The Missing Sacrifice part 2 (Vampire Eloim the 2nd story)

in #writing8 years ago

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Eloim stood in the bar casually looking around, Gary at his side. His big brother was in a good mood after watching the first half of the Abba show. The room was full of various creatures staying at the hotel. Many, Eloim noticed, were dressed in horrendous seventies’ fashions. So far Paris, the reputed city of fashion, was not living up to its reputation. In Eloim’s opinion, blue denim flares were a fashion crime that should see the wearer’s eyes poked out.

Gary was enjoying the night as the tribute act was, in his opinion, first class, and having seen the real Abba on many occasions, he considered himself an expert. He looked down at his brother who he was keeping a careful eye on, despite Eloim’s repeated promises to behave. Gary returned his attention from checking the room and he saw a strange look on Eloim’s face. Following his brother’s gaze, he saw a female, she was stunning. Even in a room full of beautiful creatures, she stood out. To Gary’s dismay, he realised that she had noticed Eloim’s attention and was returning his admiring looks.
Gary shook his head, how could anyone admire Eloim in what he wore? Despite being told to dress normal, he was wearing some sort of skin tight, gold, sleeveless rubber top. It had looked bad in the room, but down here with the ballroom lighting, it glittered, sparkling like a metallic chameleon having a seizure. The matching leggings with attached black rubber miniskirt further added to Eloim’s alleged ‘toned down’ outfit. Only the boots seemed normal to Gary’s limited knowledge of fashion and owed much to Polly’s wardrobe, and he suspected that was where his brother had stolen them from.

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“Eloim what the hell are you doing?” Gary demanded.
“I’m in love Gary.” Eloim replied, not taking his eyes from the woman who was now walking over to them. Before Gary could act to stop him, Eloim set off to meet her half way.
“I haven’t seen you here before, are you here on a visit to Paris?” she whispered into his ear. As she moved in close to Eloim, he caught the full blast of her musky perfume.
“I arrived this morning, I must say everything I’ve heard about Paris has not prepared me for the vision I’m now enjoying.” Eloim gave the woman a lingering look that made her giggle and smile before he continued. “I have never seen such a perfect vision of style in my life.”
Eloim placed an arm casually around her waist. “I have a weakness for ultra-stylish women, so what chance would I have of getting this most amazing vision of beauty to instruct me in the delights of Paris by moonlight?”

Gary was about to intervene when Edward approached, his brother removed his ever present cowboy hat to run his fingers through his hair before putting the hat back on.
“What’s our little brother up to?” he asked and both looked back to where Eloim and the mystery woman stood whispering into each others’ ears, the woman smiling and laughing at Eloim’s comments.
“He announced he was in love.” Gary said in disgust.
“Well I can’t blame him but if you don’t want Mum and Dad to rip your head off, I would split up those two love birds now. I don’t think they would appreciate Eloim bringing a succubus home to meet them.” Edward observed.
Gary’s eyes bulged as he looked first at Edward and then at Eloim. “He’s pulled a succubus? He’s not old enough to even be talking with a succubus.”
Edward shrugged. “Well you had better tell him then; he’s heading back with a really stupid grin on his face; and from that backward glance she just threw him, I think we may have a modern day Romeo and Juliet to deal with.”

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Eloim stopped in front of his two brothers and noticed the worried look on Gary’s face. “What’s up?”
“Do you realise what that was you were just flirting with?” Gary said.
“What do you mean? We were just talking outfits, she told me all about this great boutique she goes to, she gave me their card. Did you see that dress she was wearing? It’s the most perfect thing I’ve ever seen.”
Edward looked over to the bar where she stood talking to a friend. “I sort of did notice she filled that dress out perfectly, it would be well worth a closer inspection of her.”
“Ewwww Edward, she may be the most stylish thing I’ve ever seen but she’s a succubus.” Eloim said in disgust.
“You mean you’re not in love with her Eloim?” Gary asked gaining control on the rising panic he had felt.
“In love with her? She’s sweet and all that but it’s the dress I love, I simply must have it, and the boots.” Eloim looked over to the stage as he saw movement. “It looks like the band is coming back on, Gary.”

