I love my job!

in #work8 years ago

Oleg at work
Me at my workplace earlier today

My current job is an educator at a social enterprise that helps people who have been unemployed for a long time to find their way back to professional life. Our customers (well, we actually call them ‘participants’) get support and coaching throughout this entire process – rediscovering their self-confidence, composing a CV, preparing for an interview, learning a new skill – with the ultimate goal to find a job that fits them, their energy level and their personality, the best. The company also helps newly-arrived immigrants to learn Swedish language, get introduced to the Swedish society and culture, and learn basic facts about the Swedish welfare system and the labour market.

I only work with the latter target group, the immigrants. I have a passion for languages – both learning and teaching. The most fun thing that I did last year was living in Japan, learning Japanese at a private language school. And the most fun thing happening to me this fall is teach… No, wait, make it bitcoin instead! :D Okay, so the second most fun thing happening in my life at the moment is teaching Swedish as a job. (I’m sure that @englishtchrivy can relate :))

In my introduceyourself post I wrote that my next life goal will be to return to Japan to teach English (or some other language I speak). So I see my current job as a stepping stone towards that goal: getting more professional experience and honing my personal teaching style.

Oleg in Tokyo, summer 2016
A selfie in Tokyo

Today we held a graduation ceremony for four participants who were finishing the course. It was very emotional. We thanked them for their time with us, wished them good luck in their further studies or job hunt, and asked them to come by whenever they like – to have a cup of coffee, chat about life, or get a written reference for a job interview. Then we ate chocolate cake. (Did I mention I love my job?)

A few guys came up to me afterwards and thanked me for the lessons I had held. We hugged and shook hands. I was really touched. I hope so very much that our graduates will be successful in the next stages of their new lives in Sweden. They have been through a lot, coming from places torn by war, corruption, political oppression and poverty. Countries like Syria, Palestine, Somalia, Eritrea, Iraq… Arriving in Sweden provided them with a shot at a better life here, and I want to help them make the best out of it.

A view from the school’s window
A typical Swedish village view from the school’s window

My work gives my life a deeper meaning. It feels me with joy and positive energy. I go to work with fresh excitement every morning and I return home tired, but with a happy smile on my lips. I only wish that everyone in the world had a luxury to work with something they truly love.

Please share your job experiences with me, whether good or bad!

(All photos used in this post were my own)

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