The Missing Sacrifice part 3 (Vampire Eloim the 2nd story)

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

Eloim was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of movement from beyond the door. The fact that Polly had not recognised the name on the sign post wasn’t good, he deduced. The fact that he could see mountains didn’t seem to be a good thing either. He must have been spirited away from his family somehow and he didn’t like the thought of been separated from them. Considering the fact that he was still alive, in the vampire way of alive, he decided that any danger could not be too serious for now.

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Suddenly the door began to move, the hinges squeaking in protest. It stopped after a few inches of movement. From the other side, he heard voices.
“Dorin, we’re supposed to burst in, the element of surprise is vital to make the evil fiend cower down.”
“I tried to make the door burst, but it’s stuck. You forgot to oil it, Dragos,” replied a second voice. “Help me shove it open.”
“No I need to keep the crucifix ready, give it a kick.”
Eloim got up from the coffin and walked over to the door. Peeking through the gap, he saw two scruffily dressed young men.
“Sorry to interrupt, but do you want some help opening this?” he asked, making both of them jump and scream. Yanking the door fully open, Eloim turned and returned to sit on the coffin.
“Come in whenever you’re ready guys,” he said as he sat down.
He looked at the two as they regained their composure and the one holding the wooden crucifix stepped in, holding it out in front of him.
“Stay back fiend or we will stake you dead, undead, deader!” He commanded, unsure on the correct term but flourishing a sharpened length of wood in his other hand.
Then the other also stepped forward, holding up a stake. “We are the Dumitru brothers, the greatest vampire hunters in Romania, feared by all of your kind within its borders.”
“Pleased to meet you, I’m Eloim.”

The young woman bent over and picked up a small card from the side of Eloim’s coffin. After quickly looking at it, she held it up. “This is what was used to open the portal that your vampire disappeared through. It is infused with dark power.”
“Can we open the portal again witch?” Polly asked, but the woman shook her head.
“The spell was engraved onto the card but it burnt out when it was used. I cannot read the symbols to reactivate it, the card is useless. I can create a search stone but you will need to be close to your target for it to activate and guide you.”
Polly pulled out her mobile phone and pressed redial, she waited a moment. “Nothing from the witch Mum, the only lead we have is from my phone call to him. The succubus from the ballroom has disappeared without trace; JC and Valador are cracking heads now to try to find her. We will need permission from the werewolves to enter Romania to go get him, can you get it?” Polly listened for a while before she hung up and cursed.
“The werewolves have refused to allow us to enter their lands?” Gary asked.
Polly nodded. “We don’t have enough proof he’s been taken into their lands, if we go after him it’s an act of war.”
“Dad has ordered a helicopter to be fuelled and waiting on the roof,” Gary said. “I’m sure you will avoid leaving any witnesses.”
“Serenyty, gather up a hit squad, we take silver weapon experts only. The last thing we need is someone slipping and getting a silver burn,” Polly said to her sister who stood in the doorway. “Any werewolves that get in our way will be yelping all the way back to their dens.” Polly turned back to the witch. “That search stone would come in handy.”

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Twenty minutes later, Polly left her room having changed into her more accustomed hunting clothes and walked down the corridor. Serenyty fell in beside her, handing her a large bag. “I packed you a sword, throwing stars and a small crossbow, the others are waiting on the roof,” Serenyty said.
“Thanks, we have an hour till sunrise so we’re headed to the Charles de Gaulle airport. There we have a plane headed for Turkey that will make an emergency landing at Belgrade, where we get off. Then we go by truck and will be in Tutana by nightfall, ready to start searching for Eloim. Who did you pick to come with us?” Polly asked as they entered the lift that would take them up to the roof.
“Just the usual bunch of vicious killers, everyone wanted a chance to go up against the werewolves again so there’s a few disappointed at being left out.” Serenyty replied trying to hide her excitement at the mission ahead.
“What about them wanting to get Eloim back?” Polly asked.
“Well it would be nice to not have to lock up our boots,”Serenyty said with a grin that Polly didn’t return. “Joking, don’t worry; we’ll pull that place apart until we find him.”

