried to grab hold of Rayan's hand when a pirate noticed it and shouted at her, pointing the rifle at Amanda. Amanda closed her eyes, fearing for the worse. The shouting got louder and louder and then silence.

Amanda opened her eyes to the most astonishing sight. The bright weather from earlier on, was no more. The ship was engulfed in darkness. Not the darkness of a pitch black night, but the kind that you will see in a storm. Strong winds started blowing and the sea became extremely rough, signalling the coming of a typhoon. The pirates, who were initially dumbstruck, started muttering something in panic.

They hastily collected whatever that they could and started to escape the ferry. At that moment, a pirate tripped and dropped a grenade that looked like the ones used in world war 2. The grenade rolled to the side of the boat before exploding, sending many of the passengers tumbling towards the deck. The ship started to split in half as many of the passengers started running towards the life rafts. The pirates started jumping off the ship into the waters below. Some managed to get onto their speedboats and started speeding off.

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As the ship split in half, many of the passengers, including some of the crew members, started to storm the life rafts. Many fell into the sea below while many clung onto the side of the ship as it split, causing each half to sink into the abyss below. Rayan was holding onto the side of the ship with one hand, while holding onto Amanda's tightly with the other. Amanda looked at Rayan in horror as the ship took on more water, his hand finally grew tired and they both plunged into the sea below.

The sea was brutal. They were immediately swept under the waves as the storm raged. Many of the survivors were seen trying to swim towards the rafts, only to be swept below the waves. Rayan submerged first and tried his very best to scan the survivor's faces for Amanda, only to find that she was not there. He dived into the pitch black sea hoping to find her and find her he did.

Amanda's leg was caught on a rope attached to a sinking part of the ship. She was trying frantically to untie it. Rayan dove towards her and tried his very best to untie her leg. As he tugged and pulled to no avail, he looked at Amanda's face and she looked at his. Their eyes locked and they embrace each other tightly as they sank towards the depths of the ocean.

This story is part of the competition organized by @steemfluencer.

All characters and events here are a work of fiction



Amazing story,thanks for sharing.

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it

Another participant with a hidden potential to become good action movie script writer! Thank you! : )

If you need any editing help with you post, I'd be happy to provide you with some info. There's a community here on Steemit offering free edit.

Hey @steemfluencer, I have a series on my blog, called the exchange series. I'm currently on episode can follow @uzzy25 and make input...would be really appreciated. Dropping episode 4 and probably 5 today...cheers!

That would be great! thank you so much, its always good to find out where I could improve upon. A quick note though, I actually misread the rules and I went way off course with my writing..there were aliens and zombies involved. But i'm supposed to stick to real life, no?

Well, it's a fiction prompt. In a fiction story and they should be allowed. The question you should ask yourself is what's the reason for zombies or aliens to invade a ship that sinks the same or the next day.

The ships I've included in the 3 options are all sinking soon after they sail off their ports. You should somehow describe or include the shipwreck event in the story. This would give you an advantage when the jury is reading and rating your submission.

Hope this helps! :)

Thanks! Yup, it does help.. Looking forward to the next round

I'll try offering something easier in Round 2. Stay tuned! ;)

Awesome story...I love it!
I'm on a series on my blog, called the exchange series, currently on episode 4...maybe you can help with some input...I'd really appreciate. Follow back @uzzy25 ...cheers @alvinauh

Wow, poor couple. That story read like a series of unfortunate events! Unfortunate and violent.

In any case, I enjoyed reading it. It's very different from my take on the contest prompt! I focused more on Amanda and what had happened with her after the accident.

Looking forward to reading your entries on the next rounds!

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