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RE: The Witness Engagement League!

in #witness6 years ago

I think the penalties for self voting skew the numbers too much such that it becomes a disadvantage for a witness to be posting. If some of the witnesses at the bottom of the table stopped posting and therefore self voting they would do much better.

That doesn't seem quite right to me.

There is only so much transparency that Asher can provide @gillianpearce. I wouldn't bet everything on the self-vote column. What about individuals that don't self vote, but they sell their upvotes? Asher can't account for everything in his query.

Another key point, what about the individuals that have the SP to give an upvote to others above the 0.02 SBD threshold, but chooses not to do so? Their stats may look great in the "V" column (which @abh12345 does count in his league analysis), but should it count if it doesn't meet the minimum dust threshold to reward the individual being upvoted?


I for one, delegate so much I don't even have a slider on my votes unless I go to busy, and I run so many communities, charity posts for my @YouAreHOPE Foundation, and so many others do, with fund raisers, donors, YAH Agents of HOPE making reporting posts on missions and so on, not to mention supporting my @SteemStarNetwork staff, and audiences that i run about 15-20% voting power all the time, and can never recover. So I vote like mad, and they are rarely a penny.

So there's that. But no one questions my engagement, because I'm literally available to anyone and everyone 24/7/365, with only brief 2 and 3 hour naps every couple days. No lie. Yes, that is insane, given I also am a VP of technology for a real world SaaS enterprise scale software company with massive international customers, but it's all I know to do with my time, as an old, worn out, single dude whose kids are grown and pesky ex-wives long gone. :)

Interesting to find out more about you @sircork. you look way too young to have grown kids and "pesky ex-wives long gone". 😁

You certainly are very busy. Bit of an understatement that! 😂

49 years, all earned the hard way.

Ever busy, ever vigilant, always watching, always listening.

As for you young lady, who got here about half as long ago as I did, you too, seem to be all over, I see you everywhere around here. You're doing it right. Keep it up!

Aw. That's kind of you @sircork. especially the young lady bit! 😂

I'm still finding my way really. Trying to be OK with however I decide to play the game. Trying to balance life and Steemit and keep having fun.

It's early days but I've met some great people both online and face to face so I'm very curious as to where it all goes from here. 😍

Focus on the balance. Don't turn into me :D

Ha. ha. ha. There's not much chance of that @sircork!. I'm more of the "can't be assed type". Most of the time, if I moved much slower, I'd be comatose!

That's why Steemit has been quite good for me, getting me out of the house to take photographs and meet new people.

Where it's not good, unless I manage it, is adding yet more time spent in front of a computer screen.

Also, I'm not sleeping as well because I'm on the computer "chatting" late at night when normally I'd be in bed asleep or reading! 😁

That smells a lot like turning into me!

You have my witness vote with that awesome comment! :)

Kidding aside, you now have my witness vote. Our team has slowly been going through the list of witnesses to decide the witnesses we would like to support on here. There are so many that I personally like, but finding time to do our due diligence in researching is the challenging part.

I'm not familiar with steemstarnetwork, but I am familiar with @youarehope. There was a post made some weeks ago about students in Nigeria who couldn't complete their studies due to the tuition fees, and I remember your foundation donating a considerable amount to the cause. I sent in a small donation myself, but not much to make a difference.

So you (and your witness team) have my vote because I do see the community support online and off!

Personal note: SaaS! The world of the big IT league. :) How is an old, worn out, single dude whose kids are grown and pesky ex-wives long gone--note the plural factor :) able to function being a VP in the real world, witness on here, and with only 2 and 3 hour naps every couple days? I would collapse with exhaustion. I am already extending myself with adding steemit into my world. Some days I can comment and comment, others days, none at all.

Lots of coffee and weed! :)

@YouAreHOPE Foundation has helped well over 1000 people around the world in disadvantaged economic conditions. We have provided food, medical attention, clothing, shoes, education supplies, building repairs, tuition and so much more, up to and including cleaning flooded villages up, rebuilding roads and treating for malaria bearing mosquitos. We have worked in 12 countries on 3 continents and we did it all on a shoestring budget of mostly minnow sized donations entirely on the transparent steem blockchain, fueled exclusively by steem and our fine generous steemitizens.

Sadly, only the smallest of us are donating and delegating. No whales seem to care about things that don't make them money like these terrible-for-the-platform's image bot and self voting and other long tail platform killers. I have never seen such short sighted "investors" ever in my 3 plus decades in technology career roles.

