@YEHEY - Witness Update 2018-03-07. Reminder to upgrade your Witness Server to a minimum 64GB RAM.

in #witness6 years ago

Friendly reminder, upgrade your Witness node server to 64GB RAM

For those still running their witness server using 32GB RAM, it's time to upgrade your Witness node before you start missing block. The current memory usage is now at 31.6GB RAM.

I also updated the install guide with a recommended minimum memory to use, here's the link if you're interested to build your own Witness node. https://que.com/howto-setup-witness-node-by-yehey/

I upgraded our witness server last weekend to 64GB RAM, here's the hardware specifications.

  • 64GB RAM
  • Intel i7
  • 2x240 GB SSD
  • 1gbit/s network

and also updated the websites using the latest version of condenser.

I continue to delegate Steem Power (SP) to the following projects.

  • I support Utopian-io open source project. I delegated 1000 Steem Powers as sponsor.
  • I delegated 1000 SP to @broadcast upvote service / steem faucet. If you need an extra upvote, come join us at https://SteemChat.com discord server. Use the $update with your link to receive upvote.
  • @Acknowledgement up voting minnows and authors with good content.
  • And other small SP delegation to projects.

New Projects supporting Minnows - quick update.

  • The @Broadcast as steem faucet providing up vote to all members using post-promotion channel at https://SteemChat.com community, and also upvoting 30% with good content. Right now, I am the only one delegating SP to @Broadcast project. And if you want to join or help, please don't hesitate delegate to @broadcast and it will be shared to all members.
  • The @Automation bot, now in alpha testing. I encourage steemians to only use a minimum 0.1 Steem/SBD so everyone will have the opportunity to earn good returns.

And lastly, @yehey up voting my witness supporters

Image source: https://Yehey.com

I followed all who voted for me as their Witness, so I can support them as well by up voting their posts.

If you like what I do please vote @YEHEY as your Witness or Set Proxy.

Go to https://steemit.com/~witnesses URL address then scroll down to Vote.

Or use this link to Vote - https://on.king.net/witness simply click and vote.

Thank you,


hi friends i've been waiting for your post karna I like posting a level again I also do not forget to say good luck for you, marked @ ramb.

Thank you.

You got a 100.00% upvote from @automation courtesy of @acknowledgement! This is a service sponsored by @yehey
Please consider voting @yehey for Witness, use this link https://on.king.net/witness simply click and vote.

If you need an extra vote, join us at https://SteemChat.com using your Discord account.

Have a lovely day.
@Automation - Helping Minnows and Authors to get notice.

I have 64 GB server and I have only 2 GB RAM left.

There is something wrong with your setup. You are only setting up a witness node and not a FULL node?

Please re-read this guide, it might help you.

Do you really know how to manage a Linux server? If yes, go ahead do the bare installation.

I'am an admin/security/programmer, etc all my career life. I want simplicity so I chosed Docker guide.

Drop me a message at https://SteemChat.com discord server. I need to sleep, check on your message later.

hi friends i've been waiting for your post karna I like posting a level again I also do not forget to say good luck for you, marked @ ramb.

Just wanted to drop a note and let you know I read some of your posts as I'm hunting for witnesses to vote for and used shares hoping to add some exposure with paid votes. Anyways long story short, like what you are doing with supporting newer members and read some of your witness reports and like what you've posted.

Keep it up and if you have any suggestions feel free to drop by my post and leave them. Not looking for a vote, but there are multiple comments of people like myself who are looking for suggestions. The post spurred others to post about the topic too which I think is healthy and might increase some awareness.

Thank YOU. As my witness supporter, I followed you so I can get update of your projects and up vote if I have enough juice.

I read some of your articles too, keep up the good work and keep steeming.

Best regards,

Thank you. Any support is always appreciated.

thanks your vote for me

You're very welcome.

Please consider voting for me @yehey for Witness, use this link https://on.king.net/witness simply click and vote.

Every support matters.

What is Steeming.com?

The steeming.com website is like steemit.com, using the same condenser program to access the steem blockchain. Other websites includes yehey.org, busy.org, dmania, dlive, dtube, etc.

Though I plan to use steeming.com for mobile app to promote steem blockchain.

Hope that helps.

Why is Steeming.com almost identical to Steemit.com?

Using the same condenser program, it is an open source anyone can build a website to access the steem blockchain.

Here's the github repository, if you're interested to create a website.

Hi Dear Please guide,
I follow your guideline & at step # 11 When i run "./run.sh logs" then an error appear . Please guidesteem error.png

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