Is this what passes for a Witness these days?

in #witness7 years ago (edited)

This came to my attention on Wednesday night.

Full post and context here:

I was asked what my thoughts were.

It was ridiculously late so I slept on it and hoped I would wake up with an explanation. Instead I find out I've been blocked after he replied... Nice 👍👍

So my reply.... and this is the OFFICIAL Steemit Philippines statement on this matter....

Yehey cannot make an "official" SteemPh website simply because he is not a part of the Steemit Philippines Family.

Domain names....

On August 9 2017 @steemph was launched.

On August 17 2017 I registered
Creation Date 2017-08-17T21:27:07Z redirects to

The screen shot of the domain sitting in my account the morning I registered it.

On August 23 2017 was registered
Creation Date 2017-08-23T21:06:32Z redirects to

A photo taken of the website on Wednesday night during our weekly AMA (Ask Me Anything) program. Can you see the top of the Sun of the SteemPh logo?


Monday, November 13 2017

Yehey shows up on the Steemit Philippines Discord server on Monday November 13 2017. "Need support for Witness vote from all kababayan" is what he says and "Please vote @yehey as Witness"

I have a long history with @yehey which started out good until he kept asking me to make him teamphilippines, teamaustralia, teamusa custom footers, which he kept losing and I kept re-posting. I don't know if you guys remember me in the very early days making custom footers for everyone, but I did that for about a month, free of charge for the community and here was @yehey taking advantage of my kindness and abusing it by requesting multiple footers. I ignored him after that.

Then he began the roll calls in June/July 2017 for teamphilippines and teamusa using the graphics I created for these posts without so much as a credit to me. But that's ok. I figured brother's trying to make a living, I can always make another logo.


A Steemit Witness is doing this?? I don't understand why someone would do something like this.

He claims to have been doing #SteemPh rolls calls but clearly that is not the case a simple scroll down and look through his posts show his roll calls are largely copy/paste and never included the #steemph tag.

Not a single mention of SteemPh for someone who bought the domain.

Why would you buy when you're doing teamphilippines roll call?

Now a day after landing on our discord server he comments on Steemit that he is launching the official SteemPh Website?


I went through a range of emotions. The one that's sitting with me is sadness.

I have been nothing but generous on this platform. Generous with my time, generous with my work. I have never insisted people credit me when using my images. I help groups out and don't want to claim credit, but when it is given I greatly appreciate it.

However in this case, not only has he not credited for months while using my graphics for all his rolls calls, he now wants to launch the "official" SteemPh Website.

Please let me be very clear. We at @SteemPh - Steemit Philippines - DO NOT support or endorse @yehey.

We know of him, but we do not know him.

@SteemPh is not only a group, but a brand and family we worked hard at building and to see someone, who has never been a part of the Steemit Philippines, claim they will be making the "Official" SteemPh website and THEN finding out he did in fact register it way back in August..

It makes me wonder what kind of human being is this? And what is going on?!

Have a read through the comments here and see if you can make sense of things.

Is this what passes for a Witness these days?

I know there's been a lot of witness dramas lately with the bots and everything, but seriously? This too? Who is voting for this guy?!

Moving Forward.

Every one, please note the Official Steemit Philippines accounts are the following


Steemit National Account: @steemph
Steemit Philippines Branch Accounts: @steemph.cebu @steemph.iligan @steemph.manila @steemph.davao
Official Facebook Page:
Official Twitter:
Official Instagram:

NOTE: While writing this post, I and a few others who have been monitoring @yehey noted he has changed his profile photo, and removed my graphics from the link above and also off his website. Regardless, the community needs to be aware of this.

Addition: 17.11.17 Seems no longer redirects to



Thank you for the following information. I was made aware of this post by a resteem from @ausbitbank.

The Philippines community is an important one on Steem. I know that the Filipino are very present on many social networks and Steem is no different which is a good thing and I think will be of great benefit for everyone.

I'm glad to support the Filipino community through my support of Terry @surpassinggoogle and many other community members. It's impossible to keep up on everything that is happening on Steem but I do my best to know as much as possible.

Take care @bearone

Damnit, sorry for that last ping/delete, posted the following while logged into the wrong account :)

Don't worry, @bearone is tenacious and when she discovered this, she handled it like a champ. She let me know (first I think) and I went to talk to Yehey who acted like an absolute clown (putting it gently) about it in private channels, even as I only professionally approached him kindly to try and sort out the misunderstanding. It took less than 24 hours to shut down the behavior, I think, because he knows Bear and I are both somewhat influential and well known and we both came at him from good cop/bad cop angles. In the end, the truth won out.

The truth ALWAYS wins out, it might take three important people out and take two months to unfold, but the truth ALWAYS wins out ;) You know what I mean?

Substance and honesty and transparent behavior and fighting for good. That's where the true spirit of the platform is, and I appreciate you keeping an eye out for those who adhere to these principles.