@SteemStarNetwork is a 24/7 livestreaming network built to give steemitizens yet another place to be seen and heard, lifting smaller voices to the world as far as we can! I also built MSP Waves then resigned to be more free of "community restrictions" holding back the work I could achieve with Waves.

So yeah, our team witness is about the people's voices. From SteemStar Network and YouAreHOPE (Help, Opportunity, Purpose & Empowerment) to my witness partner's RhondaK with The Writers Block, SteemShelves and SteemHouse Publishing to Beanz with Voices of the Underground and @Feminism, we are here to hear and help you be heard.

I'm 49. My daughter is 25. I was divorced twice. Once from baby momma after 14 years and then a rebound mistake that lasted about a month, kid you not. (we dated longer, but we cohabitated as actually married for less than 4 weeks. Am I proud? No. Well maybe. I got TWO girls to say yes, before one said no, 14 years later, and I realized my mistake about two more years after that on wife #2.

My life now is not nearly as exhausting as it was with either of them in the house for various reasons. LOL

Hi @sircork. I know I am days behind with this reply. Better late than never! The nagging thought of how rude I am will remain if I don't at least reply. :)

@YouAreHOPE Foundation has helped well over 1000 people around the world in disadvantaged economic conditions. ...Sadly, only the smallest of us are donating and delegating.

I sympathize but I do understand (not saying I support it) the mentality of others not showing support. Not many whales are active on here and those that are, well, community support does not seem to be their priority. Especially if the event is not in their own backyard.

Have you seen this post by tarekadam giving a 300 steem donation for food/water/ meds for communities? Perhaps you or one of your teammate could write a contest post for a community you're helping? I don't know of any here in the States and wouldn't even have the time to write if I did (see how long it took me to reply). Just letting you know in case the contest is of interest.

So yeah, our team witness is about the people's voices.

Sounds like an awesome team there!

As for your stats, only comment is on the rebounder. I've witnessed many similar stories with others. Perhaps the length is a bit longer than your 4 weeks, but the ending is usually the same with either no love between the two or it's only one-sided. Life! Finicky buggers.

Life may not be as exhausting without the gals, but then you went and threw steemit into the mix! ;)

What an awesome reply @sircork! I think that you can add humble to your list of descriptors as well. In terms of engagement, you fair amazingly well according to Asher's numbers here, and that is something that I respect for sure. Thank you for all you do, for who you are, and I'm assuming for continuing in the same manner in the long as you don't allow any other future "pesky ex-wives" to muddy the waters :)

Well, there were two ex-wives and two failed engagements in my life. Between age 17 and now (49) so I guess I may have time for one more before I go, but I'll need time to sober up after. ;) If that won't humble you, nothing will.

hahahaha you've been busy then, but with that track record, I'd say you have plenty of time to try again, and sober up again :) Thanks for the laugh! And it's very nice to "meet" you!

Likewise! May all your witness encounters be casual, and your days be merry and bright!

See you in the steem!

Asher can't account for everything in his query.

That's why I said "I think the scores in the witness table are much harder to sort out because there are so many more parameters than for bloggers." @beeyou

Another key point, what about the individuals that have the SP to give an upvote to others above the 0.02 SBD threshold, but chooses not to do so?

Many of those people may not even realise this is an issue. I had no idea the dust threshold existed until today.

I have decided to continue to spread my vote though, even if it doesn't count in monetary terms since I think it offers encouragement to have a comment voted upon. I will continue to do so with or without the league but I will also pay more attention to my VP and to making sure my favourite comments are upvoted to the 2c level.

but should it count if it doesn't meet the minimum dust threshold

No idea. That's up to @abh12345 😁

Hi Gillian :)

Personally, I will be casting less votes. I would use a 1% vote to awknowledge reading a comment, but now I'll be voting at at least 2/3%, and less.

I'm not sure how best it will work for you with less SP. For the league, votes don't count much in score.

ah ha @abh12345. That's exactly what I've been doing. 1% to ackknowledge and then 20% upvotes to make sure I'm giving at least 0.02c.

I'm really surprised that this issue has only just come to light. I think I might start mentioning it to a few people who regularly upvote my comments with less than 0.02c so they can choose to stop voting if they like. It seems a shame for them to "waste" their vote through lack of knowledge. 😢

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