Eloim sat down and as the band began to sing ‘Waterloo’, he looked at the small business card the succubus had given him with the address of the boutique on. He found the music rather annoying but Gary seemed to be enjoying it, he sat tapping his foot. Tucking the card into the top of his boot, Eloim looked around the room, picking out his other brothers scattered around, he also noticed a stranger watching him.
“JC and Valador are watching him.” Gary said without taking his eyes from the stage. “She doesn’t sing this as well as Agnetha.” He added.
“Who?” Eloim asked looking towards the stage.
“The blonde one in the blue jumpsuit, her voice is too deep.” Gary added.
“That’s because ‘she’ is a ‘he’. Why do you think they’re called the Dancing Queens?” Edward put in. “Heads up, Polly’s just walked in.”

All three looked to where Polly was walking over towards them as the tribute band began to play ‘Super Trouper’. “Eloim you need to come with me,” she said, coming to stand by their seats. “Mum rang. The Countess wants to meet us tonight. We’ve got an hour to get ready. You need to get changed into something suitable, I’ll take you up to your room, now.”
Eloim looked up at Polly confused, so she continued urgently. “Come on, I know you are going to take ages just to choose something to wear. And also on our way over we will discuss why you are wearing my boots.”
“These are your boots?” Eloim asked, trying to sound innocent.
“If you’ve stretched them I’m going to cause you a world of pain Eloim.” Polly promised him.
“Don’t worry they’re not stretched,” Eloim said smiling. “I chopped my toes off so they fit perfect.”
All three looked at him in disbelief then looked down at the boots he wore.
“What? They’ll grow back in a couple of days.” Eloim said, looking at the shocked faces. “You sometimes have to make sacrifices to look good.”
“Will they grow back?” Edward asked, not taking his eyes from the boots, still shocked at his brother’s amputations just to wear a pair of boots.
“No idea, never heard of any vampire doing this before.” Gary answered, caught between horrified dismay and wonder. “I’m sure it’s easier to just buy a pair of boots in a bigger size.”

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Polly paced the room with her phone to her ear. “Come on you idiot, answer.” She raged into the phone as though her brother would hear her demand when he couldn’t hear the ring tone. Just as she was about to hang up the phone was finally answered.
“Hello.” A voice said groggily.
“Eloim, where the hell are you? We’re supposed to be meeting Mum and the Countess,” she said, trying to hold her temper in check.
“Erm, I’m not really sure, I just woke up in a strange box. Let me look out of the window,” the voice said, sounding confused. “O.K. there’s trees and mountains with snow on and a road outside.”
“Eloim!” Polly screamed. “I left you an hour ago outside your room. Now I’m in your room, looking out of your window. Do you want to know what I see? I see Paris! Nowhere in Paris can you look out of the window and see snow covered mountains in March, or any other month for that matter.” She sat on Eloim’s coffin in disbelief. “Paris does not have mountains,” she finished in exasperation, stressing each word.
“I see a road sign too Polly.” Eloim said.
“Well, are you going to tell me what it says or do I have to guess?” Polly asked impatiently.
“Tutana, fifteen kilometres, erm where’s Tutana Polly?” Eloim asked.
“How should I know, you’re the one that’s there not me. Let me give you a ring back once I’ve googled it.” Polly hung up without waiting for an answer and began to press buttons on her phone, after a moment she gasped. “Romania? Oh Eloim, what have you done this time?”
She quickly dialled another number on her phone and waited for it to be answered. “Mum, I think we’ve got a problem, someone’s kidnapped Eloim.”

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Eloim looked around the room. Apart from the old shabby coffin he had woken up in, the small round room was empty. The whitewashed plaster walls were cracked and in places the stone was visible. Looking again at the window, he inspected the newly installed bars across it and the finely etched writing on them. Carefully he brushed his fingers against them and felt a burning sensation that confirmed they were etched with religious scripts. He turned and inspected the door. It was old and made of wood with metal bands running across it. Breaking through it would be difficult and noisy so he dismissed the idea for now. Looking at his phone screen, he saw the low battery sign flash a final few times before the screen went blank. That would be another thing Polly would shout at him for, he knew, forgetting to charge his phone again.

Sitting down on the coffin, he tried to remember what had happened to him before he woke up in this strange place. He had been to the hotel ballroom with his brothers and then Polly had turned up. She had walked him back to his room to ensure he didn’t find any trouble on the way so he could get changed to go meet the countess.
Standing at the doorway, she had watched him enter the room, after that he remembered nothing. The fact that he still wore his rubber outfit hinted at something happening soon after he entered his room. The sleeveless corset top of the outfit had a small tear at the shoulder and he swore, whoever was responsible would pay.

Thanks for reading, upvotes, comments and envelopes stuffed with cash are welcome.

Missed part 1? Find it here:


excellent story, I like what you have written, congratulations

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