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RE: Witness Voting

in #witness6 years ago (edited)

Who you vote for depends on what you value, so if upvotes are important to you, most of the people I mention have or do upvote me. That's not where it's at for me though. I made a post last night thanking the witnesses for their hard work yesterday, and @c0ff33a, @themarkymark, and @thekitchenfairy stopped by and interacted almost immediately, which I thought was impressive, considering how busy they had been. I want witnesses who are accessible. Ones who build relationships with their voters. I like @krnel because of his strong convictions and posts. @noblewitness is a group of some wonderful people who are involved in the community. There are a few anyway. I don't know if that helps. Not sure who you already vote for. Also @fulltimegeek just announced last night that he will become a witness soon, so you may want to keep a spot open for him. I know this doesn't completely answer everything lol.

Now your turn - I have 5 spots left. Any suggestions? ;)


Let me see, off the top of my head, I would say @timcliff, @aggroed, and @ausbitbank (who I almost always spell wrong...I think I conflate "austin" with his name)

All three work to improve the community, and all three engage pretty constantly: @ausbitbank has very much supported our own #informationwar community

I would say @krnel, but you already vote for him

Looking over my list, I see @cryptodrive as another good witness

@abit used to UV minnows pretty constantly, but I haven't been a "real" minnow for a while, so idk about now

@guiltyparties maintains a veterans community, so I vote for that account

I just voted for @steemcommunity, which just started up a minnow support project

I don't interact with @jesta, but I know he has supported several Steem related projects

@curie gets my vote for it's community curation

I just started (like today) voting for @utopian-io for their projects

So thanks for the recommendations, and I will check them out! I hope you find some value in my own voting record.

Thanks! I already have @timcliff, @aggroed, @ausbitbank (love that he supports #informationwar too), @guiltyparties, and @curie. This post made me realize that I'm going to have to look through who I vote for and research a couple of them all over again because I wouldn't be able to tell you the first thing about them! I'll check out the other ones you mention.

By the way I'll give @arcange a shout out too because he had good timing by thanking me for my vote when I was typing this, and he helps keep us safe from phishing attempts and the like.

Have a great night! :)

This post made me realize that I'm going to have to look through who I vote for and research a couple of them all over again because I wouldn't be able to tell you the first thing about them!

That's why they need to maintain current witness threads!

I think I vote for @arcange, but if I don't I should be

Thanks again, and have a good night!

Sorry to bother you, but I have to come back and tell you to vote for @enginewitty. I made an error thinking he joined forces with @noblewitness for some reason. He is amazing! Here is his latest post. In it you will learn what he's all about.

I'll check him out ;)...and voted; that was a good post in explaining WHY we should vote for him

Thanks for the vote for @steemcommunity @stevescoins, we (@paulag and @c-squared) run a similar project for Redfish, have the Engagement Leagues, and with @c-squared partnered up now, a large curation team seeking content, irrelevant of the community that the account is a part of. Cheers!

@abh12345, I just looked into @steemcommunity, and I'd like you confirm - is this who I would vote for instead of you personally? I went to the witness list to check and change it if disabled, and I don't see you at all, which got me wondering if I ever voted for you in the first place. Just don't want to make a mistake lol.

Edit: Also great job on the engagement league! You turned @janton into a powerhouse!!

And finally, as if you're not already busy enough, I want to let you know about my Steem And Me challenge, just in case you didn't notice being tagged. It's just 5 questions that would give us some perspective on your steem experience. @stevescoins, you are invited too, everyone is encouraged to participate. Thanks!

Hi @snowpea

I wonder if there are a few people who have looked for me on the list and not spotted me - yes the witness account is @steemcommunity 😊

The Engagement League has certainly been great for Jon Boy, and I hope the same for many others also.

I did miss that tag sorry, some days are tough to keep up with them at present. Is there a time limit on the questions/post? I shall add it to the list 😊

Thanks for checking up on both!

I saw you on witness chat, and assumed the witness was under your name lol, going to fix it now.

No time limit. Thanks for accepting the offer! :D

You are welcome!

Once I get myself sorted, I will start setting some time aside for the many curation initiatives that folks are running on Steemit; for now I have followed @c-squared

@c-squared do resteem a lot, so be prepared - @c-cubed will be a best of the best, but I'm not sure how much they will resteem. Cheers!

Thanks babe!

Can you believe it, I finally could republish my witness, like 10 mins ago. Phew. Long day yesterday and today as well. Crazy. But I always try to reply those who tag me whenever I can, absolutely 😊

If you have a spare vote @stevescoins, please consider voting for me 😊

ask and ye shall receive ;>

I remember your name from some interaction, but I don't recall which...did you ever write in one of my holiday contests?

yes, Halloween :) I made sugar skull haha

Wow you have great memory haha


I was smart once, then I got old, but sometimes my brain still works ;>

and sugar skulls are perfect for Halloween

here is a passing reference in an old Halloween story of mine...

and it's almost Halloween again!

Interesting story

Somehow it reminds me the story of how Jasper became a vampire in one of the Twilight movies, one of the Latinas vampires names was Maria, and they met by the river, and she whispered o his ear. Somehow when I read your story, that movie came to mind 😁

Thanks for sharing!

I cant wait for another Halloween contest of yours 😈👻👹👽☠

Woohoo! So glad everything is back on track! A stressful situation but a phenomenal job well done. :)

See @stevescoins? A witness who communicates with us. Seriously reconsidering a couple who have ignored questions or comments and yes even tags. I don't tag very often, but I have a few times, and if they never respond, it just makes me think that they see me as a lowly peasant without enough SP to matter. Vote for @thekitchenfairy!

thats a done deal ;>

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