You are a good man Sir. It's unfortunate I can't see you more often in social environments. But you know how it is, when people have secrets and honest people know them, honest people aren't welcome where the secrets live anymore LOL :D

Actually I dont remember what number you were but the first person I messaged was ausbitbank and that was around 1am thursday morning while SteemPh was still on AMA. And he was instant in his reply.

The next morning I messaged you because I remember seeing yehey on your server and it was like the Universe was looking down at that momemt wasnt it? 😊

Soon after you had a word we started seeing all my images coming down. But the website was still up and redirecting.

Around the time I posted this, the website was finally down.

I am tenacious. And I dont believe we are hopeless. I suppose we are if we keep believing we are and theres nothing we can do.

Ill keep going until something happens. And in this case I am happy people are aware of yehey and the shifty things hes doing.

Oh I tried being diplomatic, but when he went shitty on me about yall, he became the first person I ever banned from my shiney new YAH discord.

Lol got the honors of being the first person to be booted off eh? 😀

Thanks for having our back @sircork ❤ We really appreciate it.

People who deserve it get undying devotion. People who suck, get a really raw SirCork to cope with. ;)

I know what you mean.

Thank you very much for stopping by @teamsteem. @ausbitbank is a true gem.

Thank you also for your very kind words regarding the Filipino community here on Steemit and your support of our boy Terry. I can only imagine how busy you are. It means a lo that you took the time to comment.

Thank you @teamsteem. I really appreciate it.

Haha. Yeah. I remember "back in the days" when we would check in daily on his roll calls... until I realized there really isnt something solid on that so-called 'team'. @steemph though, is a community that really promotes for the Filipino steemiams with a high end goal for the Philippines itself. Now, THAT is something we all Filipinos should support.

Thanks for always being actively on the lookout @bearone! ❤

Ps- no, for me, this is NOT something that passes on as a witness. Not even on an average. Being witness is not just about running servers. There must be a real, passionate involvement for the community.

Yeh!!!! I checked in a couple of times myself until I felt weird vibes. lol

No comment on the "team" tho ;)

I'm so happy you feel that way about our Family. We do try our best.

The biggest selling point to #SteemPh is the beautiful people like yourself who contribute and support the platform and our community.

I agree with your views on witnesses, in fact I've decided to start over and remove my votes on a few until I can review and observe them prior to giving them my vote.

I feel our witness votes are very important and we should use it carefully and wisely.

Lol. Yeah. Nuf said about the "team". Let's focus on our growing "family!"

Good luck to @steemph. Im always here... lurking around. 😅😍

Why are you lurking around lola? We miss u on discord.

ayayay! daming ganap sa buhay lola. I'm even struggling to keep up on a daily post. I do pass by on discord from time to time though, just to say hello and run off. huhu. I know I am missing out on a lot of fun, hope to catch up soonest!

Sige sige..all the best lola. Hope matapos din, the soonest.
Chin up lang. Fighting!

thank you lola @immarojas...

I remember "back in the days" when we would check in daily on his roll calls... until I realized there really isnt something solid on that so-called 'team'.

I was one of those checking in on his roll calls too but grew tired of it. lol

Haha you and the rest of us.

Maybe we should have told him months ago to stop with the stupid roll calls?

😂 So nice of you if you told him. Because if the mischievous me will decide, I'll just let him be. Assuming the roll calls were not automate, it will take a couple of minutes of his time from bothering us.

Obviously, your suggestion is better. ;)

I agree on this. Especially there is no consensus or approval by the admins about it. Plus there is no coordination in terms of the overall look of the design.

Thank you Jass! Absolutely no approval from any of us and you know our website would look tons better than that when we launch it ;)

WOW! I wasn't here back in the day, I am still pretty new. But this is downright underhanded, and dirty. When I think of a witness I think of people who are dedicated to making steem a better place and attracting more to the fold, and helping newbies like me. But anywhere this would be considered a total weasel move, and is that the kind of people we want representing the brand.

A weasel!! I think not!

I think not too! and thank you! I have been trying to describe it and you nailed it with this.

" downright underhanded, and dirty"

I call them as I see them. I always try to see both sides on such issues, but this was blatant. I would be livid over it.
God Bless you @bearone :)

I was livid.. Dropped a few F bombs.. But I've calmed down a lot since :)

Love and Light to you brother <3

And i was just thinking like "indecent, dishonest and immoral"
Need to read on vocabularies 😂

Love and Light to you all <3

To us all lola...we all need that. Of course, to some, it's badly needed.

Some people have no shame or culture at all. They just look at how to use and cheat on someone. I do not like such people.

I hear you @silviamiller. I dont like those sort of people too.

I hope you are having a great friday, thanks for stopping by <3

Aww. This is noted. good thing i havent voted for him yet as a witness. people nowadays..

