The Missing Sacrifice, part 1 (Vampire Eloim, the 2nd short story.)

in #writing8 years ago

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Eloim raced into the hall and quickly looked around. It was empty except for two of his sisters who sat quietly talking at the far end. Both looked up at his arrival and with a smile Amanda beckoned him over.
“What have you been doing?” she demanded, still smiling. “You only ever run when it’s away from trouble.”
Eloim tried to look hurt at the suggestion but then remembered what he was in a rush for and his grin returned.
“I haven’t done anything today, I just wanted to show off my new kilt.” He walked over to them and then gave a twirl. “It’s for my trip to Paris.”
His sister Karla shook her head. “Another leather kilt Eloim, your style is becoming predictable.”
“This one has a rather horrid gargoyle thing as a sporran though.” Amanda said.
“It’s a bat Amanda, and this isn’t predictable Karla, watch.” Eloim unfastened a press stud from the side of the kilt and opened the leather out to reveal a red satin lining as the material converted into a bat’s wing. Doing the same at the other side, he stood with the kilt now converted to a pair of wings with the bat sporran in its centre. “Isn’t it the most stylish thing you’ve ever seen?”
The two vampires sat opened mouthed, lost for words as Eloim continued with a giant grin on his face. “Watch this, it’s the clincher though.” He began to jump up and down and as he did the eyes of the bat began to glow red. Finally Karla could take no more and burst out laughing, quickly followed by Amanda. Eloim stopped jumping and looked at them in disgust.
“Women! What do you know about high fashion?” He yelled and turned to storm back towards his room with his sisters’ laughter ringing in his ears.

In the shadows, his father stood unnoticed, watching his children. As Eloim left the hall, he turned to his wife, a look of concern on his face.
"Are you sure you didn't drop him on his head when you made him?”
“Don’t be mean about our child, he’s a little different, but what do you expect when he’s surrounded by so many sisters?” She moved forward and smiled. “The trip to Paris will help; he’s been too sheltered here. He needs to mix with other boys his own age.”
“He’s got J.C. and Edward his age; he should spend more time with them. Yet all he wants to do is run around stealing boots and makeup from his sisters,” his father said, not willing to accept that any of his family, even Eloim could benefit from visiting anywhere else, especially Paris. “I said not to visit England to choose a child; the English have always been strange. Why you have to travel the world searching for our children to turn instead of just choosing from here...” he trailed off as his wife put her arms around him and looked up at him, still smiling.
“We handpick our children from across the world as it makes our family stronger. You’re a silly old Viking, after all these centuries you still hate to travel and you’re so distrustful of the world outside the fjords.”
He returned the smile. “Not true, I love to travel. If I hadn’t left the fjords and sailed to the ends of the world, I would never have found my exotic queen.” He quickly kissed her on the forehead then continued, choosing his words carefully. “I do think you should take more than just Polly to help keep an eye on Eloim in Paris though.”

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His wife took a step back. “You think I won’t be able to keep my own son in line?” The question was asked quietly but he recognised an edge beneath the words, he had just sailed into a winter storm and the slightest mistake would end in disaster. He had committed himself now so pressed on, having gone through this conversation a thousand times already in his head, he felt ready to brave it.
“We are talking about Eloim, our child that can find trouble no matter where it hides. Remember how he managed to open my coffin and paint my face with makeup without waking me? There was also the time he set fire to our citadel and put garlic powder in his sister’s face cream just to mention his most recent escapades. I won’t bother to mention that he also recently destroyed that big cathedral up in the city. Even when he tries to be good, he’s a walking disaster area, but in a big bright city...” He trailed off again, watching to see if he was getting through or heading for the rocks.
“Well you’re right I suppose, you’d better get your credit card out. You, Gary and the boys can keep Eloim in line while the rest of us girls go shopping,” his wife replied with an evil smile.
“Rest of us?” he asked, the metaphorical rocks looming.
“You did just suggest a holiday for all the family didn’t you my love? Such a great idea, the girls will be so excited.” She gave him a sweet smile as he felt the keel ripped from his metaphorical ship.

Eloim sat in the livingroom looking over the river Seine as the sun began to set. The hotel here had special windows that cut out the ultra violet light and allowed the vampire guests to sit and watch Paris by day. He looked over to the door as his big brother Gary walked in. For their stay in the hotel, Gary was to be his roommate so he could keep an eye on Eloim.
“So what’s the plan for tonight?” Eloim asked, sitting up excitedly.
“Mum and Dad are going out for a meal; the girls are off out on a ladies only night and we’re staying in the hotel tonight, just going to order some room service, do you want a blonde or a brunette?”
“A night in the hotel? But Gary, it’s our first night in Paris, why can’t we have a boys night out? Hit some bars and then onto a club.” Eloim stood up to plead with his brother. “I’ve got a special outfit all ready to put on.”
“You honestly think I’m mad enough to let you loose on Paris? We’d be in the middle of a clan war by sunrise.” Gary picked up the phone to ring down to the lobby. “And I’ve seen that outfit you have hanging up in your room and there’s no way I’d go anywhere with you dressed like that.”
Eloim slumped back into the chair as if he had been physically hit by the comments, but Gary just raised an eyebrow and threw Eloim a look that said, better than any words, that he wasn’t buying in to any of his dramatics.
Eloim realised he wasn’t dealing with Polly who could be fooled into backtracking by his staged tantrums; he would need a different way to get around his brother.
“I could wear something different,” he finally mumbled, sadly.
“I’m ordering us room service, now are you having a blonde or brunette?”
“I’m not hungry!” Eloim yelled and stormed off to his room. Gary waited until he heard the door slam before dialling the phone. “Can I order two dinners? We’ll eat in our room thank you,” he paused, listening to the room service menu. “Two blondes please and make sure they aren’t chatty, I don’t like to talk to what I eat, it gives me indigestion.”

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Putting the phone down, he walked over to his and Eloim’s room and knocked on the door. “Dinner will be here in half an hour, I ordered you a blonde.”
“I’m not talking to you.” Eloim shouted through the door. “It’s not fair!”
Gary faced the door; his lips curling back to reveal his fangs, a quiet growl escaping. Then Gary acted, with a kick, the door flew open and he saw Eloim stood by his coffin, looking terrified.
“Sorry Gary, I was joking, honest,” he said quickly. “A blonde would be great.”
“Don’t ever confuse me for someone that won’t kick your arse if you try to throw a tantrum,” Gary said dangerously. “Now we will eat our dinner in our rooms, you will be polite to your dinner as she is earning an honest living. Then you will get dressed in something normal and we will meet our brothers for the Abba tribute playing in the hotel ballroom tonight.”
“Abba Tribute?” Eloim asked with a scowl. “We’re going to watch Abba?”
“I like Abba and if I miss any of the show because of you, I’ll be beyond angry.” Gary said.
“Abba sounds good.” Eloim said, trying to sound excited.

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Thanks for reading, all images are mine, so is the story.... upvotes and whatnots welcome.

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