Eloim sat and watched as the two brothers edged further into the room. The one called Dragos held out the crucifix in front of him in a shaking hand. “Would you mind putting that cross down, it’s giving me a headache? And then you can tell me why I’m here,” Eloim said in a polite tone.
“Be silent fiend, you are our prisoner,” Dragos said, trying to sound more confident than he was.
“Am I?” With lightning speed, Eloim launched himself at Dragos and snatched the cross from his hand before pushing him back into his brother with such force that they both ended up in a heap on the floor. Eloim ginned at the terrified brothers as the crucifix, still in his hand, burst into flames and he let it drop to the floor.
“No vampire has set foot in Romania for over a hundred years, something to do with werewolves,” Eloim said and then paused as he tried to remember Amanda’s lessons on recent history. “Yep, I’m sure it’s werewolves. Anyway if you want to keep that blood of yours inside you and not inside me, you’d better start talking.”
“The Priest,” Dorin began. “He said we were to watch you until he got back, he’s gone to meet the-”
Dragos elbowed him, cutting him off mid-sentence. “Shut up, he’s done that mind trick on you.”
“Well you can tell your priest that you watched me leave.” Eloim said as he started to walk towards the door. “And I don’t do mind tricks, I’m a vampire not a Jedi.”
Dorin jumped up. “You can’t leave! The witch put a spell on the building, plus the sun will be up in ten minutes.” Eloim paused in the doorway. “If I have to spend today stuck with just you two, only one of us will see the sun set.” Eloim said over his shoulder.
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“There’s the guy locked in the cage in the basement,” Dorin started, but was cut short as Dragos again elbowed him.
“Shut up you fool,” Dragos said. He looked again at the doorway but Eloim had gone. “Damn! Now you’ve done it. No one’s supposed to know about the Lycian prince."
“Why? I don’t get why we have to keep them separate,” Dorin said rubbing his ribs.
“I heard the priest and the witch talking, he’s a werewolf prince and he’s to be sacrificed tonight to open a portal. The vampire is then going to be given to some demon so she will help us rid our land of vampires and werewolves,” Dragos replied. “We will be the heroes that finally cleared our land of all evil fiends.
Eloim stood outside the room listening to the two brothers. He had heard enough and stepped back into the room, drawing back his lips to reveal his fangs.
“I forgot to ask, who ripped my top?” Eloim didn’t wait for a reply, he attacked. After ripping out Dorin’s throat, he took a long swallow and he allowed the lifeless body to drop to the floor. “Do you realise it’s ruined, you can’t fix it?” Eloim said as he wiped the blood from his chin with the back of his hand. Dragos stood transfixed, staring at his brother’s body in disbelief.
“You’re killing us because of a ripped top?” he asked, shocked and unable to react.
“Of course not, that would be really superficial of me. I killed him for ruining a Vivian Westwood work of art. I’m killing you because I’m not spending today sleeping in a five star hotel; instead, I’m stuck here and in a bad mood.”

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Polly jumped down from the back of the truck, quickly followed by the other members of the team. Serenyty jumped down last and stood beside her, looking around at the wooded mountains. “I hate countryside. Where are we heading Polly?"
Polly looked around then up at the sky and saw a large full moon just clearing the mountains. She held out a small stone in the palm of her hand, it had an arrow etched onto it. The stone turned on her palm so that the arrow pointed the way they needed to go.
“The search stone is pointing down the valley, we need to be careful and keep an eye out for werewolves though,” Polly looked around at the family who had come with her; each one was a vicious warrior. “I just hope it’s too early for them to be out yet.”
“Let them come, my ‘give a damn’ seems to be broken, maybe I can borrow theirs after I’ve ripped out their hearts?” Heather replied starting off down the road, Polly smiled as she indicated to the others to follow.
“We’re here to get our brother, not to kill werewolves, Heather,” Polly reminded them.
“You’ve become too attached to him Polly, there was a time when you would have hunted for werewolves first and finding a missing brother would just be a bonus,” Karla put in with a smile. “Knowing Eloim, he’s probably talked his way out of any trouble and is clothes shopping by now.”

Thanks for reading, upvotes and what nots are welcome.
Missed parts 1 or 2?
Part 1:
Part 2:

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