Thank you :) This post's aim is awareness, the more people who are aware the better.

i saw the exchange of comments from his post and it was ridiculous. that guy is seriously something. i hope you wont let the negativity ruin your day! ☺️❤

heheh i love the way you put it.. he sure is something alright hehe

Thank you <3 I'm ok :) This post was my release and move on post. We hopefully have some big news coming up in @SteemPh :)

He got the nerve, didn't he?
Though his comment of building the steemph website is already blurred.

I thought yehey was a woman?.HE upvoted my post once. gleng nyang mag benta sis:) MAn@$ nde ko agad kinagat nagtataka lang ako sis bat ganon content nya. ahhh ahhh not me. Thanks @bearone for sharing this post.
Keep smilin'

Did you read the 1st link in momi's post???

yes nay, I kennat #$%$%^ grabe ang fez d ko kinaya haha tsk tsk
baka naman iisa lang to saka yong si maliit na bata anobeyen haha

@sunnylife ❤❤❤ I though he was a she too! For months!! 😁😁

Thanks for stopping by sis xxx

maybe both?hehehe (joke) I'll resteem this. I forgot it last night:(
have a lovely weekend po:)


This is a very angering situation and I'm only empathising. I can't imagine that range of emotions you went through.

How can he take control of the Steemph website to have it redirect to his website? If a website is already registered, no one can take that site and redirect it to another site. That part confuses me.

That person is like an energy vampire, always asking fro more, never giving credit where it's due, and taking advantage.

The logos you made were for Steemit purposes but still, he could have credited you at least once or twice. I would flip if someone used my logos, then again, those are registered. But even fair use stuff, there are standards to be respected and this guy is clearly not respecting the Steemit etiquette, your boundaries, and the general rules regarding fair use.

Can something be done about the website?

Hi @binkyprod

Thank you for empathising :)

He owns steemph.COM. We own steemph.ORG. He was going to launch the "official" website for the community.. A community that he has nothing to do with and a community that does not recognise him as a member.

He has been taking advantage and in hindsight I should have flagged him a long time ago, I am just not in a habit flagging people.

All graphics I have created for the community are for the Steemit communities and their members and have always been free to use with optional credit :) So really in that regard I don't mind.

What I did take exception to was his announcement that he will be launching the official steemph website.

That. Is a whole different ball game.

I get it. The official Steemph website has already been established and it's the .org one.

Basically he's completely disregarding the official site and decided to make a new one, his own one, but it's not new and original,nit's more of a copy cat site. His disregard to the site that already exists which is deemed official by its members , I imagine would be very insulting to the actual members of that community.

I looked at the comments of his post and what other people were saying and how he responds. He's a piece of work. Bin him.

I hope you succeed in getting rid of this troll.

The site hasn't been made we currently have it redirecting to our @steemph page. However we did purchase it before him.

We are a not for profit organisation and therefore .org was our preference.

That said. It still doesnt make sense why he would register when he's doing teamphilippines rollcalls if he is telling the truth about not knowing about us prior to him buying the domain.

Again theres that question.

Why would you buy

Thank you so much for the support. He is truly a piece of work.

Yeah, I saw that his answers contradict his claims. The evidence lies there, in his inconcsistancies. The more we are made aware of this person's activities, the less power and influence he can have.

Thanks for the reminder post. It is sad that it has come to this.

Thanks for stopping by @darthnava. It is sad, but at least we can all be aware of the situation now.

After I looked into it a bit it appears he was just trying to claim a buncha groups early on to take advantage of trying to grab witness votes. He's based in the US trying to create teamusa, teamaustralia and teamphillipines groups. There's only one Steemph and it's well established and strong. From what I gather noone from there wants anything to do with him so why he's trying to bother u is beyond me? We all know and love @bearone, u could run for witness right now and grab 10x more votes than he's got. I hope he leaves you guys alone, good luck my Phillipino friends 😎

awwww we love you @goldenarms

Thank you so much for yours and #teamcanada's support.

Me either! I have no idea what he's all of a sudden popping his head up telling people he's making the official website.. like what is going on? lol

I hope this is the end of the yehey drama.

Thank you my friend xox

Follow me and upvote my posts, I'll follow you too 😝

Followed!! Follow me?
Just so u know..there are ghost and dead followers

Please to send me 10sbd, I will replay you with 100000000 followers.

I think u're missing another 0

Nah, I have to keep a 0 back for myself. Or I won't have a hole lot left.

I suppose A hole is more than enough 🤣

Don't let a person bring you down or the group down. What matters is you have the platform and voice to speak out about the issue and you will be heard. He, on the other hand, doesn't have that platform.

Thank you @jon24jon24. This is just a tiny bump on the road we drove over. We're back to full steem ahead and hoping to launch 2 more branches before christmas. I wonder if you know anyone who can help us with that?

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